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New Tab. Rogan Brown - Paper Sculptures. 8 Insights About The Coming Era Of Interactive Design. It’s all moving so quickly.

8 Insights About The Coming Era Of Interactive Design

Just yesterday, we were amazed by the miracle of making calls from our cars. Now we’re furious when our 4G cuts out while streaming an HD video on a four-inch touch screen, just because we’re 50 feet underground riding the subway. Connecting is a short documentary by Bassett & Partners and Microsoft that explores how our lives (and our gadgets) have and will change in a more connected world. It’s 18 minutes long but very worth the time, as it features interviews with designers from Method, Twitter, Arduino, Frog, Stamen, Microsoft, and Nokia. What’s crazy, even with the magic of editing, is that so many of these talented perspectives tend to finish one another’s sentences. Studio*Mrmann.

Cinemagraphs. I really enjoy the Cinemagraphs by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg.


At a first glance you might not even be aware of that something in the picture is moving, while everything else stands still. Though their pictures aim to capture the most delicate parts of life, fleeting moments of time, the beat of a city or the breath of a human. In their Cinemagraphs they come alive and live forever whereas a photo is frozen and a video is a linear description of time and can only be engaged through the act of pressing play. Wall Art and Wall Décor - Performing and Visual Arts News and Commentary - HuffPost Arts. Zefrey Throwell's 'Sucked Up In The Devil's Bed' At Leopold-Hoesch Museum (PHOTOS)

Human ashes and illegal powdered substances are not typically the go-to ingredients for works of art.

Zefrey Throwell's 'Sucked Up In The Devil's Bed' At Leopold-Hoesch Museum (PHOTOS)

At least not works that make it into reputable galleries. But in a new art exhibit at the Leopold-Hoesch Museum in Cologne, Germany, US-based artist Zefrey Throwell is exhibiting works that use cremated remains and methamphetamine as the primary media.