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Weegbree, dit doodgewone oprit onkruid, is één van de meest krachtige geneesmiddelen van de natuur! Het staat bekend als een hardnekkige onkruid dat opkomt in tuinen, op gazons en zelfs in oprit scheuren.

Weegbree, dit doodgewone oprit onkruid, is één van de meest krachtige geneesmiddelen van de natuur!

Maar weegbree is een van de meest medicinaal krachtige “overlast” planten waar je waarschijnlijk niet van profiteert voor uw gezondheid, misschien wel in uw eigen nadeel. Die dichtbegroeide groene bladeren en kleine, steel-achtige knoppen hebben een uniek voedingswaarde potentieel wat u kunnen moeilijke menstruele cycli kan helpen overwinnen, of u kan ondersteunen bij het opruimen van huid acne en zelfs de behandeling van pijnlijke artritis. Voor honderden jaren, is weegbree gebruikt als een van de meest krachtige geneesmiddelen van de natuur, en om zeer goede redenen. Weegbree werkt plaatselijk als een wond-genezer Een van de toepassingen is als een samentrekker voor wonden en insectenbeten.

Weegbree helpt bij een gezonde spijsvertering. 12 meest geschikte bladgroenten voor winterteelt. Dit artikel werd geschreven door Hansje Huson en werd eerder gepubliceerd op de website van Nudge.

12 meest geschikte bladgroenten voor winterteelt

Roze winterpostelein. Foto: Flickr, Marianne. Zaden verzamelen en bewaren voor beginners - Leuk om te delen. Food is Free Project: Garden Bed Building Resources. Food is Free Project: Garden Bed Building Resources. Maya Mountain Research Farm. Herb List with Pictures. Join Over 1,875,000 Fans On Facebook!

Herb List with Pictures

Homepage Blog Individual Herbs Herbal Remedies Herbal Preparations. Kruiden per soort. 06/09/11 20:00 Opgeslagen in:KruidenMeerjarig| Genees kruiden| Winterhard Longkruid ( Pulmonaria officinalis ) Longkruid heeft wat ruwe bladeren die zowel effen als gevlekt voor kunnen komen.

Kruiden per soort

Op de foto is getoond gevlekt longkruid. Longkruid komt in Nederland nog regelmatig voor in het wild. The Modular Geodesic Bio Dome & Micro Aquaponic Kits by Future of the Free. You can help by pledging your pre-order for one of our Micro, Mini, or Food Machine Geodesic Dome kits OR Joining a community dome share project.

The Modular Geodesic Bio Dome & Micro Aquaponic Kits by Future of the Free

Also contribute by getting our 3D Printer model files or a Straw Dome model that is fun and easy way to learn geodesics -natures math and structure. is a fully community driven website ready to harness the power of people to create new ways of living. The Dome Kits and Aquaponic Kits will also be available and supported by our online community. We need your support to launch our Community Supported Dome share projects; and we need to get fully equipped to produce the dome kits. This includes purchasing a ShopBot and additional drill presses, saws and most importatnly - some more helping hands. How To Easily Make A Beehive In A Jar DIY Project. It seems everyone is interested in how to make your own beehive in a jar.

How To Easily Make A Beehive In A Jar DIY Project

Have the rows of organic honey jars at the farmers market got you thinking about starting your own backyard beehive? If you live in a suburban area, you may think that starting a beehive cannot be done. DIY Hanging Drip Waterer Use recyclable... - Homesteading Self Sufficiency Survival. Hoe kweek ik pompoenen. Info Tijdshoeveelheid 1 uur Moeilijkheidsgraad: goed te doen Pompoenen zien er misschien heel ingewikkeld uit, in feite zijn ze heel makkelijk te kweken.

Hoe kweek ik pompoenen

Zo makkelijk, dat je het zelfs in je eigen tuin kunt doen. Wel heb je hiervoor een beetje ruimte nodig, want voor je het weet, staat je tuin vol! Benodigdheden Pompoenzaadjes Zonnige plek Pot van ongeveer 10x10x10, met gaatjes in de bodem Potgrond IJzerdraad Stappen. AARDAPPELEN EN ANDER POOTGOED. Aardappels en andere pootgroenten telen in eigen tuin is makkelijk, lekker en gezond.


Denk aan rabarber en asperges. Aardappels oogst je in juni en juli. De meeste gewassen in de moestuin zaai je of koop en plant je als jonge planten. Er zijn ook soorten die op een andere manier worden geteeld, zoals aardappelen, asperges en rabarber. Aardappelen groeien uit poters of pootaardappels. Fundering. How To Grow World-Record Veggies With Compost Tea! Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit.

How To Grow World-Record Veggies With Compost Tea!

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space. Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free!

