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UNIVERSITE D'ETE DU FRONT NATIONAL 6 & 7 septembre 2015 Marseille. La photo d'un ours polaire squelettique qui alerte le monde sur la fonte des glaces. 12 septembre 2015 6 12 /09 /septembre /2015 01:03 Kerstin Langenberger Photography Attention: Le nombre d'individus d'ours blancs est toujours en augmentation...

La photo d'un ours polaire squelettique qui alerte le monde sur la fonte des glaces

La photographe allemande Kerstin Langenberger, qui tient le site "Arctic Dreams", a publié fin août sur son compte Facebook cette photo prise dans l'archipel norvégien de Svalbard, à la limite entre l’océan Arctique et l’océan Atlantique : un ours polaire beaucoup trop maigre, dont la silhouette a déjà été partagée 35.000 fois sur le réseau social. "Pour les touristes et les photographes de la faune sauvage, Svalbard est un endroit privilégie pour croiser des ours polaires", explique la photographe. "Et d'ordinaire, oui, on les croise : magnifiques, photogéniques, en train de jouer ou de chasser... "Oui, j’ai vu des ours en bonne santé. La photographe explique avoir observé la fonte des glaces de ses propres yeux. Source Partager cet article Publié par : CITOYENS ET FRANCAIS - dans Santé - Science. La photo d'un ours polaire squelettique qui alerte le monde sur la fonte des glaces. URGENT: Schools Now Teaching 5 Pillars Of Islam... Children FORCED To Write ‘Allah Is The Only God’


URGENT: Schools Now Teaching 5 Pillars Of Islam... Children FORCED To Write ‘Allah Is The Only God’

I say this because many of these schools have liberal teachers that are brainwashing our kids! For example, in Tennessee some teachers are forcing the kids to study ISLAM! You might say, so what? They also study Christianity. Now, I learned about Christianity at church. Why are schools teaching about some fake God that condones killing all infidels anyways? A photograph of one of the assignments shows one child’s disapproval: This is from Trey Sanchez at Truth Revolt: Parents at a middle school in Spring Hill, Tennessee, just outside of Nashville, are upset that their children have spent three weeks studying Islam and were assigned to write the Shahada profession of the Islamic faith: “Allah is the only god.”

Though the parents understand that a thorough study of history will undoubtedly cover religions from all over the world, they don’t understand why so much time is being spent on this one. Photo Alyan Turki: grosse manip? Observez bien les photos suivantes!

Photo Alyan Turki: grosse manip?

"C'est un scandale d'utiliser cette photo!" - Le Journal du matin - TV - Play RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse. Pourquoi la photo de cette enfant assassinée par l'EI n'a-t-elle pas pétrifié le monde entier? Spain. A New Kind of Photography Book. by Mike Randolph. I just backed Spain. A New Kind of Photography Book. on @Kickstarter Can't wait @RandolphImages … Spain travel blog. Photography writing Spain. Spanish photographer ‘Kickstarting’ a new book on Spain. A RENOWNED photographer is soon set to publish a unique photo book of his travels within the Spanish peninsular.

Spanish photographer ‘Kickstarting’ a new book on Spain

Mike Randolph, who was originally born in Jerez de la Frontera, moved to Canada where he has lived most of his adult life before emigrating back to Spain. Now living in Madrid, he has spent the past eight years travelling the length and breadth of Spain, photographing its landscape and culture. Three years ago, he started a blog, entitled ´Spain by Mike Randolph´ as a way of documenting his travels and experiences. His most recent project, called Kickstarter, is a photo book culminating in a collection of photographs that document the countryside, people and culture of Spain.

Although his work has appeared in many leading publications throughout the world, Mike has described this latest project as something “different” to what he has achieved in the past and his “labour of love”. Spain travel blog. Photography writing Spain. Spain. By Mike Randolph. A Spanish mastiff, guarding a flock of sheep in the woodlands of northern Burgos, seems a bit worried about my sudden presence at the side of the road, taking pictures.

Spain. By Mike Randolph

Mastiffs in Spain may not be used to photographers, but are very friendly dogs, which is a good thing since they roam freely and many hiking trails crisscross their territories. They are not so friendly to wolves, however. Photo ©Mike Randolph As of this moment, there are only 38 hours left in my Kickstarter project, a photo book on Spain, and the funding has reached 121 percent of my goal. Success! Thank you all once again. 23 Vintage Photos of Egypt’s Golden Years. 23 Vintage Photos of Egypt’s Golden Years A woman reading a magazine in the 1950s By Mohamed Khairat, Founder, Egypt in the 1900s was a different place.

23 Vintage Photos of Egypt’s Golden Years

Egyptian cinema was the third largest in the world, Cairo was a city that foreigners dreamt of spending their holidays exploring, Egyptian music flourished and shook the world, Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together as neighbours, and women had freedoms that were unheard of in many other countries.