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Convegno e Rassegna Beni Culturali Tecnologie Turismo e Marketing Territoriale - Lu.Be.C. Librino. Cinema: a Roma da oggi torna la Festa del film Bulgaro. European Capitals of Culture: Research mapping / Annotated bibliography. Highlights: European capitals of culture: recent news. Impacts 08 - IMPACTS 08 - European Capital of Culture Research Programme. Impacts 08 is a joint research initiative of the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University, which from 2005-2010 evaluated the social, cultural, economic and environmental effects of Liverpool’s hosting the European Capital of Culture title in 2008. Commissioned by Liverpool City Council, the research programme examined the progress and impact of this experience on the city and its people. We developed a model for evaluating the multiple impacts of culture-led regeneration programmes that can be applied to events across the UK and internationally.

Our final report, Creating an Impact: Liverpool's experience as European Capital of Culture, is available to download. Photo: Ben Johnson's panorama of Liverpool by B.García. Resources: European Cities of Culture for the Year 2000: a Wealth of Urban Cultures for Celebrating the Turn of the Century. Resources: Impacts 08 - European Capital of Culture Research Programme. Report Mali culturali.

Stagioni: 2012Autori: Stefania RiminiArgomenti: Società Collaborazione: Paco Sannino Da noi c’è il Colosseo, la Villa Reale di Monza, Pompei e poi la Valle dei Templi e tanto, tanto altro. L’Italia è nota per la ricchezza dei suoi beni culturali eppure nel resto d’Europa con un patrimonio di gran lunga inferiore al nostro riescono a dar lavoro a 3 milioni e 600 mila persone, il 2,6% del Pil, mentre in Italia ci fermiamo all’1,1%. Com’è possibile che da noi il bene culturale diventa un male?

Intanto perché non abbiamo ancora ben capito cosa farne. Tutto il resto, che sia la valorizzazione delle Ville Venete o il coinvolgimento dei privati nel museo Madre di Napoli, è ancora lontano dal fare. Scarica il PDF. Teachers-corner/pdf/info_it.pdf. Materiale didattico interessante e stimolante sull’Unione europea. Additional tools Siete alla ricerca di materiale didattico interessante e stimolante sull'Unione europea?

Siete nel posto giusto! L'angolo degli insegnanti contiene ogni tipo di materiale dedicato alle varie fasce d'età. Sia se intendete insegnare ai vostri studenti cosa fa, come è nata e come opera l'UE, sia se volete discutere sulle politiche dell'UE in modo più dettagliato, qui troverete tutta l'ispirazione possibile... Fino a 9 anni Unita nella diversitàUn divertente opuscolo che presenta ai bambini la diversità e varietà dell’UE. Gli insegnanti possono usarlo per spiegare l’euro e per far conoscere agli allievi il patrimonio culturale, scientifico e naturale dei paesi che compongono l’Unione europea. 9-12 anni Esploriamo l'EuropaUn viaggio vivacissimo in giro per l'Europa, che illustra storia, geografia e ogni argomento compreso tra l'una e l'altra. 12-15 anni Europa.

Rivista d’informazione per giovani"L'Europa è altrove". Perché non «mettere l’Europa su Instagram»? Informazioni sull’Unione europea. Bancadatigiovani - Ersu Palermo, concorso per la realizzazione di murales. Digital Development to enhance the Potential of your Cultural Organisation :: Arts Management Network :: The Network for Arts Administrators and Experts in the Creative Industries. AmbITion is an online toolkit that has been specifically designed for an arts organisation to develop themselves digitally. Through an easy to follow step-by-step approach, supported by a wide range of templates, tips and resources, your organisation can now approach digital development with confidence. Traditionally, audits were mainly associated with gaining information about financial systems and the financial records of a company or a business.

However, recent auditing has begun to include other information about the system, such as information about security risks, information systems performance. The general definition of an audit is an evaluation of a person, organisation, system, process, enterprise, project or product. Audits are performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information, so right here at the beginning of the AmbITion process, be brutally honest with yourselves about where you are at now. That is your Aspiration? What is your Capability? European Commission - Culture. About the Prize Exemplary heritage achievements in Europe are awarded in the following four categories: conservation projects, research, dedicated service to heritage conservation by individuals and/or groups, and education, training and awareness raising within Europe's cultural heritage sector.

The Prize consists of two award levels: Up to six entries will be awarded a Grand Prix, which includes a monetary award of € 10 000. Up to twenty-five entries will receive an Award. Organization The Foundation, Europa Nostra was selected in 2007 on the basis of an open call for proposals as part of the "Special action" of the Culture Programme. 2011 Winners 27 projects won the 2011 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards. 2011 Award Winners (listed alphabetically by country) Category 1: CONSERVATION • 's Hertogenmolens (the Duke’s Mills), Aarschot, BELGIUM • Station Antwerpen Centraal (Antwerp Central Station), Antwerp, BELGIUM (Grand Prix) Category 2: RESEARCH • Dr.
