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How Bots Seized Control of My Pricing Strategy. Be­fore I talk about my own troub­les, let me tell you about an­oth­er book, “Com­put­er Game Bot Tur­ing Test”. It's one of over 100,000 “books” “writt­en” by a Mar­kov chain runn­ing over ran­dom Wikipedia ar­ticles, bundled up and sold on­line for a ridicul­ous price. The pub­lish­er, Bet­ascript, is notori­ous for this kind of thing. A story about com­put­er sci­ence and other im­prob­able th­ings. It gets bet­t­er. There are whole spe­cies of other bots that in­fest the Amazon Mar­ketplace, pre­tend­ing to have used co­p­ies of books, fight­ing epic price wars no one ever sees. So with “Tur­ing Test” we have a de­light­ful futuris­tic ab­surd­ity: a com­put­er pro­gram, pre­tend­ing to be human, hawk­ing a book about com­put­ers pre­tend­ing to be human, while other com­put­er pro­grams pre­tend to have used co­p­ies of it.

A book that was never ac­tual­ly writt­en, much less prin­ted and read. The in­ter­net has every­th­ing. Trans­la­tions: Heb­rew, Japanese Like what you read? The Enterprise Data Cloud: Why Information Power Is The Future of Business. As organizations take a close hard look at cloud computing and how it can help them with their businesses, some are coming away unimpressed by the maturity or with concerns about risk, control, and privacy. Yet others are beginning to notice that there a number of significant but previously unrelated threads in IT that are coming together to drive a compelling new cloud agenda. I'm calling this confluence of factors the "Enterprise Data Cloud", and most organizations already have one, even if they aren't aware of it.

The Enterprise Data Cloud is an ad hoc and evolving combination of: Existing network resources and new cloud delivery models (in particular the ability to seamlessly transition between public and private clouds and the shades of grey in-between.)Increasingly open high-value business data typically delivered up via SOA.The rapid expansion of business information in machine-readable form. Related: Expanding Our Notion of SOA and Enterprise Data Services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


What are the most exciting Big Data startups in the Bay Area. Outils de recherches et de visualisation de données – Introduction (part 2) Site web : Specify Comme promis je commence donc la semaine avec un article consacré aux outils de recherches et de visualisation de données. Je pensais détailler ces outils au fur et à mesure, mais je me suis vite rendu compte que je risquais de me perdre dans un domaine qui n’est finalement pas ma spécialité. Je vais donc plutôt proposer une page contenant une série de listes-sources sur le sujet. Vous pourrez retrouver les choix que je trouve les plus judicieux sur le portail et les tester directement.

Je mettrais également un onglet de veille sur ces mêmes outils incluant mes différents articles sur le sujet, ce qui sera plus que suffisant pour ceux qui voudraient creuser le sujet. prérequis pour les nuls, pour ceux qui croient savoir et pour les autres Liste de listes (moteurs de recherche et visualisation de données) Exalead - Constellation Liste de listes : visualisation de données Focus des outils du jour “Spezify” – mention spéciale. Is It Time for Corporate Open Data? - csedev. Governments have begun to benefit from open data portals; will corporations follow suit? Gap, the ubiquitous clothing retailer, recently encountered the wrath of the virtual consumer, due to a poll about a proposed new logo on Facebook.

The heavy negative reaction to the new logo prompted the company to pull its suggested redesign, and offer statements of apology for “going about the process the wrong way.” Prior to the internet, corporations rarely retracted business decisions unless there was a lawsuit or a massive letter writing campaign. While Facebook has more in common with an instantaneous letter writing campaign than a formal legal action, the company’s apology is curious, as if Gap is somehow admitting that the only way to conduct business is through public opinion polls. Admittedly, consumers have always voted with their dollars; but have we reached an era where they can now simply vote online? The old model of capitalism emphasized a conquer and destroy outlook. Données publiques : l’infrastructure sociale est aussi importante que l’infrastructure technique. Tim Davies (blog personnel), de la société de conseil Practical Participation vient de mettre en ligne son rapport sur l’impact des données publiques ouvertes (le rapport au format .pdf).

Son étude avait pour but d’observer la valeur produite par le site de libération de données britannique, Qui utilise ces données ? Comment les données libérées sont-elles utilisées dans la pratique ? Et quelles sont les implications potentielles de cette libération pour la participation démocratique et la réforme du secteur public ? Comme il l’explique dans un billet du blog Open Data Impacts, l’infrastructure sociale autour du projet britannique d’ouverture des données est au moins aussi important que l’infrastructure technologique.

