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I use my pearltree as a means to organize the artists that I derive inspiration from as well as websites and blogs that may also hold the same purpose for me. I occasionally keep tabs of other sites I find equally fascinating, even if they are unrelated to fine art but generally I do not.

I'm too used to hearing about an artist and then forgetting their name. Pearltrees, although it should be used to connect with people who have similar interests as you, is, for me, purely selfish and wonderful. All of Them Witches | The Thinking Tank. #OccupyWallStreet/ Occupy Wall Street. Terrapin. 8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance. Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination.

Young Americans—even more so than older Americans—appear to have acquiesced to the idea that the corporatocracy can completely screw them and that they are helpless to do anything about it. A 2010 Gallup poll asked Americans “Do you think the Social Security system will be able to pay you a benefit when you retire?” Among 18- to 34-years-olds, 76 percent of them said no. Yet despite their lack of confidence in the availability of Social Security for them, few have demanded it be shored up by more fairly payroll-taxing the wealthy; most appear resigned to having more money deducted from their paychecks for Social Security, even though they don’t believe it will be around to benefit them.

How exactly has American society subdued young Americans? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reimagine :The Game: Osama bin BLAHdin. An accused “cis sexist” seeks to educate herself and others, gives big thanks to Twitter. The butterfly is an international symbol for the transgender community. I have to thank Twitter for educating me about an issue that continues to have an increasing importance in all societies. Although I was hesitant to start a Twitter account in the first place I now admit it has really broadened my horizons! One area that I have had my awareness raised by Twitter is in the area of language. One term that I have learned is “cis sexist” or “cis gay.” I fully admit I was not familiar with this term before seeing it on Twitter, but after seeing in in several Tweets I did a few Google searches on the term.

Although there is actually very little on the web about cis sexism, my understanding is that “cis” refers to a person who is comfortable identifying with the gender they were born with. Last week I was “drop kicked” by one of my followers on Twitter and publicly accused of being “cis sexist.” Scotland Yard fights to keep Jack the Ripper files secret. Zaza. Facebook Player for ZAZA | Pop. 5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness. Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety.

All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain... #5. So you just picked up the night shift at your local McDonald's, you have class every morning at 8am and you have no idea how you're going to make it through the day without looking like a guy straight out of Dawn of the Dead, minus the blood... hopefully. "SLEEEEEEEEEP... uh... What if we told you there was a way to sleep for little more than two hours a day, and still feel more refreshed than taking a 12-hour siesta on a bed made entirely out of baby kitten fur?

Holy Shit! JYVÄSKYLÄ CENTRE FOR PRINTMAKING, FINLAND. Visual Arts | Columbia University School of the Arts. 27-Mar-2014 Visual Arts faculty and alumni will be showing in The Pitch Project's inaugural exhibitions, which open March 29 and run through June 29 of this year. 12-Mar-2014 Gift is the First Major Donation From the LeRoy Neiman Foundation Since the Artist’s Death 04-Mar-2014 Korakrit Arunanondchai's ('12) first solo museum exhibition 2012-2555 will be at MoMA PS1 from March 9 to May 25, 2014. 27-Feb-2014 Lauren Silva ('13) will be showing her debut solo exhibition at ZieherSmith from February 27 to March 29, 2014. 18-Feb-2014 Visual Arts alumnus David Altmejd ('01) opened his new exhibition, Juices, at the Andrea Rosen Gallery. 14-Feb-2014 Visual Arts faculty member Matthew Buckingham will be one of 45 artists featured in SITE Santa Fe's summer biennial, "“SITElines: New Perspectives on Art of the Americas," The theme of the show is "Unsettled Landscapes," and it will focus on entirely on artists from the Western Hemisphere. 04-Feb-2014 08-Jan-2014 03-Dec-2013 02-Dec-2013 20-Nov-2013 18-Nov-2013.

Wicca. Llewellyn Worldwide. Magical and occult stores. Pagan Food Restrictions – No Unsacred Place. Since moving to New Hampshire from my native Massachusetts a decade ago, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery. The journey, like all journeys, requires daily sustenance. And over the last decade I’ve really cleaned up my diet. Still, however, I am overweight. My doctor considers me obese though I don’t consider myself so. The last time I went to see my primary she mentioned me losing some weight, of which I heartily agree. She and I have different ideas on how to do such though. She believes I should be eating low fat foods, low calorie diet food like Weight Watchers. Wolf and I strive to eat as healthy as possible. Organic food is better than conventional but there are problems with organic foods. Local is always good. Over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking more and more about food prohibitions.

Local, seasonal, organic* foods could be what our spirituality requires for Oneness with Mother Earth. Yes our diets will change. Magick studies. The Triple Goddess: the Original Holy Trinity. The Triple Goddess is a term first popularised by the poet and scholar Robert Graves in the 20th century. He depicted the triplicity as Maiden, Mother and Crone and many neo-pagans have followed this imagery.

While some scholars attributed the idea to the lively imagination of the poet, recent archaeology has made it abundantly clear that "Goddess Triplicities" are to be found throughout ancient Europe. In Hinduism today, the triplicity of the Goddess in Shakta worship is of cardinal importance, and outside the Indo-European world the Triple Goddess is found in Africa and Asia. How should the devotee of Our Mother God understand this universal image?

While many of us contemplate the single image of Our Mother, there has always been an important Trinitarian aspect to Her worship. There are, as usual, various patriarchal stumbling-blocks to avoid. The Thealogy of the Triple Goddess The Mother and the Daughter, or Maiden, are typified by Demeter and Persephone. God the Mother God the Daughter. Worldofwonder - Pagan Metareligious Essay. For a few decades I have been "re-storying" the Female (as Goddess metaphor) in Her triple aspects to the Center of the Cosmos, finding Her within myself and facilitating that process in others through teaching and writing. This increasingly has included sensing and celebrating Her — the Triple Goddess — in Earth and in Her seasonal cycles, and as these cycles manifest in the Southern Hemisphere. I have been calling what I do "Celebrating Gaia" and "Gaian spirituality. " The name "Gaia" has, for me, come to represent not only Earth, but the entire Cosmic Presence: Earth is at one with Her context.

I have adapted the Wheel of the Year of the Pagan tradition as a way of celebrating the Triple Goddess — thus plumbing the Wheel's earliest metaphor, but combining it with my own experience and with Western scientific understandings. Into these traditional, seasonal celebrations I have woven the conscious celebration of Cosmogenesis, the Creative Unfolding of "Gaia-Universe&Earth".