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Pencil Test Depot. Speaking of Animation » Archive for year 2011. I had a chance to check out this past weekends animation offerings and I must say that I was thrilled with both. First was the Toy Story short Small Fry that is playing in front of The Muppets. This is the first animation I’ve seen from Pixar’s new studio Pixar Canada. It came out great and for a short the quality was right up there with the film. The story was fun and very entertaining. I can’t wait to see more out of that studio. I then went and saw Arthur Christmas. Let us know if you had a chance to see either of these two this past weekend and tell us what you thought in the comments below. Thanks, -Steve. How I Study Animation. If studying in school is essential to getting good grades, couldn't you say the same for creating good animation?

If you truly want to have better animation, you need to study. More importantly, do you know HOW TO STUDY? When I was a kid, getting good grades never came easy to me. No matter how much I read through all the material, I would still do poorly on my tests. It wasn't until my Mom showed me HOW TO STUDY, that things changed. I came upon the same realization very early in my career. I remember comparing my animations to the first Monsters Inc. "WHY CAN'T MY STUFF LOOK LIKE THAT? " Then it hit me. "just because this works for me, it doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you. "...because I'm dumb. SO LETS START STUDYING!!! In order to study, we need to study something.

With every shot or every test I animate, I try to learn something new and get something out of it. For this demonstration I have selected a shot from the movie THE SECRET OF NIMH. Why Did I pick this shot? ...Why? The Power of Posing | ..::avneriginal::.. Head over to Vanity Fair for a great article by the photographer Howerd Schatz. He photographed actors at his studio in a series of roles and dramatic situations to reveal the essence of their characters. My top three are: GEOFFREY RUSHLeft: You’re the cornerman for a winded female boxer, desperately exhorting her: “She’s run away with your boyfriend! She’s kidnapped your kid! Get out there and kill that heifer!” Center: You’re five years into a contented but sedentary married life, protesting to your wife, “I said you’re ‘Rubenesque.’ JOHN GOODMANLeft: You’re a geek flirting with a cheerleader, unaware that you don’t stand a chance.

IAN McSHANELeft: You’re a politically ambitious prosecutor trying a sensational murder case, and you’ve just realized that the defense’s key witness has given you a huge opening to prove that he’s lying. Here are the rest of the images from the article. Spanish Animators: Frame a frame.