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Google Maps Without the Scripting. Posted by Tom Manshreck, Maps API Team If you're a regular reader of this blog, you probably already use the Google Maps API and love it as much as we do! But you may find it not useful for certain cases: the Google Maps API requires JavaScript, can take a while to load over slow connections, and requires some overhead to maintain a dynamic website. The Google Static Maps API provides a simpler way to add maps to your website. Rather than use JavaScript, the Google Static Maps API creates map images on the fly via simple requests to the Static Maps service with HTTP requests. To see how easy the Static Maps API is to use, note the image below: This image was created using the following simple <img> tag: (Note that you will need to replace the key parameter above with your own Maps API key.

When this blog post was displayed in your browser, the URL in the <img> tag was sent to the Static Maps service, which constructed an image based on the parameters passed in that URL. Google Maps Mania. Web Trend Map 4 by Information Architects Inc | Powered by OpenZ. GSV: Pan &amp; Scan. GMap Module. Module maintainer @podarok We are in CodeFreeze stage for 7.x-2.x as preparing and refactoring for #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap version Only bug and security fixes can be commited All feature requests should be filled against latest 7.x-2.x branch The GMap module provides an interface to the Google Maps API within Drupal.

It integrates with the Location module to provide users a clickable map for entering latitude and longitude, as well as to display maps of Drupal nodes and users. GMap can be used to create interactive maps with various map markers and content in map bubbles, taking advantage of Drupal's other content management features. Drupal 8 battleplan #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap versionSupported by Druler Drupal 8 battleplan #2139223: Drupal 8 gmap version The GMap package consists of the following modules: In order to use 7.x and earlier versions of this module, you need a (free) Google Maps API Browser key. 1. Supported by Druler.