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Facebook Twitter  - 3D Printed R2-D2 R6 Droid. Un modèle grandeur nature de R2-D2 imprimé en 3D. XRobots/3D_R2_Public. [Tutoriel] Arduino et émetteur/récepteur 433MHz (VirtualWire) CuriousMarc 2-3-2 Mechanism Overview 03.pdf. 2-3-2 Actuation - My Droid is one of the few so-called "2-3-2" capable robots.

2-3-2 Actuation -

This refers to the ability to move from a 2 leg to a 3 leg stance and back, as seen in the original Star Wars movie (actually it is seen in only one scene, and only doing the 2 to 3 transition). This is done by extending the center leg from inside the body and pivoting the two outer legs, as shown below. "2-3-2" is a difficult automation problem for an amateur robot, because of the large forces involved, relatively fast movement, restricted space, timing, and stability requirements.

Holo Lights - CuriousMarc Holo Light v2.0 is a small LED based light projector that fits in the body of the club's Holoprojectors. and is compatible with most Droid light control systems.

Holo Lights -

Here is a video of an earlier version of the lights. The new ones are slightly different for added compatibility with multiple lighting systems. Arduino. R2-D2 Arduino Controller Update. BHD.