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PHPExcel. Site du Zéro. Créer un .htaccess. Dans un premier temps, nous allons créer un fichier texte (ayant l'extension .txt) qui sera renommé par la suite, à la fin du tuto.

Créer un .htaccess

Ouvrez un éditeur de texte comme Bloc-notes (sous Windows), ou Notepad++ (se reporter à la création de site internet, rédigée par M@teo) et entrez ces quelques lignes : PerlSetVar AuthFile dossier/sous_dossier/htpasswd.txt AuthName "Acces Restreint" AuthType Basic require valid-user On remarque que le code possède quatre lignes. Oula !! Pour modifier la ligne PerlSetVar AuthFile, vous devez saisir à la suite le nom du dossier à protéger. Exemple n°1 Je veux créer une partie de mon site, nommée admin et située à la racine, où seulement les administrateurs pourront accéder. Je souhaite donc que le répertoire protégé soit le suivant : A la ligne de mon code commençant par PerlSetVar AuthFile, je saisis admin/htpasswd.txt, ce qui me donne ce code : PerlSetVar AuthFile admin/htpasswd.txt Exemple n°2 PerlSetVar AuthFile secu/admin/htpasswd.txt.


jQuery API. jQuery Cheatsheet. 40+ Useful and Fresh jQuery Plugins. Nov 29 2011 Plugins are there to assist you and let you perform the desired action in a more convenient and speedy manner.

40+ Useful and Fresh jQuery Plugins

Therefore, today we decided to come up with an exciting and interesting collection of 40+ fresh and cool jQuery plugins for our reader’s convenience. This compilation is targeted at the designers and developers who want to create amazingly interactive websites that are attractive and accessible to the broadest assortment of browsers. With these plugins, the overall experience that users come away from your sites with will be both thrilling and enjoyable. Keep in mind that navigation, galleries and slideshows, are hot points for a site to shine (or at least for the jQuery in a site to shine). The Plugins MotionCAPTCHA ( Demo | Download ) MotionCAPTCHA is a jQuery CAPTCHA plugin. Smart Validate ( Demo | Download ) It is a jQuery credit card validation plugin that makes credit card format validation an easy chore. ZOOMIFY, EXPLORE YOR IMAGES! A free jQuery slideshow.

Hi there.

a free jQuery slideshow

First of all excuse me for my bad english, second excuse me if you will find some bugs in Diapo slideshow. Diapo slideshow is an open source project. You can suggest changes or improvements if you want. You can download it and use for free, you can also include it in your projects and sell it as part of a bigger work (in this case please consider a donation).

Diapo slideshow is tested on new browsers, but I tried to make it compatible with the old versions of Internet Explorer too (8 and 7). jQuery Timelinr. Dando vida al tiempo / Giving life to time Selecciona tu idioma / Select your language: This simple plugin helps you to give more life to the boring timelines.

jQuery Timelinr

Supports horizontal and vertical layouts, and you can specify parameters for most attributes: speed, transparency, etc. Last stable version: 0.9.6 Configuration: Include the jQuery library and this plugin: Inicialize-it with the default parameters: $(function(){ $().timelinr();}); Or configure it as preferred: HTML markup must be as follows: HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery. Martin Angelov Today we will be developing a small web application called Upload Center, that will allow people to upload photos from their computers by dragging and dropping them onto the browser window, possible with the new HTML5 APIs exposed by modern browsers.

HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery

The photos will have a preview and a progress bar, all of which controlled on the client side. Currently, the photos are only stored in a folder on the server, but you could improve it any way you like. What are HTML5 File Uploads? Uploading files using HTML5 is actually a combination of three technologies – the new File Reader API, the also new Drag & Drop API, and the good ol’ AJAX (with the addition of binary data transfer).

The user drops one or more files from their file system to the browser window by dragging. Sounds complicated? Currently file uploads work only in Firefox and Chrome, but upcoming major versions of the other browsers also include support for it. So lets get started! The HTML index.html <!