“Les données ne sont pas réservées aux développeurs”, rappelle-t-il. Le défi ne repose pas seulement sur l’harmonisation de la mise en forme, rappelle Tim Davies. A quoi et à qui servent les données ? Des données ouvertes… et puis ?

Liste et tendances

The Data Decade « VCMike's Blog. You heard it here first: the 20-10′s are going to be the decade of data. The troves of data being generated by the web are increasingly being captured, structured, and harnessed to add insight, intelligence and value to all kinds of business and personal activity. I’ve written about my excitement in the emerging data economy, at the time thinking primarily about web advertising. But I think over the next 10 years similar advances in the use of data to create business value are going to occur in a number of different verticals. The underlying factor for this, of course, is the rising universality of the web itself, creating a trail of data behind human activity that has never before existed.

But the advancement of a number of other technologies allows that data to be captured, analyzed, and put to use in ways not possible just a few years ago, as my conversation with Brad Cross yesterday made clear to me. Let’s check back in 2020 and see where we’ve come. Meet the Big Data Equivalent of the LAMP Stack. Many Fortune 500 and mid-size enterprises are funding Hadoop test/dev projects for Big Data analytics, but question how to integrate Hadoop into their standard enterprise architecture.

For example, Joe Cunningham, head of technology strategy and innovation at credit card giant Visa, told the audience at last year’s Hadoop World that he would like to see Hadoop evolve from an alpha/beta environment into mainstream use for transaction analysis, but has concerns about integration and operations management. What’s been missing for Big Data analytics has been a LAMP (Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL and PHP) equivalent.

Fortunately, there’s an emerging LAMP-like stack for Big Data aggregation, processing and analytics that includes: While that’s still a lot of moving parts for an enterprise to install and manage, we’re almost to a point where there’s an end-to-end “hello world” for analytical data management. Brett Sheppard is an executive director at Zettaforce. How Data Will Impact the Way We Do Business. Josh Jones-Dilworth is the Founder and CEO of Jones-Dilworth, Inc. a PR consultancy focused on bringing early-stage technologies to market. He blogs at Outliers like Factual, WolframAlpha, Daytum, FlowingData, and InfoChimps have proven that painting our world in data (and metadata) is a rather valuable endeavor for any business.

In a previous post I wrote about key concepts in data marketing. There has been some great discussion along those lines, and some understandable apprehension. I wanted to follow-up and discuss how the proliferation of data will impact more than just marketing. Data Democratization Conducting business at the data level is not a practice for the future. Social media, at its inception, was all about the democratization of publishing and the conversations surrounding it.

Data cuts not just vertically or horizontally, but in every direction. It's Everywhere This trend didn’t exactly come out of nowhere. We’ve had heart rate monitors for some time now.

Gov data

Data jounalism. Dataviz. Thoughts on Linked Data Business Models. Scott Brinker recently published a great blog post covering 7 business models for Linked Data. The post is well worth a read and reviews the potential for both direct and indirect revenue generation from a range of different business models. I’ve been thinking about these same issues myself recently so I’m pleased to see that others are doing similar analysis.

Scott’s conclusion that, currently, Linked Data is more likely to drive indirection revenue is sound, and reflects where we are with the deployment of the technology. The time is ripe though for organizations to begin exploring direct revenue generation models and it’s there that I wanted to add some thoughts and commentary to Scott’s posting. Traffic The traffic model, with its indirect revenue generation by driving traffic to existing content and services, is well understood. The same model has been used to encourage organizations to open up Web APIs, so its natural to consider this for Linked Data also. Advertising Subscriptions.

Libérer les métadonnées. 2. Facette et Delicious. Facette (écrit en français?) Est une application d'organisation par facettes des tags de Delicious. Le contexte Cette application sur Delicious exploite l'outil Exhibit du MIT développé dans le cadre du projet SIMILE (Semantic Interoperability of Metadata and Information in unLike Environments). SIMILE a déjà été présenté dès 2006 par Christophe Le Bot ou C.Fauré , entre autres websemanticiens francophones . L'applicatif Timeline est certainement l'outil, issu de ce projet, le plus connu. Exhibit est quant à lui un cadre d'applications de publication de pages Web interactives. L'utilisation pendant quelques semaines de l'application fournit de nombreuses pistes de réflexion. Résultat : un tableau de bord pour exploiter le "répertoire" Delicious Etudions l'arrière du décors Les résultats sont exportables, ici au format RDF/XML, ce qui nous permet d'étudier de plus près, les données ... format ouvert oblige.

{*style:<b> </b>*} {*style:<b> </b>*} Que nous apporte cette application ?

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