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John Resig - JavaScript Programmer

John Resig - JavaScript Programmer

Sending redis traffic through an SSL tunnel with stunnel Lately if you have been paying attention to tech or even mainstream media you might have seen a few stories about data breaches. Sometimes these data breaches have allowed attackers to gather unencrypted passwords or credit card numbers. In the past these types of attacks still happened, but there was not as many attacks as today and when they happened they were kept secret. With more and more internet based services becoming part of peoples lives, there is even more targets for attackers who are looking to get sensitive data.

Processing.js Checking Types in Javascript Have you ever wondered: what is the correct way to check if a Javascript variable is an Array? Do a Google search and you will get a great variety of answers. And, unfortunately, there's is no correct answer. This is one of the sad things about Javascript, not only are there many varying implementations of the language, there are also many varying opinions about how things should be done. Enough philosophizing and feeling sorry about the state of things. With this article, I will trying to give a comprehensive overview of the different techniques of checking-types in Javascript, the pros and cons of each and why they exist. A practical introduction to functional programming at Mary Rose Cook Many functional programming articles teach abstract functional techniques. That is, composition, pipelining, higher order functions. This one is different. It shows examples of imperative, unfunctional code that people write every day and translates these examples to a functional style.

Agility.js Javascript MVC library Understanding Error Messages in JavaScript When I began coding, error messages used to induce fear in me. I was afraid that each message was informing me of a convoluted problem; moreover, I was afraid that I couldn't resolve these problems. Where would I even begin? I eventually calmed down and let my eyes guide me towards a natural starting point: An error message. This observation was enlightening for me.

PhD Student in Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins Last semester, John Muschelli and I had to collaborate on two class projects, one consisting of writing a report for a DNA methylation data analysis, the other about presenting a fascinating paper on the asymptotics of subsampling estimators. That means we had 3 latex documents — one article and two beamer presentations that we were simultaneously working on every day (and every night). Synchronizing the files, even if we both use regularly version control (like GitHub or BitBucket), would have been a nightmare: who really wants to commit every 30 seconds? Thankfully, John knew about shareLatex, and I called it an end-of-semester miracle. Here is why shareLatex is awesome:

ilinsky/xmlhttprequest - GitHub Arguments object The arguments object is an Array-like object corresponding to the arguments passed to a function. SyntaxEdit arguments The Geek Stuff How does sort function work in JavaScript, along with compare function Autarchy of the Private Cave Is there a way to create a function from a string with javascript? A blog about algorithms, combinatorics, and optimization applications in global health informatics.
