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LCD monitor test images. Welcome to the Lagom LCD monitor test pages. With the test images on these pages, you can easily adjust the settings of your monitor to get the best possible picture quality. Additionally, there are a number of test images that can help you to judge the image quality of a monitor. You can check the images on this webpage or put them on a usb stick and try them in the computer store like I did when I created these test patterns. These test images are much more revealing regarding monitor shortcomings than ordinary photographs.

I'm offering these pages for free. Monitor calibration With the first few test images, you can calibrate your monitor by adjusting the brightness, contrast, clock/phase, sharpness, and gamma settings of the monitor. If you have any kind of color management system active in your operating system or video-card driver, then disable that first. Actually, calibration is not really the correct term. Alternative views Single-page version Download Without sRGB profiles. Light Stalking » Transcending Travel: A Guide to Captivating Travel Photography Reviewed. By Light Stalking on in Reviews For a lot of us, photography is synonymous with travel. If you’re anything like me, you actually go so far as to plan your travel itinerary around the best places and times to get out the camera. I was pretty excited then, when I heard that two friends of Light Stalking were collaborating on a guide to travel photography.

Many of you will be familiar with the work of Mitchell Kanashakavich and his great guides that we have reviewed before on lighting and post production in photography. Many of you will also know of or read Darren Rowse’s great site over at Digital Photography School. Well these guys got together (Mitchell as author and Darren as publisher) to produce “ “. Mitchell is a travel photographer by trade – he shoots for Getty Images and his photography has appeared in a heap of magazines as well as on book covers and billboards.

There are four main sections to the guide – Preparation, Composition, Light and Making Photos. What Next? Useful Photoshop Tips And Tricks For Photo Retouching - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement When it comes to designing in Photoshop, there is a myriad of ways one could use to achieve a certain result, especially when it comes to photo retouching. Designers use technique they are most confident as well as comfortable with, which is great because it’s always useful to peek into the workflow of our colleagues and learn new design approaches. We have had articles on cloning1, compositing2, masks3 and obscure Photoshop time-savers4 in the past.

This article is different. I’ll be covering some of the useful techniques and tricks which I’ve learned from my experience. You may know some of them, but hopefully not all of them. Here is a short overview of the techniques we’ll be covering: Naturally Increased Light The light of the sun creates texture. Increase light on a separate layer. Then use the brush tool with a soft brush, and hold the Alt/Option key to pick up colors from the area that you want to brighten. The blending mode “Color Dodge” creates realistic results. Photoindustria (Фотоиндустрия )- онлайн журнал для профессиональных фотографов и людей, стремящихся ими стать. Свадебная и портретная фотография - Фотокнига. Вот доделал фотокнигу с нашей свадьбы. Буду печатать нам и родителям. Долго сортировал снимки и думал как лучше сделать верстку, а так же ацки работал, поэтому до своих снимков не доходили руки.

Теперь нам будет не стыдно. Напомню, что наша свадьба была 22 мая 2009 года, большую половину дня моросил/лил дождь... Нас снимали: фотографы Константин Андрюхин и Александр Кладов, видео оператор Олег Горох. Всем вам еще раз большое спасибо!
