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Cs0rfe added: How to Boot a Linux Live USB Drive on Your Mac. Think you can just plug a standard Linux live USB drive into your Mac and boot from it?

Cs0rfe added: How to Boot a Linux Live USB Drive on Your Mac

Think again. You’ll need to go out of your way to create a live Linux USB drive that will boot on a Mac. This can be quite a headache, but we’ve found a graphical utility that makes this easy. You’ll be able to quickly boot Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux, and other mainstream Linux distributions on your Mac. The Problem. Proposed New Characters. Brandieself added: Top 10 Best Cheat Sheets and Tutorials for Linux / UNIX Commands. Cheat sheet act as a reference tool which provides cut and paste kind of commands to complete a specific task.

Brandieself added: Top 10 Best Cheat Sheets and Tutorials for Linux / UNIX Commands

I often recommend following set of best cheat sheets to students and IT professionals. It include Linux/UNIX command and shell scripting. Unix Toolbox. Black Viper's Website.

Programming related

Learning to code. Thinkers Co.