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Ranking Web 2.0 sites by server latency. Server latency is the start of the battle for site performance. There are great tutorials on how to optimise your html, but if your server takes too long sending the bytes out in the first place, there's nothing the browser can do but wait. It gets even worse. Server latency directly affects your site's hardware requirements. Slow html, in some sense, is the user's problem; their browser will spin trying to render your spaghetti css. For example, if your server returns a page in 50ms, it can pump out 20 of those a second. Just for review here recall that 1 millisecond = 1/1000th of a second. 50ms = 1/20th of a second 250ms = 1/4 of a second 500ms = 1/2 of a second The human eye's threshold for perceiving latency is about 50ms. (Making a leap here... I'd recommend the following performance yardstick for server latency: 50ms = pretty good 250ms = ave/sluggish, but still OK >500ms = your site is slow as molasses So how does the rest of the net stack up?

There is a huge range -- 100X! Prototip - Tooltips for prototype. Intro Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype javascript framework. If you also use Scriptaculous you can even add some nice effects to them. A new version of this script is available, check out the Prototip 2 website for all the details. Upgrading to Prototip 2 is recommended, the 1.x version will no longer be upgraded.

News Prototip 1.3 - Ajax tooltips April 15 - 2008 : Nick Stakenburg Finally Ajax tooltips that just work! If you have feedback or feature requests, leave a message on the Forum . Enjoy! Demos 1 : A simple tooltip 2 : Add a title 3 : Add offset 4 : Fixed positioning 5 : A different target 6 : Hooking! 8 : Effects! 9 : More effects 10 : Delay (500ms) 11 : Click me! 12 : Links 13 : Toggle (click) 14 : Custom events 15 : Style with CSS 16 : Element as tooltip 17 : Auto hide 18 : Stay within the viewport 19 : Ajax tooltip Installation Include Prototype in your header. If you want to make the filesize smaller, have a look at Protopacked . How to use. Step by step CSS float tutorial. What are the best 100 Web 2.0 sites and services? We don't.

Yahoo! Pipes and The Web As Database. Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. In this post Alex tests out and explores the emergent world of Yahoo! Pipes. He sees some interesting parallels with Relational Databases in the 90's, concluding that with pipes, the Web essentially becomes a giant database that can be queried and remixed in any number of ways. One of the central concepts in Complex Systems is Emergence. It is this automagical process through which elements of a system give rise to a higher order system.

While the exact mechanics of emergence is complicated and far from being completely understood, scientists know that a new system emerges as a combination of its elements and their interactions. Perhaps today we are witnessing one of the most vivid examples of emergence - the remixing of the world wide web. What is new though is the recent systematic thinking about the web as a database. Ye Olde Relational Databases The Web is just a vast database of information. Microsoft Access Circa 1999 Yahoo! » Tracking the DIY phenomenon Part 1: Widgets, badges, and gadge. One of the hallmarks of a good Web 2.0 site is one that hands over non-essential control to users, letting them contribute content, participate socially, and even fundamentally shape the site itself. The premise is that users will do a surprising amount of the hard work necessary to make the site successful, right down to creating the very information the site offers to its other users and even inviting their friends and family members to use it.

Web 2.0 newcomers MySpace and YouTube have shown how this can be done on a mass scale surprisingly quickly, and of course older generation successes like eBay and craigslist have been doing this for years. Particularly younger, Web-savvy users have been encrusting their blogs and MySpace profiles with things like badges and widgets for a while now, especially now that a significant number of Web sites have opened up their content to let users do this.

Motivation, Benefits, and Business Models Considerations when designing widgets. Top 25 Web 2.0 Search Engines. Online search is now a multi-billion dollar industry, with Google alone grossing over $3.5 billion in profits last year. It’s no wonder why so many newcomers are hopping on the search bandwagon, hoping to become the next Google. And those new search engines that may stand the best chance to become the next Google all share one common element — the use of Web 2.0 technology that they hope will increase search result relevance. We’ve picked out of favorite ones for college students so try them out for your next paper, online college rankings search, project, accredited online schools search or personal entertainment. Here are 25 such engines. Some offer functionality that’s slowly making its way into traditional search engines.

Others further the attempt to traverse the invisible Web and index other previously unsearchable research sources. Mashups and Tagging Many of the new search engines use the modular functionality of Web 2.0: mash together several services and add new features. Like. 宝宝树__注册. 2007年web开发技术预言 - [Matrix - 与 Java 共舞] 友播 - 总结篇:Blogger beta 技巧/教程. Apache上的防图片/mp3盗链配置:mod_rewrite it. 我已经放弃了对妮妮的芝华士这篇文章的追赶:截至目前已经有460个留言。 这篇文章给服务器带来的负载如果不看日志分析也是很难想像的: 今年以来:通过这个/archives/000445.html 页面找到访问的有 7.7万次 而,网站上hosting的MP3总体流量流量:缺高达57万次(172G流量),这些流量大部分来自跨网站的MP3下载盗链和在线播放器的直接播放:mp3 Audio file 574061 36.8 % 172.19 G字节 60.1 % jpg Image 306660 19.6 % 49.93 G字节 17.4 % html HTML or XML static page 214103 13.7 % 20.93 G字节 7.3 % css Cascading Style Sheet file 151239 9.7 % 1.80 G字节 0.6 % rdf 140569 9 % 878.08 M字节 0.2 % rar Archive 133265 8.5 % 38.63 G字节 13.5 % 200G流量是什么概念?

