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Out of the ordinary Beauty Tips that work. Use toothpaste on yellow nails.

Out of the ordinary Beauty Tips that work

This usually happens when you let nail polish stay on your nails for very long and when you’ve used cheap nail polish. Whiten them all up by rubbing toothpaste to remove the stains. You can also add a few drops of lemon for extra whitening, it’s a natural bleaching agent. See other uses of lemon with this POST. Use suntan oil to treat damaged hair. Treat burns with milk. Powder Your Roots If by any chance you have no chance to jump into the shower and you need to look your best. Cure Calluses with Vaseline or petroleum jelly It’s very unsightly to see hard calluses on your feet especially when you’ve been wearing closed shoes for a long time. Spot-Treat Smudges I find cotton tips very usual for this. Super-Glue a Nail Yikes! Buff with Baking Soda I’ve laughed at that episode in Friends when Ross went to a self-tanning sauna and got disastrous results. Use Toothpaste on a Zit Use just a pea-size amount. Technorati Tags: beauty tips.

Hairstyles For Girls - The Story Of A Princess And Her Hair. How To Use A Sock To Get Beautiful Curly Hair Without Heat. If you are a mom on the go with long hair you HAVE TO try this.

How To Use A Sock To Get Beautiful Curly Hair Without Heat

It will knock your socks off and have you wrapping your hair up in them! This is all about how to make your hair beautiful with no heat and no time. Curl your hair in your sleep with a sock. Yup, you heard me right. Have you heard of this sock bun? I was on Pinterest a while back and spotted this post about the sock bun which links you to her video on YouTube. Why? Because: It literally takes a minute to doNO heat at all – just a soft little sock in your hairNo product (for me anyway)You can sleep in it very comfortablyIt works Marvelously and is simple beautiful This is the sock bun before and after of my hair. Here are the step by step instructions on how to make this work.

First steal a sock from your husband’s dress sock collection (that is what I did anyway). Now roll the sock into a ring. Put your dry hair into a high ponytail. Now spritz just the hair in your ponytail with water. Cute Nail Art Ideas For Spring. How to Get Rid of Freckles - Causes of Freckles and Treatment. If you want to get rid of your freckles, you need to understand what they are first: small, flat, tan, brown, or black spots on the skin caused by increased production and localized build-up of melanin in skin cells.

How to Get Rid of Freckles - Causes of Freckles and Treatment

Melanin is produced naturally as a skin pigment and protection against sunlight — that’s why prolonged sun exposure can produce or darken freckles, especially in people with fair skin. Predisposition to freckles can be genetic (like fair skin), and is even related to the presence of red hair (like Pippi’s!). Read on for suggestions for getting rid of your freckles. Preventing Freckles To keep your freckles from getting worse and to prevent new freckles from forming you should avoid prolonged sun exposure. Freckle Treatments.

The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty. How To Get Rid Of Freckles Naturally? I personally think that Freckles look cute but I know lots of people who don’t like them and just want to get rid of them.

How To Get Rid Of Freckles Naturally?

Here are some remedies to fade freckles. 1.You can fade freckles by rubbing Lemon on your skin or by applying Lemon Juice using a cotton ball. Lemon has a natural acidic power to lighten skin. Never do this if your skin is sensitive or if you are allergic to citrus fruits. Alternate Sleep Cycles. Most people only think that there is one way to sleep: Go to sleep at night for 6-8 hours, wake up in the morning, stay awake for 16-18 hours and then repeat.

Alternate Sleep Cycles

Actually, that is called a monophasic sleep cycle, which is only 1 of 5 major sleep cycles that have been used successfully throughout history. The other 4 are considered polyphasic sleep cycles due to the multiple number of naps they require each day. How is this possible? Nail Nerd. Daisy Marc Jacobs.