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Whale songs. All the following recorded whale sounds on this website are copyrighted and may not be used without our permission!

Whale songs

Humpback whales are known for their singing: these 'classical' whale songs could only be heard in their breeding grounds. For the population of the North Pacific this could be the waters around Hawaii sein, but also the coastal regions fo Mexiko or Japan. But this is only one population out of six different ones world wide and as every single one has it's own 'dialect' the songs differ from each other. In this archive we have whale sounds recorded off of Maui produced by Kent Noonan, our sound engineer. Whale songs off of Maui You want to enjoy whale songs at home? Whales also produce sounds in Alaskan waters as you can hear here: the recorded songs are courtesy of Dick Callahan. The feeding calls can't be compared to the 'classical' whale songs.

Whale songs off of Alaska. Welcome to Hortiplan. Чудотворният български охлюв. Сиво, скучно, неатрактиво - така накратко може да се опише българското участие в "Зелената седмица" - най-голямото в света изложение на хранително-вкусовата промишленост, което се провежда тази седмица в Берлин.

Чудотворният български охлюв

На фона на пъстротата и изобилието, с което се представят останалите нации, малкият щанд няма с какво да хване окото, да накара посетителите, непознаващи България, да спрат и да полюбопитстват за онова, което тя може да им предложи. Chief Science Officer, SENS Foundation. Slime Molds Are Earth’s Smallest, Oldest Farmers. Colonies of a bizarre microbial goo have been found practicing agriculture at a scale tinier than any seen before.

Slime Molds Are Earth’s Smallest, Oldest Farmers

Animals such as ants, snails and beetles are known to farm fungus. But the slime mold’s bacterial-farming trick takes it into a whole new realm.. “If you can pack your food source with you, it’s a serious advantage,” said molecular biologist Debra Brock of Rice University, co-author of the slime-mold study, published Jan. 19 in Nature. Dictyostelium discoideum, the best-known of a group of creatures called slime molds, spends part of its life as a single-celled amoeba feeding on bacteria that grow in decomposing leaves on forest floors. When food is short, hundreds of thousands of amoebas come together, fusing into a single entity. It’s been thought that slime molds simply scavenge, eating bacteria they like and oozing out the rest. When grown in the lab, the unusual fruiting bodies grew both the slime mold and the bacteria. What Will the Next Decade Bring for Medicine? No one has a crystal ball, but some predictions that I made in recent years are coming into sharp focus with every scientific advance.

What Will the Next Decade Bring for Medicine?

For starters, every year, more organs of the body can be grown in the laboratory from our own cells. Just last year, a complete windpipe was grown and implanted in a woman. Also, for mice, a complete beating heart was grown from scratch using stem cells. Also, the technology of bio-printers is making major strides and will continue to do so over the next few years. These printers, such as the one developed by Invetech and Organovo, can print human tissue onto a three-dimensional template creating organs and even arteries. Image & Text from The NovoGen MMX Bioprinter™ is a novel hardware and software platform at the forefront of bioprinting research and development. Also, It took $3 billion to sequence all the genes of the first human.

Image: A tricorder from the original Star Trek television series. EO Wilson Biodiversity Foundation - The Processes that Matter. The Windowfarms Project. Tree or ring: the origin of complex cells. The natural world is full of great partnerships.

Tree or ring: the origin of complex cells

Bacteria give animals the guts to digest all manner of otherwise inedible foods. Algae allow corals to harness the power of the sun and construct mighty reefs. Ants cooperate to become mighty superorganisms. But the greatest partnership of all is far more ancient. It’s so old that we can only infer that it took place by looking for signals of history, embedded into the genomes of modern species. All complex life belongs to a single group called the eukaryotes, whose members, from humans to amoebas, share a common ancestry. This internal organisation sets the eukaryotes apart from the two other domains of life: the prolific bacteria; and the archaea, masters of extreme environments. An event so deep in time was always going to be difficult to piece together. NASA-Funded Research Discovers Life Built With Toxic Chemical.

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Fossil Hominids: Contact Information

If you send feedback, I'll assume it's OK for me to put it on my feedback page unless you say otherwise. If you have a preference for how much of your name you want me to use, tell me. I don't, however, have time for a long chatty dialogue about creation and evolution, especially on topics unrelated to human evolution. A freely accessible, Web-based encyclopedia of historic botanica.