按照目前业内最高性价比的Amazon S3在线存储/发布服务:200G * 0.2$/G = 40$,不要小看这40$,这一个文件的发布费用已经超过了niernier.com网站目前规模靠AdSense可能获得的收入的一半。 (年收入¥=日独立用户数),而带宽资源上目前还没有免费的午餐。 浏览器的分布:可以看到有大量来自在线播放的流量。 MS Internet Explorer 否 987915 63.4 %NetShow Player (media player) 否 286855 18.4 % Real player or compatible (media player) 否 37872 2.4 % Windows Media Player (media player) 否 4721 0.3 % 如果仔细分析会发现:很多是包在基于FLASH的在线播放器中的,下载==>在线收听是在线流媒体过去2年最大的变化之一。

盗链对于商业模式的损害: 对于发布MP3/图片的网站来说,如果MP3/图片被盗链主要是以下2个来源: MP3搜索引擎 ==> 在线收听/MP3下载 非宿主网页盗链 ==> 在线收听/下载 参考:Apache 防盗链指南. 浅析163首页改版,个人的不客观看法--渐行渐远. 网易变脸,有些东西看来用户已经习惯 - 鱼网·盛传媒体 >> 盛传博客. 刻录事 » Blog Archive » 互联网对六度间隔现象的改变. : Public marks. How to Save the World. XIN AJAX Rich Live Desktop - AJAX Desktop - AJAX Live. 换物网--中国首家专业网上换物平台...............分享·体验·把你闲置的物品分享出来,换取你需要的东西,和我们一起. Top 10 Web Developer Libraries - Cameron Olthuis. Web2.0新体验,web2.0导航 - 让大家一起来体验web2.0及ajax技术吧 Let's go...

Web2.0个人桌面-个性化新体验! Solidot - 无需懂API,也能定制自己的google地图. Andy’s Blog » 推荐几个web2.0的开源项目. 24eyes - The Premium RSS Dashboard on the Internet. Design Pattern Library. UI Library. 039;s Blog-[发现]全3D的SNS应用,推荐! 拖吧. 33 Resources on Complete List of Web 2.0 Products and Services - 谈谈微软、浏览器和WEB标准技术的推广问题 - 7th Heaven - - by Meltifa. 星汉 » 引爆流行:Web2.0的传播理论. Home. 最新国外WEB2.0应用. Web2.0 - extended mindcloudmap. Face recognition. 用Web标准进行开发. 内容 1. 简介 本文阐述了 Web 标准是如何使一个开发者建设网站更加的节省时间与金钱,如何使浏览者获得更好的浏览体验,以及他们的原因。 同时,讨论中还涉及到一些方法,准则和好的实例用来帮助您建设一个对尽可能多的人都充满亲和力的高质量网站。 2. 在90年代后期,当互联网和 Web 逐渐成为主流时,Web浏览器的开发商还没有完全的支持 CSS(层叠式样式表,对于 Web 开发人员来说,他们可以用 CSS 来控制 HTML 文档的表现)。 由于浏览器缺乏对 CSS 的支持,加上一些美术师需要以设计印刷品的方式来控制页面的外观,导致他们为了控制网页的视觉表现而滥用HTML。 由于 HTML 根本就不是用来控制文档外观的,导致大量的乱码、非法代码、浏览器的专用代码和属性就被随意的使用了。 新版本的 Web 浏览器的发布,使得对 CSS 的支持得到了加强与扩展,但是并没有达到它应有的水平。 3. 什么是 Web 标准? Web 标准是一些规范的集合,是由 W3C 和其他的标准化组织共同制定的,以用它来创建和解释基于 Web 的内容。 结构化语言 表现类语言 对象模型 脚本语言 ECMAScript 262 (JavaScript的标准化版本) 本文关注的是 XHTML 1.0 Strict(代表结构)、CSS Level 1 和 Level 2(代表表现)、ECMAScript 262(代表脚本--并不是指那些脚本的例子)。

当一个文档被认为离 Web 标准不远了的时候,那就意味着,除了具有上面所提到的技术,还应当: 由符合标准的 XHTML 组成 用 CSS 来布局而不是表格 使用结构化、语义化的标记 能够在任何浏览器中显示 注意,“能够在任何浏览器中显示”并不意味着“在任何一个浏览器中显示的效果相同”。 为什么要使用 Web 标准? 一些 Web 开发人员和 Web 设计师对使用 Web 标准持抵触态度。 学习新的技术并放弃您所熟知的技术,这很容易引起情绪上的反感,并产生抵触的情绪。 更简易的开发与维护: 使用更具有语义和结构化的 HTML,将让您更加容易、快速的理解他人编写的代码。 Web 标准可以为网站的创建者节省时间与金钱,还可以为网站的浏览者提供一个更好的体验。 相关文章: 校验 校验是一个控制的过程,在这个过程中,文档必须遵守语言的规则。 规范是网页开发中的一个重要部分。 不幸的是,许多人并不校验他们的文档。

Web 2.0 Validator : We're the dot in Web 2.0. Untitled. Untitled. 看完了 WebWork 支持 Ajax 的 presentation ( WebWork 对于 Ajax 的支持主要是通过引入新的 tag 来实现的。 但是根据目前的文档看来,这几个 tag 的能力还相当有限。 这些 tag 能做几件事情: 1、动态刷新页面中的某一部分。 这一部分封装在一个 div 中,通过轮循方式或者事件触发的方式来改变其内容。 理论上可以在 div 内放入任何内容。 2、通过一个 a 超链接或 submit 按钮来执行一段 JavaScript,并且可以触发一个事件。 目前看来基本上只能做这几件事情。 WebWork 使用的 Dojo 库目前还缺少很重要的一块——对于 DataGrid 的支持。 Developer Center: ASP.NET for Designers: Building ASP.NET 2.0 We.