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UML. Community decided for a complete rewrite of UML plugin.


See project Eidos for more details. [2011-01-17]. Note that there is confusion around who the "community" is that "voted for a complete rewrite" rather than simply making the existing UML support work again. See Eidos Rewrite issues UML project was handed to the community. Current work in progress to get this must needed plugin back in action! [2010-08-19] The UML module has been removed from the standard distribution. UML diagrams, Developer documentation for the restore proccess. UML Diagramming Tools. UML graphical notation overview, UML diagram examples, tutorials and reference. UML tools for software development and Modelling - Enterprise Architect Full Lifecycle UML modeling tool. Object Management Group - UML. UML tools for software development and modelling - Enterprise Architect UML modeling tool.