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Façonner - modeler - mouler - tailler - assembler - mixte


Modeler. Mouler. Tailler. Assembler. Découper. Papier mâcher. Mixte. Mixte-rats. Sculpture filiforme. Sculpture filiforme. La sculpture de figurine ou comment j'y arrive. Cela fait quelques fois que l'on me demande comment je sculpte une figurine, comme je commence un nouveau projet je vais essayer de ne pas oublier de prendre des photos et d'expliquer comment j'y arrive Pour ce qui est de la matière que j'utilise, principalement du Sculpey Firm, pâte polymère à cuire, et du Milliput Standard.Les explications qui suivent peuvent pratiquement être appliqué sur toutes les pâtes, sauf pour ce qui est de la mise en œuvre, durcissement, lissage.

La sculpture de figurine ou comment j'y arrive

Fabrication d’une armature en fil de fer pour buste et figurine at L’atelier de bruno. Avant de vous lancer dans la sculpture, il vous faut créer une armature en fil de fer pour avoir de suite les bonne proportions de votre figurine ainsi qu’une bonne stabilité de l’ensemble.

Fabrication d’une armature en fil de fer pour buste et figurine at L’atelier de bruno

Cette armature vous facilitera également la pose de votre plastiline ou d’autres pâtes.Cet article sera décomposé en 2 parties. Le Matériel : Pour tous vos travaux de mise en forme, vous aurez besoin : . D’une perceuse sans fil, . 1°. Dans un premier temps, nous allons aborder un squelette fixe pour un buste, les bras et la tête sont attachés au corps. La planche anatomique : How to sculpt with paper. Pour vous épargner quelques voyages à travers le monde, ipnoze a compilé une liste des plus magnifiques sculptures et statues trouvées dans le monde entier.

Certaines sont vieilles, d’autres sont nouvelles, mais elles sont toutes aussi originales et stupéfiantes les unes que les autres. Source: BoredPanda 1. Expansion par Paige Bradley, New York, États-Unis 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Georgia, Batumi ,Ali and Nino The Statue of Love. De l'art. Repoussé. Although on the surface metal sheets and animation cells don't appear to have much in common, I find that my approach to repoussé turns out to be very similar to what I used for animation: learn as much as possible about the technical aspects of the medium, then experiment like hell.

You have to understand that metal needs to move in a particular way, and how certain chemicals will react to the metal. Sometimes you have to sacrifice pieces to discover new techniques. Having been a special effects animator for over 20 years has made me a different kind of metal smith. I am always trying to impart a sense of movement, even in the metal, which can be a very hard thing to achieve. Metal art design can tend to be more rigid and symmetrical since the craftsperson is often forced to plan the execution of shapes due in part to the demands and limitations of working in metal. In the animation industry I was usually given the story, the characters and the backgrounds. Flip Animation "I" Foil Drawings. I came across this unique idea on a great blog called Make It A Wonderful Life.

Foil Drawings

It was simply too cool not to try out, and the great directions ensured everything worked out well. The end result reminds me of the old tin ceiling tiles which were popular in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, during the Victorian era. While there aren’t so many vintage ones left, there are plenty of modern versions you can view on the internet. Materials. 400 × 300 - Tunnel book wmv. Tunnel Book Prep 1.

Tunnel Book Prep 1 1. Tunnel Book Prep 1 2. Tunnel Book Prep 1 3. Como hacer l mpara de cuerdas how to make string lamps. N vod na tvorbu ko ku z pap rov ho pedigu. Making the Stark s Emblem from Game of Thrones. Making the Pictish Boar for Trollsky. Making the Dragon s Egg from Game of Thrones. 2585 1. Assemblage nuage. Paper Mache Ganesh. Sculpting Tutorials. Atelier des platres. Amazing 3D Paper Design! Michael Velliquette. Michael Velliquette (born, 1971 in Sandusky, Ohio) is an artist currently living and working in Madison, WI.

Michael Velliquette

Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculptures, Part II. Over time, people have been using ordinary things revolving around us to create something unusual out of it and for example a very basic material such as paper.

Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculptures, Part II

You may assume that papers in connection with arts is only restricted to drawings, sketch, or something creative like origami but those are understatement because there are plenty more that paper master can create by just using papers. Paper sculptor is an artwork created by shaping or combining different types of papers that needs a great precision. Unlike origami, paper sculptures are made of several pieces of paper instead of one and for once, paper is the subject and everything else are tools. In our previous post – Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculpture we have showcased some pretty interesting paper art. In this post as a sequel, you will find additional and interesting examples of paper sculptures and the artist behind it. DIY: Paper-bead bookmark. Christmas 2005 was the holiday of the "book stuff".

DIY: Paper-bead bookmark

I churned out book clocks (something I'll post about one day) and what I called "book-Its" by the dozen, both as gifts and to make a little extra cash. Turns out those book-Its started to show a little wear towards the end of 2011 and a few friends have asked for another one... because it's their "go to" bookmark. Since I'm making them anyway, here's a little how to. They could not be simpler to make! So here goes ... 1. 2. 3. 2012 Scotch Off the Roll Tape Sculpture Contest.

STOLLOWEEN Studio. You agree that the use of this website and all information and content contained herein is at your own risk and there is no warranty expressly made herein.


You agree to hold Scott A. Stoll and harmless for any property damage, personal injury and/or death, or any other loss or damage that may result from the use of the following information, tools, materials and/or techniques. Questions or comments should be sent to The Gargoyle was created in February of 2008 as an entry in the Mad Lab Prop Building Contest hosted by JekyllandHyde. The prop was constructed from recycled water bottles, newspaper, plastic bags, cardboard and fabric. The project took about 20 hours to complete and was a good lesson in armature construction. Origami.

Origami. David Carter's Pop-up Books. Book artist Chuck Fischer and paper engineer Bruce Foster. Papier mâché Pâte à bois Modelage, poterie 10 Doigts. Paper Mache Projects: Make Stuff, It's Fun!. Colle maison pour serviettage... - le petit univers de lypha. Making of "les baguettes" SCULPTURE EN PLATRE, CIMENT, ET BETON CELLULAIRE. L' art du plâtre. Shay Aaron Miniatures. Les pâtes à sel de Lise - Objets artisanaux en pâte à sel pour la décoration de votre maison. Plastiline Pâte à modeler de précision 1 kg dureté 50 Gris , Acheter Plastiline Pâte à modeler de précision 1 kg dureté 50 Gris. Techniques de la mosaïque. Fabriquer sa décoration en plâtre, c'est facile. Comment faire un moulage d'empreinte ? Santons : Création d'un moule en plâtre - Oxhydryle.

Lampes papier. Have you seen these amazing lamps?!

lampes papier

A designer that has her stuff on Etsy, Allison Patrick of the 3R’s Blog (Reduce, Reuse, Redecorate – 30 projects in 30 weeks) has created some pretty cool pendant shades that are pretty representative of the beautiful shape of the artichoke. But – the shade is made of recycled pages from books and magazines! Allison’s lamps are very cool, they remind me of the decoupage projects my mom would do with us as a kid. Just recently she got featured on, and that has pushed her work sky high! Allison’s got a pretty awesome story with her luminaire design business (which is called Zipper 8 Design, by the way) – she graduated with her Masters, and like many people, she found herself with lots of time and no job.