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AND SPRAY PAINT ART FOR SALE. I apologise for the low number of available paintings.


I am currently taking requests for recreations of any painting I have sold in the past or custom requests, Please contact me at with your question or request. thank you, Brandon McConnell Gallery #1 - Gallery #2 - Gallery #3 - Gallery #4 - 1 Minute Paintings - Past Paintings 11" x 14" Paintings Spray paint art for sale by Brandon McConnell All paintings are originals spray painted on posterboard and shipped free with care worldwide. The Weekly IRL: Post-it Art. FELIX BLOMMESTIJN. Jamie Roberts' Superhero Vector Art Makes Wolverine Look Simply Wonderful - ComicsAlliance. Jamie Roberts not only renders ultra-clean vector images of Ghost Rider, Cyclops and Captain America; he riffs on formats and styles and churns out series in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Jamie Roberts' Superhero Vector Art Makes Wolverine Look Simply Wonderful - ComicsAlliance

Whether his works are put together like propaganda posters, movie posters, portraits or simple egg-shaped midget variations of popular comic book characters, they always have energy, and his use of basic lines and forms should make a lot of artists question how efficiently they’re using their pencils.Roberts’ blog and deviantART account, where he goes by the name “Jam-Wah,” showcase a vast array of approaches by the British-based artist, and whether he’s doing Wolverine confronting Sabretooth in the snow or a headshot of Spider Jerusalem, you can’t help getting caught up in the emotions and actions he’s able to evoke with only a few pieces. [Via Geek-Art] Superhero/villain posters on the Behance Network. Moleskine Art: collected works. Posted by: – Jun 18, 2010 Displaying art whose origin is within a notebook seems almost contradictory; if the intent was display, wouldn't the work have been produced on canvas, large paper, or any medium that isn't designed to be closed and sealed?

Moleskine Art: collected works

Perhaps that's the appeal of these works; I feel as if I'm privy to something that might not have been meant to be seen by the masses. These images work with a medium easily, both conforming and breaking standards. Also, Moleskine journals are fantastic, I have several. Celebrating the Art of the Doodle: 20 Awesome Doodles.

Faith Georgia Jabson Rodrigues molossus aka rooibas Jim Bradshaw Matt Lyon.

Celebrating the Art of the Doodle: 20 Awesome Doodles

Stylish Movie Illustrations by Justin Reed. 25 Beautifully Painted Game Consoles. A set of pictures with different video game consoles very beautifully painted.

25 Beautifully Painted Game Consoles

Why wasn’t I cool enough to paint these video consoles as a kid? The Vader Project. Une nouvelle étape dans ce projet artistique réunissant 100 oeuvres et artistes, autour du buste et du casque de Dark Vador.

The Vader Project

L’exposition The Vader Project a eu lieu dans le musée Andy Warhol à Pittsburgh. Une libre interprétation graphique à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Sketchbook Secrets: 50 Beautiful Sketchbook Scans. The sketchbook is—to borrow a term from the new millenniums’ popular discourse—an artist’s BFF.

Sketchbook Secrets: 50 Beautiful Sketchbook Scans

It’s a diary for the visually inclined—a place where artists can most comfortably explore their personal thoughts, work out their visual needs, practice, maintain a visual history, and hopefully create the unpolished work that will eventually lead to amazing work for the world to see. But, sometimes, when we’re lucky, we get to see the process. Below are 50 beautiful sketchbook scans from 35 talented artists. Allen Sutton. Ian Collins. Creative photos by Chema Madoz. Ian Collins. Cardboard Love (by @baekdal) #design. Design Art Cartoons Cars About Follow RSS Advertise Search Cardboard Love - /by @42concepts .

Cardboard Love (by @baekdal) #design

Written by Thomas Baekdal | Wednesday, April 22, 2009. Digital Resistance to Political and Cultural Manipulation and Indoctrination. The Amazing Trash Artist: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Macabre kids’ book art by Gojin Ishihara. Here is a collection of wonderfully weird illustrations by Gōjin Ishihara, whose work graced the pages of numerous kids' books in the 1970s.

Macabre kids’ book art by Gojin Ishihara

The first 16 images below appeared in the "Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters" (1972), which profiled supernatural creatures from Japanese legend. The other illustrations appeared in various educational and entertainment-oriented publications for children. - Kappa (river imp), Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters, 1972 - Jorōgumo (lit. "whore spider"), Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters, 1972. 30 Colorful Shots Of High Speed Bullet Photography. Cool Sites, Cool Videos, Design Schools, Trends.

Paper craft

Corrugated cardboard house painting. 13 Oct 2006 These photos show painted cardboard shelters in the homeless city that took root in the underground sprawl of Shinjuku station's western wing in the mid-1990s.

Corrugated cardboard house painting

A deadly fire swept through the community in February 1998, forcing the inhabitants out and conveniently allowing the city to proceed with long-awaited plans to construct the moving walkway that now exists there. The paintings were also lost in the fire. The cardboard house painters were Junichiro Take, who once spent 22 days in jail for performing his art in Shinjuku station, along with Takeo Yoshizaki, Yasuhiro Yamane, Itohisa Takano and others. Check out the full gallery here and read more background information here. See more photos at Eyedia's gallery of Shinjuku cardboard house paintings. Images riot68.