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Kokopelli. Windowfarms. Association Kokopelli : production of seeds. How to make a moss terrarium. Moss terrariums have become very popular lately and I thought it might be a nice idea if I did a little bit of experimenting with my own.

How to make a moss terrarium

Now, I don't really know a lot about moss but I figured it's a nice time to learn. So what I did was went for a walk in the local cemetaries, wooded areas and parks looking for moss. It's kind of ironic because when I got home I noticed I had a fair amount of moss right in my own yard. I didn't even realize it. Anyhoo, here is some tips and information that I gleaned during my walk and I will keep you posted as to the status of my moss terrariums.

Potager en carré, sur les toits, balcon, terrasse. Smart Gardener - simply grow great food.