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'? Pedig ez történt. Túlságosan felpörgetett a könyv, és borzasztóan izgalmas volt. Legalábbis számomra nagyon. Thoughts on John Irvings A Prayer for Owen Meany / 1997 - 2000 Barb Troyer-Turvey. From circa 1995...

Thoughts on John Irvings A Prayer for Owen Meany / 1997 - 2000 Barb Troyer-Turvey

I've just finished reading A Prayer for Owen Meany again; the first time was about three years ago. Since I mention it on my home page, many people who have searched for Owen Meany or Irving have found my page and have written to me. Of course, I had forgotten many of the events that happened, and even some of the feel of it.

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