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Sjoerd Visscher's weblog - I had accesskeys for the tabs at the top of this site, but Mark Wubben reminded me that this was very annoying, mainly because alt-d was one of them (the shortcut to focus the address bar). This makes me think that using accesskeys in webpages is not a very good idea, because you never know what the favorite shortcut keys of your visitor are.

If you're wondering what a base URI is for, you'll always end up being directed to RFC 3986 , but you won't find much. Section 5.1 just says: “The term "relative" implies that a "base URI" exists against which the relative reference is applied.”. But that there's more to it becomes apparent when same-document references come into play.

One example is Tim Bray 's atom feed . Ongoing As the base URI is already " the link to Tim's homepage can be the empty URI. So it seems you can't just use any base URI, but only the original URI of the content. [Update] Here's another example of base URI abuse in Atom. To recap: 基于PHP抓取MSN SPACE的RSS信息_脉络印象 - 简单PHP个人博客系统简体中文版. 主流的PHP blog系统_难得糊涂. 039;s blog-[Welcome to xhlv's blog] 十大最佳WordPress插件推荐. WordPress是使用PHP语言和MySQL数据库开发的一个极为流行的Blog(博客、网志)系统,功能非常强大,插件和模板众多,易于扩充功能。 安装和使用都非常方便。 目前WordPress已经成为主流的Blog搭建平台。 WordPress Plugin扩展插件众多,使用这些插件可以轻松的扩展和定制WordPress的功能,由于WordPress插件实在太多,因此对于初学者来说会看得眼花缭乱,因此我这里就介绍十个我自己觉得不错的WordPress插件,我挑选的规则是插件的功能要实用且高效,有些插件如果占用过多系统资源,我就不会介绍。 通过这些插件,希望能对刚接触WordPress的朋友有所帮助。 反垃圾留言:Akismet 一个很不错的反垃圾留言插件,总体来说效果还可以,有时候会有误判和漏判,大多数情况下可以拦截垃圾留言和评论,使用前需要先申请一个WordPress.Com的API KEY才行。 缓存和静态化:cos-html-cache 做为一个WordPress静态化插件,cos-html-cache可以将首页和文章页自动生成静态HTML文件,提高了系统的性能,减少了WordPress占用的系统资源,虽然目录页没有静态化,不过也可以安装WP Super Cache来配合使用。

计数统计:WP-PostViews WP-PostViews是一个文章计数统计插件,可以在文章中显示浏览数,还提供了一些统计功能,比如一定时间内浏览最多,评论最多等等,占用的系统资源也不多。 页面导航:WP-PageNavi. Ajax Tutorials. JavaScript, Programming, and Web Applications. Vimpress. CSS Reference. Cheat Sheets.

Mint: A Fresh Look at your Site. 如何写好WordPress日志16条 at Prototype 1.6.0 release candidat. How JavaScript is Slowing Down the Web (And What To Do About It) A single line of JavaScript is what powers a lot of blogging technologies these days.

How JavaScript is Slowing Down the Web (And What To Do About It)

Widgets, sharing tools, visitors tracking, advertisers. In many cases a single line of JavaScript is all that a blogger needs to add a new technology to their blog. The problem is what happens when a lot of these single lines of JavaScript come together... There is a well-known phenomenon in physics called non-linearity: When a lot of different things interact with each other, the outcome is hard to predict. Software is no different - when you put together a lot of components, you just do not know what you are going to get. In this post we'll take a look at what is causing pages to hang from too many single lines of javascript; and what can be done about it.

Bloggers - the Unsuspecting Victims Widgets are the new black and microchunking content is here to stay. Widgets are fairly easy to install if you are familiar with HTML and your blogging platform. Not All Widgets are Implemented Equal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 白鸦 » 用户体验设计师要在项目之初就参与进去.. BloggingPro China. Templates pour Blogger. Autoblog 简体中文版 — Autoblog Simplified Chinese. Engadget 简体中文版 — Engadget Simplified Chinese. 在路上… Wordpress简明使用指南. Chicklet Creator 2 : Feed Subscription Button Maker - RSS Button.

Mobile. I'm Vlog 影音日誌. BlogPeople - ブログ情報ポータル. UGiA.CN. PODCAST PODIUM 播客宝典. Netvibes. » 2006年我最希望看到的6个中文网络服务. Apartment party 2. Firefox内的Blog发布工具 - WebLeOn's Blog. 酒吧. 北京的酒吧爱扎堆,三四百家酒吧,大多分布在朝阳区和海淀区的少数几个地方。


现在,我就带你走一 趟。 ,我要收向导费哦! 三里屯 提到北京酒吧,不能不提三里屯,从1989年这里出现第一家酒吧算起,经过10年多的发展, 三里屯周遍三公里一带已经聚集了北京百分之七十的酒吧。 三里屯地区最早的酒吧出现在南三里屯,而形成气候、名声最响的是三里屯北街。 胡子决定编程语言运势(<程序员2005年第一期文章) - 孟岩. 2005年第一期《程序员》上,由我策划组织,当时在我社工作的方茜小姐执笔,发表了一篇很有意思的文章《胡子决定编程语言运势》。

胡子决定编程语言运势(<程序员2005年第一期文章) - 孟岩

事后很长时间,我的不少朋友都还对这篇文章记忆犹新,左轻侯老弟甚至评价说这篇八卦是《程序员》 5年来最精彩的一篇文章。 虽说有些言过其实,不过我也觉得这是我们程序员文化中难得的一篇精彩八卦,可以为我们的聚会提供很好的谈资,甚至应该成为我们这个群体的集体记忆。 因此,在这篇文章发表将近一年之后,我将该文的底稿(与最后的发表稿件有很大差别)发表在自己的blog里,希望有更多的同行看到,博君一笑而已。 感谢云风转换图片并且提供网上 图片存储空间! 原作发表于《程序员》杂志2005年第一期 素材、策划:孟岩 执笔:方茜 (取材自: C#会前途黯淡,只因大胡子惹的祸?! Round 1.