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Tutorial Tuesday: Knockoff Delancey Felt Petal Pillow from Horchow. Last week I had the amazing opportunity to share this tutorial over at Someday Crafts! I am excited to put it up on my own site now! Knockoff Delancey Felt Petal Pillow from Horchow Horchow sells this pillow for $145.00! I thought it was beautiful but not affordable so I decided to make a knockoff and share the tutorial with you! A free printable pattern for the flower pieces can be downloaded here. To make the petals, I cut 1 inch wide strips of felt, cut the long strip into pieces slightly bigger than the petal pattern piece and then cut out the petals. Lay the petals around the circle and sew them on. Sew a few stitches by hand to give the top petals shape and attach them to the center of the flower by hand stitching it. Now, for the pillow, cut 1-14×14 inch square and 2-9×14 inch rectangles of the felt. Stack a 9×14 inch felt piece and a lace piece and hem one of the 14 inch sides. 1. Stuff pillow with your choice of filling or a pillow form.

Thanks for stopping by!! Resultados de la búsqueda para elf. 52 Weeks Project. Aprons. Wearable Gallery. Wearable Gallery. DIY / DIY: Sand Bowls- just sand mixed with glue and dripped over a bowl until it hardens. Emmelines blogg. Receta para fabricar Porcelana Fría (parte I) @ Andrea Martinez – Arte en Porcelana Fria. Best DIY Projects / Make your own mosaic tiles in any color- with wood glue, paint, and plaster, using a rubber car mat. How to Weave Basket. Basket weaving hasn’t been so easy with this method: weave around a cardboard frame.

Originally, I saw this method in a Japanese craft magazine, I searched around for the template but can’t find it any where locally or online. So, I built it based on my dimension. Get the tutorial on how to make this easy woven basket and download the templates to try it out after this jump: I would say that this is a wonderful idea to make basket, with this method and concept, basically you can build a lot of shapes and sizes that you want. Here, I demo it with 3 shapes: triangle, round and square, but you can come out with rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon & even octagon with just a little tweak in the design. The height can be modified to suit your preference.

Material: 1. Download the basket weaving template (consist of triangle, round and square) in pdf format. After tracing the template on the thick cardboard, use a pair of strong and sharp scissors to cut the template out. Shrinky Bracelet. If you grew up in the 80's, like I did, you're probably already familiar with the awesomeness that is Shrinky Dinks...but did you know that you can still buy Shrinky Dinks? Yep, they're still out there - in craft stores, hobby shops, and even on Amazon. But you don't have to buy a Shrinky Dink kit to have all the fun.

Just look for #6 plastic containers and you can make your own! There is a great tutorial on Instructables (courtesy of Dabbled) with all the instructions for making your own shrinky projects from #6 plastic containers, so I won't go into too much detail here. Most of this post is actually about turning these awesome little pieces of plastic into a sweet bracelet (and bonus pendant) to give to mom for Mother's Day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use a pair of pliers to open the rings. 8. Surprise mom with a priceless piece of jewelry made by her little artists! Cute, right? Adjustable Knot. T. J. Potter, Sling Maker - 6 strand flat braid. Instructions for a 6-strand Flat Braid I have included two ways to make this flat braid. The first is simply the normal braiding method, and the second is more of a finger weaving method.

The structure of the braid is basically the same for both methods, but because of the difference in the way tension is put on the strands, the two methods produce somewhat different looking results. Method #1 To start the braid, hold three strands in each hand. Now take the outside left-hand strand and bring it through the other three left-hand strands going under-over-under, and transfer it to the right hand, keeping it to the inside of the other right-hand strands.

Here you can see both steps have been done. Here you can see several passes of the braid completed. Method #2 For this method, hold all six strands in the left hand. The weaving process is repteated with each strand in sequence. Here you can see what it looks like after two steps are done without being pulled tight.

Owl【自己动手】圣诞快到了!DIY可爱的虞美人…_来自owl的图片分享. 堆糖网 分类 首页 热门 最新 良品购 特卖惠 家居生活 美食菜谱 手工DIY 时尚搭配 美妆造型 婚纱婚礼 设计 古风 插画绘画 壁纸 头像 文字句子 旅行 摄影 人文艺术 影音书 人物明星 动画漫画 植物多肉 生活百科 搞笑萌宠 搜索含 的内容 搜索含 的商品 搜索含 的专辑 搜索含 的糖友 新浪微博腾讯 QQ 淘宝腾讯微博豆瓣 关联账号登录: 登录 注册 owl 发布到 owl【自己动手】 专辑中 2011-12-09 11:41:19 owl【自己动手】圣诞快到了! 关注 查看完整专辑2211714 来自: 我的首页 新浪微博-随时随地分享身边的新… 查看来源 收集 腾讯微博 豆瓣 人人网 赞3 评论 4 添加评论... 评论 tabac的味道03-13 好看 喜欢! 挑剔的猫咪03-06 喜欢的花! 麻依03-05 哇 · ·· 这个我应该能完成··! Isis_sweet_home01-25 我喜欢,很大气。 你可能感兴趣 还被收集在 > 手工430那点小手工...2005布892 标签 DIY手工 活动 哇塞!

截止日期:2014年04月23日 标签集帮助中心关于我们加入我们免责声明堆糖收集工具 ©Copyright by 堆糖 2010-2013, all rights reserved 备案 沪ICP备10038086号-1 确定要删除? 确定取消. Make an art bowl from pet bottle. Golden polymer clay beads. In this Polymer clay tutorial you will use different techniques, like Mokume Gane, texture impression, making logs with a clay gun and embellishment. You will create these gorgeous golden beads by baking them on a paint palette and then fill them. Sound complicated? It really isn't. Just take a look: You will need the following: Polymer clay: Lavender, Sunflower, Raspberry, Cognac, Brilliant Blue, Peppermint, White and Black.Scrap clay. Are you ready?

Prepare the clay sheets: First you need to mix the colors. Yellow: ½ part Lavender + 2 parts sunflowerRust: 1 part Raspberry + 3 part CognacDark green: 1 part Brilliant Blue + 1 part SunflowerLight green: ½ part Dark green + 2 part whiteTurquoise: 3 parts Peppermint + ¼ part Black Condition each color well and run them through a medium setting on your pasta machine. Apply acrylic gold paint to one of the large sheets of all colors but the blue, and put them aside to dry.

Use a soft tissue blade and start shaving off thin layers of the print.

Varios libros de manualidades y más Descargar Gratis. Varios libros de manualidades y más Cuentos didácticos de físicaDescargar Cómo hacer Bromas y trucos Descargar bebes prepara su llegada Descargar Cositas para hacer - Laurie Carlson 500 Dibujos para colorear disney Enzensberger, Hans Magnus - El diablo de los números ¡Esto es un lio! Iniciación sexual y afectiva Contenido: - A los padres y las madres - Algunas mentirijillas - No todas las familias son como la mía - Decir "no" - ¿ Y eso del SIDA? Descargar Macrame nudos pulseras de macrame Como hacer juegos con papel Mis primeras aventuras con mamá Matemáticas Como Hacer Juguetes Que Funcionan Papel Maché Como hacer experimentos sencillos Haga y venda Velas Como entrenener y educar a bebés y niños Yo Te Tengo A Ti Tu Me Tiene A Mi Maquillaje para niños Manualidades divertidas - Adorna con mosaico Curso rápido de flores de tela Espero les guste este post, comentar no cuesta nada.

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