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Lindy Hop

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Lindy Hop. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Lindy Hop

Lindy Hop, Dax Hock et Sarah Breck, 2011 Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Origines[modifier | modifier le code] Entre 1910 et 1950, Harlem était un lieu où les gens de tout horizon, toutes couleurs et toutes classes se réunissaient. Le « Cotton Club » présentait des artistes noirs et accueillait la riche clientèle blanche et glamour pendant que la salle de bal « Savoy », ouverte en 1926, accueillait la clientèle plus modeste, à forte proportion noire. Lindy Hop. In its development, the Lindy Hop combined elements of both partnered and solo dancing by using the movements and improvisation of black dances along with the formal eight-count structure of European partner dances.

Lindy Hop

This is most clearly illustrated in the Lindy's basic step, the swingout. In this step's open position, each dancer is generally connected hand-to-hand; in its closed position, men and women are connected as though in an embrace. Revived in the 1980s by American, Swedish, and British dancers, the Lindy Hop is now represented by dancers and loosely affiliated grass roots organizations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Lindy Hop is sometimes referred to as a street dance, reflecting its evolution outside the centralised control of some organising agency. Contemporary Lindy Hop remains an evolving dance form with no centralised control.

Lindy Hop, The Original Swing Dance. Lindy Hop Moves. Swinging Projects for Lindy Hop & Balboa Dancers. Le 144 Dance Avenue, ecole de danse toulouse, cours rock toulouse, zumba toulouse, lindy hop salsa toulouse, cours de danse Toulouse, soiree danse, rock, swing, salsa. Studiohop - accueil. Herräng Dance Camp.