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F l a p t r a p s   a r t .              - H o m e . . . Kim Sokol ARTBLOG. Saskia Gutekunst. DrawingPaper. Joon Ahn. Inkling. I Don't Like Wet Socks. Mikael bourgouin. Flowerzz. 去年为罗永浩画的罗永浩。 Smartisan海报。 大图2000×1145像素 以下摘自冰与火之歌中文维基: 提利昂非常喜爱读书,善于思考,富有谋略。 提利昂是一个侏儒,双腿粗短畸形,头大得不合比例,前额突出,容貌丑陋,两只眼珠一黑一碧,一头长直头发几乎金亮成白,下巴上长着褐色和金黄色交错的胡须。 由于我对这个角色的偏爱,并没有把他画得很丑,反而有些可爱。 同时对于剧集中Peter Dinklage的演技我个人认为是无可挑剔的。 Saskia Gutekunst. Keane Art. It’s weird, it seems that when you run up against a problem, you always think it’s because “oh I’m not good enough”.

But- it’s not that, it’s just that you’ve kind of hit the limit of your knowledge, and you’ve got to go out and observe and get and find and discover and nothing more. Those are really great, those are the best times- when you feel like you stink and you can’t get it- that’s like, man, now the world is open and you’re ready to learn something new and you gotta go, you gotta take advantage of that. I have been Inspired by your art for years. But my question is this what is it that you believe makes your art stand out the most compared to the men who came before you and really paved the way for this wonderful art form. I'm trying to be more original but I feel like my art is just not strong enough. I’m not affiliated with Glen Keane, Claire Keane, or Disney in anyway. MONAUX ~ Constant Curiosity Conveyor. Sね. Chapter 56. Visual-Poetry. Home | gallery. Paint And Brush. A kevin wada art blog. The Animation Student Collective Blog. : Nimit Malavia. Dewey Draws! Mingzhu Yang - MingzhuYang - CGHUB.