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Créer un livre numérique avec Book Creator. Les livres numériques ne sont pas nouveaux, mais, avec la démocratisation de l'utilisation des appareils électroniques en classe, ils deviennent des outils de plus en plus intéressants pour les enseignants. Je vous présente un outil pour créer facilement un livre numérique attrayant : Book Creator [en anglais].

Plusieurs options pour créer des livres numériques De nos jours, les maisons d'éditions offrent généralement des versions numériques des manuels qu'ils publient. Toutefois, il existe plusieurs outils qui peuvent vous permettre de créer vos propres livres numériques: L'enseignant de physique Stéphan Gaumont-Guay a écrit en 2015 un article dans Pédagogie collégiale pour partager son expérience de création d'un manuel numérique avec iBooks Author. Dans cet article, je vous présente Book Creator, un outil simple et convivial, dont il existe une version gratuite. Démonstration de l'outil: un livre numérique sur l'utilisation pédagogique des livres numériques Partagez les livres. Coming soon to Book Creator - embed content from other apps. Two Good Tools for Making Multimedia eBooks - Practical Ed Tech.

Using Book Creator to author mathematics. GDPR Compliance. What is the GDPR? The GDPR is the EU General Data Protection Regulation which will be effective from May 25, 2018. It is a law that regulates how companies protect an individual’s personal data. You can find out more about the GDPR here. Is Book Creator compliant with GDPR? Absolutely. We take security and privacy extremely seriously, building it into Book Creator from the outset.

Is Book Creator a Data Processor or a Data Controller? We are the Data Processor for all content added to books such as text, images, audio, video. We will be the Data Controller for account information such as the name and profile picture obtained through the Google, Office 365 or other login methods. Does Book Creator have a contract or data processing agreement for schools? Yes we do. Download the addendum Where is my data stored? We store all data in Google Cloud, which is hosted in the US. This mean that Google protects your information in the US as it would be protected in the EU. More questions? #Book Creator Top Tips Sharefest! by Dan Kemp. Book creator en ligne. Bien commencer avec Book Creator by Book Creator Team - Traduction SamChaTICE. Un court tutorielpour les enseignants Bien commencer avec Book Creator Ce tutoriel vous permettra de créer des livres, de les partager puis de créer des bibliothèques pour vos élèves.

Bienvenue dans Book Creator. Bien commencer avec Book Creator by Book Creator Team - Traduction SamChaTICE. Partager facilement un projet Book Creator | Un Prof D Z'écoles. Oui, je sais ce que vous allez me dire.. encore un article sur la génialissime application BookCreator. Mais, encore une fois, les développeur viennent d’ajouter une nouvelle option de partage qui va vite devenir indispensable. C’est simple de partager un projet/livre mais le rendu n’est pas toujours au rendez-vous.

Les options de partage sont au nombre de trois : Le format ePub n’est compatible qu’avec certaines applications et liseuses spécifiques. C’est le seul format qui permet de feuilleter les pages et ça j’adore..Le format PDF qui permet une lecture sur tous les supports mais qui supprime l’effet livre.Le format MP4 qui transforme votre livre en vidéo. Et voilà que les développeurs vont permettre une option de partage qui était très demandée et qui m’aurait bien facilité la vie l’année dernière en maternelle.

Il va maintenant être possible de partager directement votre livre sur Twitter, Facebook mais surtout directement sur un blog grâce à l’adresse « embed ». Créer un livre ePub dans Book Creator à plusieurs tablettes - Mes élèves et moi venons de terminer un projet de livre bien intéressant à l’aide de l’application Book Creator. Voici comment procéder pour combiner le travail effectué sur plusieurs tablettes afin de créer un seul et unique livre. Suite à la lecture de l’album «Moi pas, Moi aussi» de Mario Ramos *, il fut décidé de créer notre propre album selon le même principe narratif.

Ayant 11 iPad en classe, j’ai formé le même nombre d’équipes afin que celles-ci choisissent un animal et écrivent et illustrent trois pages du livre. Pour les illustrations, ils ont choisi différentes applications telles que Imagi Box qui donne un bel effet de pâte à modeler. Dans Book Creator, ils ont créé un livre de format carré (1:1) et importé les illustrations sauvegardées dans la pellicule.

Ne restait plus qu’à y écrire le texte écrit à l’étape précédente, en utilisant une police et une grandeur pré-établies afin que le produit final soit uniforme. Album ePub pour iPad Album format PDF. YOKI LE DOUDOU AU MUSÉE by Maîtresse. You've reached the end of the book Made with Book Creator. Book Creator brings out the genius in the classroom. 91 Flares Twitter 76 Facebook 13 Google+ 1 Pin It Share 1 1 91 Flares × Juliet Revell explored the concept of ‘Genius’ with her class, and they showed theirs by creating ebooks on their iPads!

