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XHTML CSS » 7 top advices to program like a master. I’d like to share some of the good programming habits I’ve acquired and still struggle to master everyday. Don’t expect me to give you some regex voodoo here, just some simple advices which if followed will bring you for sure happiness and productivity. 1# Use and improve your learning of a good text editor I’m not talking about IDEs. Period. 2# Use a version control system Again, it’s not for a backup purpose. 3# Never reinvent the wheel Sometimes when we’re stuck in a problem we dig and dig struggle to find by ourselves the solution. 4# Use todo lists. There’s a delicate difference between the words “complicated” and “complex”. 5# (E)books are good but… But not when you have 30 on the same subject. 6# You’re not bored, you’re just stupid. Sometimes, even with the greatest will a man can have, you’ll feel bored. 7# Be kind with yourself and smile You’re a human chap!

P.S. P.P.S. Commenting is closed for this article. Validator. 正确使用XHTML的冒险 [转载] - Flyingis. 原文: 作者: Roger Johansson 翻译: Neo ( )修正: JunChen JunChen 注:omemo.net网站似乎已经挂掉,链接都失效了。 文章写得非常不错,一直是Best of 456 Berea Street。 在这里发布的时候我进行了少量代码上和翻译上的修改,以忠实原著。 我使用XHTML有些年了,但直至去年夏天我才着眼于如何正确使用,那就是说,以application/xhtml+xml的MIME类型来伺服(server)它。 虽然我遇到了这些问题,但我知道问题远非如此。 就如你即将发现的一样,当你开始使用真正的XHTML,你会遭遇很多似乎细小但让人困惑的问题。 请注意这不是一篇讨论支持或反对使用XHTML的文章。 只有在问题发生的时候,我才有机会去了解和认识这些东西。 注意我这里提及的问题只会发生在能正确处理application/xhtml+xmlMIME类型的用户代理中,而因此XHTML被作为XML。 今天,实际上把XHTML伺服为application/xhtml+xml正慢慢变得平常。

使用Firefox,Mozilla,Opera,Safari和其他兼容XHTML浏览器的人数增加了很多,所以你不再仅仅为自己和伙伴这样做。 假如你,像我,决定实现某些类型的content negotiation和在传送XHTML的时候使用正确的媒体类型,你需要知道什么能(和将)在你发布的文档中发生,并且知道怎样避免问题的发生。 每一个基本的教程都有一些HTML和XHTML的明显区别:元素和属性名字使用小写,属性值总要用引号。 良好的结构是必须的 文档必须是良好的结构(well-formed)的XML(跟合法的(valid)XHTML不必然相同)。 如果文档结构不好,符合标准的浏览器(当前我知道Mozilla,Firefox,Netscape,Camino,Opera,Safari和OmniWeb——相当多的浏览器除了IE)将会显示错误信息并且以某种方式中止处理文档。 此外,这还意味着不再使用未编码的"&"号。

XML声明可能是必须的 只有五个实体是安全的 引入样式元素. The future of HTML, Part 2: XHTML 2.0. Xform. 2 Introduction to XForms XForms has been designed on the basis of several years' experience with HTML forms. HTML forms have formed the backbone of the e-commerce revolution, and having shown their worth, have also indicated numerous ways they could be improved. The primary difference when comparing XForms with HTML forms, apart from XForms being in XML, is the separation of the data being collected from the markup of the controls collecting the individual values. By doing this, it not only makes XForms more tractable by making it clear what is being submitted where, it also eases reuse of forms, since the underlying essential part of a Form is no longer irretrievably bound to the page it is used in.

A second major difference is that XForms, while designed to be integrated into XHTML, is no longer restricted only to be a part of that language, but may be integrated into any suitable markup language. Strong typing XML submission Existing schema re-use External schema augmentation 2.1 An Example. Xhtml 2.0. W3C Working Group Note 16 December 2010 This version: Latest public version: Previous version: Diff-marked version: xhtml2-diff.html Editors: Mark Birbeck, Sidewinder Labs Markus Gylling, DAISY Consortium Shane McCarron, Applied Testing and Technology Steven Pemberton, CWI (XHTML 2 Working Group Co-Chair) Editors (while chartered as the HTML Working Group): Jonny Axelsson, Opera Software Micah Dubinko, Invited Expert Beth Epperson, Websense Masayasu Ishikawa, W3C Ann Navarro, Invited Expert Steven Pemberton, CWI This document is also available in these non-normative formats: Single XHTML file, PostScript version, PDF version, ZIP archive, and Gzip'd TAR archive.

Copyright © 2001-2010 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. Abstract XHTML 2 is a general-purpose markup language designed to represent documents for a wide range of purposes across the World Wide Web. Xhtml 服务端 php. Posted by Neil Crosby on April 17, 2004 08:27 PM A lot of websites nowadays make sure that they validate to XHTML 1.0 or 1.1 standards. At least, they think they do. The sad fact is, that unless the correct mime type is being used, no browser will actually process your carefully put together XHTML as XHTML. Instead, it’s treated as tag soup, just as if you’d used any other doc type to identify your page. Of course, for most websites there’s no real reason to use XHTML in preference to HTML 4.01 - most people (myself included) really just use it to “look cool, and be uber-geeky”. However, if you’re going to say you’re using XHTML, then please make sure you use it properly.

The aim of this article is to show you how to use PHP to control the mime type given to your users’ web browsers for your XHTML pages. What is the correct mime type for XHTML? According to the W3C’s note on XHTML media types: All XHTML variants should be sent out with the “application/xhtml+xml” mime type.

Q Values <? MSN goes CSS. In conjunction with the launch of Microsoft’s new search effort, MSN gets a pretty significant makeover. Significant, not because of the new look, nor because of the multi-million-dollar ad campaign which will attempt to oust Google out of the #1 search spot. But because the underpinnings of the home page represent a considerable move toward web standards. Now, bear in mind, (in my opinion) the new visual design of MSN is quite uninspired.

It’s drab and boxy. (No offense to the designer, if there even was one.) Looks like it may have gone directly from a Product Manager’s sketch to the developer who coded it. The design certainly offers nothing new or innovative, and looks like it’s following Google and Yahoo, obviously trying to play catch-up. Despite a lack of interest in the visual design, I see several interesting things going on here worthy of mention, and to which we should pay attention: XHTML 1.0 Strict CSS for layout; improved semantics Upgrade message Why does MSN look like this?