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space

We’ve discovered a fantastic article listing 27 of the top medicinal plants – together with details of their potential uses. These plants can be really handy to have around if you know their value. One thing I would suggest is to print out the full article (you might need to do a little copy-pasting and tidying up) and then keep the printout together with your first aid kit. If you need one of the remedies, the last thing that you want is to be surfing the web trying to remember the name of that web site that you discovered last year!

We’ve all been there. How To Save Your Own Seed at Home. Seed-saving is easy. You'll get better seed than you can buy, even from us. 5 Perennial Veggies to Plant Once and Enjoy... Forever. Most of the foods we grow are annuals: Each winter, they disappear and must be replanted in the spring. A bountiful garden of delicious organic food is worth the work of planning and planting, but smart gardeners also curate a few perennials, which come back year after year with little maintenance required. Here are some classic perennials to plant now for harvest next summer. 1. Globe Artichoke. 25+ Clever Ideas Gardeners Won’t Want To Miss. Did you know you can make your own rooting hormone using willow twigs? Or that geraniums can be overwintered? How about a few ideas for soil savers, pest control and fighting weeds?

You’ll find all that and more in this collection! In the Garden: How to Make Your Own Homemade Organic Insecticides and Pesticides. As I was watering the garden this morning, and carefully inspecting the plants, I noticed the first signs of aphids in the peppers! Given the mild winter, I fear that we may have trouble with pests this year — and that’s just the reality of growing your own. While there are many, many commercially-prepared products that sit on the shelves of my local nursery…I am committed to natural gardening (and saving money); therefore, I have learned how to make my own organic insecticides using the contents of my kitchen! Give these simple recipes a go if you find an unwanted insects crawlin’ around your precious plants. Build Your Own Self-Watering Planter. About self-watering planters 1 of 1 Store water in drain pipes. How To Make A Fantastic Raised Bed Herb Garden. Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free!

Photo – I just discovered this gem of a post on the Art and Appetite blog and quickly wrote to them for permission to share their image, which they kindly gave. I’ve added a few thoughts of my own here including some important tips on wood choices. Build a $300 underground greenhouse for year-round gardening (Video)

Growers in colder climates often utilize various approaches to extend the growing season or to give their crops a boost, whether it's coldframes, hoop houses or greenhouses. Top 10 Plants To Encourage Bees To Your Garden. Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr. Food as Medicine: 9 Food Cures You Can Grow at Home. Top 4 Ways To Use Roses For Your Health. Rose is one of the most beloved and popular among flowers. Roses are best known for their ornamental use and are grown for their beautiful flowers and fantastic scent. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops, but they also have some medicinal uses. Here are the top 4 ways to use roses for your health: 1. In the Garden: How to Make Your Own Homemade Organic Insecticides and Pesticides. Top 10 Essential Oils For Getting Rid Of Spider Mites. Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit. How To Make Your Own Homegrown Medicinals. Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon.

Cubit's Organic Living » How to: Save Heirloom Tomato Seeds. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Free 3 Day Online Course in Homesteading, Farming and Growing Your Own. DIY soil test. Bottle irrigator for plants. DIY herb pyramid. Backyard aquaponics: DIY system to farm fish with vegetables. Stel maakt zelfvoorzienende stadsboerderij in eigen tuin.

Kelly Coyne en Erik Knutzen maakten een stadsboerderij van de tuin om hun huis in een oude buitenwijk van Los Angeles. Het mag met recht een zelfvoorzienend paradijs genoemd worden. Op amper 340 m2 grond verbouwen ze groente, maken ze zelf cosmetica en houden ze bijen en kippen. Ook maken ze hun eigen compost, hebben ze verschillende vruchtenbomen en bakken ze hun eten in een zelfgebouwde oven. DIY IKEA Shelf In-Home Aquaponics - Planted Space. Dubbed "Malthus," this Ikea-hacked project by Conceptual Devices pieces together a 100g fish tank, plastic grow beds, a pump and piping onto an IKEA Broder shelf, with wheels.

Window Farming: A Do-It-Yourself Veggie Venture. Aquaponic Greenhouse. How-To plastic bottle green house build guide ! Aquaponics. How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3 Acres. PART 2 - How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3 Acres. Live off your backyard. Teach a man... Can Guerrilla Gardening Save The World? Backyard aquaponics: DIY system to farm fish with vegetables. How to Turn a Pallet into a Garden. Photos du journal.


How to Grow Blueberries. 15 foods you can regrow from scraps! 15 foods you can regrow from scraps. Boom in de stad redt jaarlijks een leven. A tree is worth $193.250. Tree airco. Photos du journal. DIY Mason Jar Herb Garden. No Garden? Here Are 66 Things You Can Can Grow At Home In Containers. Hanging strawberries. The Free Farm. 35 Unexpected Things To Add To Your Compost Pile.