Juliet Revell is a Year 2 Teacher at Mahora School in Hastings, New Zealand. She co-leads eLearning at the school with her colleague, Janene Maloney. Juliet has been teaching for four years, having left a career in banking to further her passion for children and books! I have been using Book Creator in my classroom for the past three years. It is an absolute “go-to” app for me! What’s YOUR Genius? Our first term together this year saw my class ‘Six Team’ and I exploring the things that make us special. I am passionate about building self-esteem in my kids, and this philosophy has become a pillar of my classroom. A little voice said to me “You Matter, Miss Revell.” With my new class this year, I explored ‘Genius’. I used the examples that I had found from a teacher in Iowa, Mrs Sigler.

Get your copy of the Book Creator Teacher Guide - Book Creator app. Adam Foster, the teacher behind @iPadTeachers, has written an excellent guide to Book Creator. The book contains 47 pages of lesson ideas for using Book Creator for iPad, divided into 8 subject categories. “We are delighted that someone of Adam’s experience and knowledge of Book Creator has published a guide like this – it should prove an invaluable resource for teachers across the world.”Dan Amos, founder of Book Creator Adam Foster is an experienced Primary School Teacher who teaches across Key Stage 1 and 2, as well as co-ordinating ICT at a Preparatory School in Wolverhampton, UK. Adam provides iPad teacher training through iLearn2 and is also the brains behind the popular Teacher Guide to iPad app. Adam recently posted a case study on our blog about how to use non-linear text to ‘gamify’ your books.

“Book Creator has been the most used app in our school since we got our first iPads in 2011. Get your copy of the Book Creator Teacher Guide Download from the iBooks Store. Créer une BD avec Book Creator – Un Prof D Z'écoles. Book Creator permet de créer des livres numériques, mais depuis quelques temps, il permet également de créer assez facilement des bandes dessinées. Il entre alors directement en concurrence avec l’excellent Comic Life 3. Mais revenons à nos moutons. Dans le choix des formats de livres, on peut sélectionner 3 formats pour la bande dessinée (portrait, carré ou paysage). Une fois passée la page de couverture, à vous de choisir la disposition des cases parmi un large panel. Dans chaque case, vous avez le choix entre prendre une photo ou alors en insérer une disponible dans votre galerie.

Si vous souhaitez ajouter du texte de la manière la plus simple, 4 formats sont disponibles. Pour les autocollants, en fonction de vos images, il peut être judicieux d’en ajouter. Il est aussi possible d’insérer des formes à votre bande dessinée. Et bien évidemment, le menu classique est toujours accessible.

Voilà, votre BD est prête, il ne vous reste plus qu’à l’exporter. Un poisson est un poisson WordPress: Importer du son de GarageBand vers Book Creator. La nouvelle mise à jour de Book Creator permet d’importer des médias provenant d’autres apps comme GarageBand, it’s a revolution ! Book Creator Book Creator + GarageBand = LOVE Le processus est simple mais pas très naturel. On doit penser iPad…créer du contenu média puis l’envoyer dans l’app BookCreator.

Dans un contexte pédagogique, on privilégiera donc une conception des médias du livre en amont de la réalisation du livre. Dans le processus lui-même, il faut faire attention à respecter l’ordre des étapes pour exporter le morceau depuis GarageBand : Toucher « Ouvrir dans » (qui se trouve dans la seconde ligne du menu)Choisir la qualité d’export (les quatre premiers et surtout pas le dernier)Puis sur la première ligne, toucher Book Creator (ne pas le chercher sur la seconde donc) C’est une mécanique relativement simple pour les adultes mais qui nécessitera un apprentissage pour les élèves. Perspectives pédagogiques Le processus plus accessible voici quelques propositions d’activités : Importer du son de GarageBand vers Book Creator. Tuto Windows 10 - Créer des livres numériques avec Book Creator. Dad teaches his daughter phonics with Book Creator. Steve Bambury is the Head of Computing at Jumeirah English Speaking School in Dubai, UAE.

Steve is an Apple Distinguished Educator, Book Creator Ambassador and founder of the popular Mobile Technology site This year my eldest daughter Jessica has moved into Foundation Stage 2 and her phonics journey has begun as she learns to read. It’s been a real joy to help her develop her sounds and reinforce the great work being done in school following the excellent Jolly Phonics programme.

I decided that it’d be great to help develop her understanding of the phonics through the creation of digital content, so I introduced her to Book Creator. Now remember, Jessica is only four, so I knew that she’d need a fair bit of support but I also knew that she’d end up with something amazing that she could truly be proud of. In fact, there were several reasons that I felt this would make a great project for Jess. And so, a couple of weeks back, we began to create her book. TouchPress. Ha! How to back up and share your book with Google Drive – Book Creator Support.

