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The Lexicon of Sustainability. How to Feed a Town: The Incredible Edible Project. Four years ago, a group of residents in the small English town of Todmorden decided to adopt an ambitious goal: by 2018, the whole town would become completely "food independent," growing and raising all of the food it needed itself, through the Incredible Edible Todmorden project.

How to Feed a Town: The Incredible Edible Project

Now, virtually every free piece of land in the town is filled with food, from yards in front of the police and railway stations, to parks, schoolyards, backyards, and traffic roundabouts. Everything grown on public land is free for anyone in town to take. The nonprofit running the project also offers classes in everything from baking bread to pickling. As Liam Hinshelwood, a designer who worked with the nonprofit, wrote in the Guardian, this project is a great example of the type of design we need most, even though it might not seem like design in the traditional sense: The answer is to design ‘what we do’ rather than to simply design ‘things’.

Choice architecture. Changing the Moral Climate on Climate Change. TEDxAdelaide - Tim Jarvis - Opting out of Sustainability.