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If I Had Faked the Resurrection. Welcome to the CCEL. The Church and the Churches. "Search the Scripture.

The Church and the Churches

" John 5:39. In matters of doctrine it is of vital importance that the authority upon which we act shall be one on which we can unhesitatingly rely. There are those who advocate that such authority is vested in the Church. This at once introduces certain questions for our consideration, namely, what the Church is, and what are its calling, constitution and destiny. No claim to authority on the part of any man, or company of men, can be admitted, till it is proved to be well founded. Basic Facts It is axiomatic that the Church is the possession of Christ. if Christ were non-existent, there would be no Church.

Our knowledge of this statement by our Lord is derived from the writings of the New Testament. Of the four Gospels the Gospel of Matthew is the only one that contains a direct statement made by Christ concerning His Church. The Term Ekklesia In the New Testament the word ekk1esia (lit. A Spiritual Organism A Spiritual Edifice Unauthorized Systems Part 2 to top. Koinonia House - The Ministry of Chuck and Nancy Missler. Uplook Ministries - Home. Revelation TV. The Ten Commandments - Roman Catholic Church Version. APOLOGY: Please note that the following information is not intended to offend another and this would also be contrary to Christian teaching.

The Ten Commandments - Roman Catholic Church Version

It should also be noted that over the centuries many wonderful Christians from the Catholic Church have done outstanding missionary and other excellent Christian work. There are no doubt millions of people in the Catholic Church that are not aware of the things below and that is no reflection on their faith or love for Christ. This site is not anti-catholic and we love all people from all denominations. It is a simple case of the truth must always be preached as this is God's will. Please also read the note to Catholics about half way down this page and see is there idolatry in the Catholic Church and was Peter the first pope? The table below shows the Ten Commandments as personally spoken and written by God using the King James translation and the Ten Commandments as changed by the Roman Catholic Church. Who Made Sunday Holy? Daniel: On the Way to the Future. Almost everyone looks at the book of Daniel with a sense of wonder and anticipation, because this is usually regarded as a prophetic book foretelling the future.

Daniel: On the Way to the Future

This is true. The book of Daniel, together with the book of Revelation, marvelously unfolds future events as God has ordained them in the program of history. By no means has this book yet been fulfilled, neither has the book of Revelation. These two books, one from the Old and one from the New Testament, remarkably complement each other in their symmetry and harmony. The 70th Week. Omega Times. William MacDonald Audio Sermons. Authentic Christianity.