Many schools use Google Drive as their method to back up and share files, and the free Google Drive app can be used on the iPad with Book Creator too. Watch the video below or read on. 1. Export the book from Book Creator to Google Drive Tap the export icon beneath your book on the My Books screen, and choose Export as ePub. 2. When you want to work on the book again, open the Google Drive app and tap on the file icon.

Tap on the Open in icon in the bottom row and wait for the app to process exporting the book. 3. You may want to share your book with another person, or maybe you're collecting all your student's books to combine them into one. Instead of tapping on the file icon, tap on the menu option (the 3 vertical dots in the bottom right of your file). Troubleshooting There are a few of stumbling blocks to be aware of. Firstly, there were some reported issues with the 'Open in' function in Google Drive that was affecting apps. Google Drive isn't the only option From the blog: How to duplicate or combine books – Book Creator Support.

Working collaboratively? You can work on separate books (and even on separate iPads) and then combine them all into one book when you're finished. The pages of other books can be added to the end of the final book you want to create. How it's done From the My Books screen, select the book you want to be the final book (i.e. the book you want to copy the other books to).Tap the + icon and choose Combine Books.Choose the book you want and tap Copy to add all of its pages to the end of your current book.Repeat as many times as you need for other books.

Caution: choosing a book layout You can only combine books which have the same layout as the current book (e.g. portrait, square or landscape). How to duplicate a book Tapping the + button beneath your book will also bring up the Duplicate Book option. Press this and Book Creator will generate an exact copy of that book. From the blog: >> Going global with Book Creator >> Creating and publishing a collaborative ebook. Créer un livre ePub dans Book Creator à plusieurs tablettes. Créer un livre dans Book Creator et l’animer dans Explain Everything | Édulogia. Explain Everything & Book Creator part 3. Part 3 of a 4-part series looking at how the popular educational apps Book Creator and Explain Everything can be used together.Part 1: Exporting a PDF from Book Creator to annotate in Explain EverythingPart 2: From Explain Everything to Book Creator to iTunes UPart 4: Hand-drawn animations in Explain Everything – published with Book Creator Dan from the Book Creator team is back to look at another way in which Explain Everything can be “app-smashed” with Book Creator to create something unique.

The scenario: Using Explain Everything to animate a comic book made in Book Creator, to create a fun video. Book Creator 4.0 has just been released onto the App Store. With this update there are now comic book templates and styles added to the app, to make really simple and fun comic books. We’re going to go through creating the comic book, exporting it as a PDF to Explain Everything, recording an animation using the pan and zoom tool, and exporting the end result as a video.

About Book Creator. Using non-linear stories to gamify your books. Idea: make use of hyperlinks in Book Creator and see students’ imaginations come to the fore when they create interactive books. Adam Foster is an experienced Primary School Teacher who teaches across Key Stage 1 and 2, as well as co-ordinating ICT at a Preparatory School in Wolverhampton, UK.

He has been using iPads in his teaching for the past 4 years and also supports schools around the UK and Europe with integrating mobile technology into the curriculum. Book Creator was one of the first apps we installed on our school iPads in 2011 and we have gone on to use it across the whole of Key Stage 1 and 2. This has included Year 6 creating illustrated audio children’s stories for Year 1 pupils to read and review, DT Animal Shelter Evaluation ebooks showing progression and Numeracy Vocabulary Dictionaries to to help revision. Interactive adventure stories This term I have been working on a project with Year 6 to create interactive adventure stories using Book Creator. What we’re doing next. Book Creator app | Blog - News, tips, reviews and case studies relating to the Book Creator app. Importer du son dans Book Creator sans passer par l'iPod.

Book creator app inspiring learning and learners. 30 of our best Book Creator tips. Improve your classroom workflow with Showbie and Book Creator. How to publish on iTunes. Step 1 - create an iTunes Connect account. App smashing Book Creator and ThingLink for Video. Book Creator and the SAMR model. Book Creator : application pour réaliser des livres numériques | Des tablette... 30 of our best Book Creator tips. Book Creator Exporting Options Using Google Drive. You can now import Book Creator books into iBooks Author. How To : Transfer Book Creator Files to Mac. 5 Free Ways for Students to Find Royalty Free Audio. Made in Book Creator on Pinterest | 205 Pins. Book Creator Team on Twitter: Make an audio hotspot appear invisible in iBooks to make sounds come from pictures. #bcprotips #edtech #ipaded.

Create beautiful ebooks and movies with ‘Book Creator’ | 21st Century Learning. Getting more from Book Creator. You can now share ebooks straight to iTunes U from your iPad.