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Perfect Cupcake Frosting and Filling. I always hear people say “I’m not a frosting person”. And while part of me thinks that’s ridiculous, I can understand to a certain extent when so many frosting are sickeningly sweet. I love frosting that is more like whipped cream. I used to actually fold whipped cream into classic buttercream to get that lighter texture and not so rich taste. Then I realized that I could get that same result by making it like this- starting with a white sauce. Sounds weird, but man this stuff is good. And it’s not so thick and sweet that you need a gallon of milk to get it down your throat. Perfect Cupcake Frosting and Filling 3 tablespoon Flour1/2 cup milk (whole milk is best, but I use non-fat when it’s all I have and it’s actually fine)1/2 cup real butter (I prefer salted, but you can use also unsalted and add salt to taste)1/2 cup sugar (that’s granulated sugar, not powdered sugar)1 teaspoon vanilla extract, or other flavor if you wish.

Whisk together the flour and the milk. But you just wait. 1. 2. Irresistible cheesecake :: « NOLAchef. Get ready, this cheesecake is life changing. I use to find cheesecake to be well, repulsive, until I spent Thanksgiving in upstate NY and had my first bite of Alice’s pumpkin cheesecake. That is a tasteful memory I’ll never forget. After the holiday (and my first snow!) I returned to my cozy apartment in Greenwich Village, took out my spiffy new Martha Stewart hand blender, and went grocery shopping with a recipe from Gourmet magazine for a mascarpone cheesecake. I wound up making multiple mini cheesecakes and experimenting with different crusts- almond, vanilla wafer, graham cracker, ginger snap, pine nut, etc.

Ginger snap was the winner with pine nut following close behind. This isn’t the cheapest pastry recipe to make in BA if you use Philadelphia Cream Cheese. The results are astonishingly different! I will NEVER make it without using Philadelphia. So cough up the extra 50 pesos and head to china town, you wont regret it. Mascarpone Cheesecake :: Crust :: Alice, thanks for the inspiration. Deals on meals, B&B burgers, 2.25 pesos :: « NOLAchef. Welcome back to another deals on meals recipe! This ULTRA HEALTHY dish was inspired from a recent bulgur burger that I had at a natural cafe in the funky barrio San Telmo. There’s was a bulgur-carrot-spinach double patty loaded with caramelized onion and melted mozzarella, mine is a Mexican style bulgur-black eyed pea patty (wanted black beans but couldn’t get my hands on any) with lime mayo and diced tomato. For a first attempt at homemade veggie burgers I (as well as my hungry neighbor) found it a huge success and pretty easy to make.

They are PACKED with protein, fiber, and potassium and the entire dish cost roughly 18 pesos and makes 8 lunch/dinner portions, that’s 2.25 pesos per person! B&B Burger (Bulgur & Bean Burger) :: 500g bulgur500g black eyed peas2 onion, small diced5 garlic cloves, minced2 TBS soy sauce1.5 TBS cumin2 tsp chili powder o paprika.5 tsp corriander1 tsp pepper1.5 TBS saltfresh cilantro, minced1 lime, zest and juice1 green onion, slicedmayonaisetomato, dicedoil. Torre de milanesas con puré de batatas. Nikko Dirube, creador de Geno Beer Bar, un flamante bar de cervezas en Palermo donde se pueden conseguir variedades de todo el mundo (Alemania, Bélgica, España, China, Italia, Japon, Francia, Irlanda, Holanda, México y la lista sigue…) comparte aquí uno de los platos que ofrece en el bar: una torre de milanesas aderezadas con varias salsas especiales, muy sencillas de preparar. Ingredientes (1 porción): 4 milanesas de 8cm de diámetro, 1 huevo, 20gr de queso crema, ciboulette, manteca, aceite de Oliva, 20gr de queso Cheddar, 20gr de aceitunas, 150gr de batatas.

Preparación: Antes de comenzar hay que preparar los tres aderezos. 1. Pistu de aceitunas Procesar las aceitunas junto con el oliva hasta generar una pasta. 2. Crema de ciboullette Picar el ciboullette finamente, mezclarlo con el queso crema y sazonar a gusto. 3. Ahora sí, disponer las milanesas cocidas en forma de torre, intercalando 1 capa de milanesa y una capa de aderezo. Icings Recipes at Bake Decorate Celebrate! Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Gouda Cheese Sauce. This morning I was looking at my home page and I realized that there is a lot of orange sweet potato and pumpkin going on. Considering the time of year I think it is very fitting. Maybe I should go red and green when Christmas comes around? Got any green and red recipes that I can try out for Christmas?

In keeping with the autumn orange theme I got the idea to try a sweet potato gnocchi covered in gouda cheese sauce. The idea was to do it in a stovetop mac and cheese kind of style. I have never made a potato gnocchi before. First and most important you need 1 pound of sweet potato. In the photos I as preparing a double recipe so that is why you see so many potatoes. Pierce the potatoes with a fork. Microwave the potato for 5-6 minutes on each side, until tender. Slice the potatoes in half and let cool. Scoop out the flesh of the potatoes and mash, you need 1 1/2 cups of mashed potato. Add Parmesan cheese, brown sugar, 1 teaspoons salt, and nutmeg; mash to blend. You have made a roux! Gnocchi. Key Lime Pie. El Key Lime Pie es una torta cítrica de textura densa y cremosa, típica de Key West, Estados Unidos.

Es muy fácil de preparar, y se puede servir tanto como postre como a la hora de la merienda. Hacé la prueba. Ingredientes: 2 latas de leche condensada (790 gramos), 4 yemas, 180 mililitros de jugo de lima, ralladura de una lima, 2 paquetes (300 gramos) de galletitas de vainilla, 100 gramos de manteca, agua en cantidad necesaria. Preparación: Procesar las galletitas hasta que queden completamente molidas. Mezclarlas con la manteca derretida y agregar un poco de agua para que quede un granulado. Debe poder unirse al presionarlo con la mano. Forrar con la preparación los bordes y la base de un molde desmontable de 20 centímetros de diámetro y llevar al horno por 10 minutos. Para el relleno, mezclar la leche condensada con las yemas, el jugo y la ralladura de lima. Para servir, decorar con merengue italiano o con crema chantilly.