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Une astuce pour éviter la subvocalisation. La subvocalisation est le fait de lire un texte en « prononçant » les mots avec le larynx, même si on lit d’une manière silencieuse, sans ouvrir la bouche. Cela rajoute un intermédiaire entre les yeux et le cerveau, qui est inutile à la compréhension des phrases. C’est pourquoi les méthodes de lecture rapide (cf. livre de François Richaudeau ) conseillent de supprimer cette tendance pour gagner en efficacité et en rapidité. Dans cette vidéo (en Anglais), le formateur commence par expliquer ce concept, puis il donne un manière d’éradiquer cette mauvaise habitude. Pour lui, il faut lire un texte tout en prononçant à voix haute des séquences telles que « aeiou » ou « 123″.

Au début, on ne va peut-être pas comprendre facilement ce qu’on lit, mais cela force le larynx à ne pas prononcer les mots du texte. Merci au site DailyBlogTips d’avoir partagé ce lien. How to be Sociable When You Don't Feel Like It. Are Allergies and Depression Related? Spring always brings a rash of , sniffling and stuffy noses. But can seasonal be psychologically harmful? A wave of emerging research suggests that may be the case. While there’s no firm evidence that allergies cause , large studies show that allergy sufferers do seem to be at higher risk of depression. Severe allergies can bring , headaches, fatigue and a general feeling of physical depletion, all of which can worsen mood. Studies have found that release compounds in the body called cytokines, which play a role in inflammation and may reduce levels of the hormone serotonin, which helps maintain feelings of well-being.

And it’s well known that some common allergy medications, like corticosteroids, can cause anxiety and mood swings. Several large studies have found that the risk of depression in people with severe allergies is about twice that of those without allergies. Severe seasonal allergies may be a risk factor for depression. Le cerveau peut se soigner tout seul. Lors de l’émission Science Publique du 12 octobre 2012, que j’ai animée sur France Culture, il est arrivé ce qui se produit parfois lors d’une émission de radio. L’un des invités, Denis Le Bihan, directeur de Neurospin, a relaté des expériences qui ont été menées par différents laboratoires et dont les résultats ont été publiés dans des revues scientifiques. Et sa description s’est révélée tout bonnement sidérante. Elle est arrivée à un moment de l’émission où étaient évoquées les limites des thérapies actuelles. Qu’elles soient chimiques, avec les médicaments, ou électriques, avec les électrodes implantées à l’intérieur du cerveau, pour soigner, par exemple, la maladie de Parkinson.

La douleur disparaît “Mais le cerveau peut aussi se soigner lui-même”, a alors lancé Denis Le Bihan. Biofeedback Cela s’appelle le biofeedback par IRM. Dépression, Parkinson… Résultats également positifs sur la maladie de Parkinson. Un divan en forme de miroir La fatalité des bugs Comme un pli anormal. Free online speed reading software | My Rules for Consistent Happiness. I work at a newspaper, I'm at home at 2 am or even later. I also have a second job. yeah, I guess its good advice, but not realistic. Are you really sure there isn't a decision point in there? I have a pretty full life too, but rarely can I imagine a situation where I didn't have a choice to disengage at 9:30p if I so chose. I am sure most people have the choice, but they would have to give up other things or let people down.

Some things are not by choice - if you have a child who is crying and cannot sleep at 2200, it would mess up your perfect schedule. Or even if you include fun things that you would absolutely miss, like seeing the fireworks at the ballpark on 4th of July because they occur after the game has concluded, usually around 2200-2300. Just think about people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Einstein, Barack Obama and whoever else you can think of. Everyone has the same amount of time every single day. Invasion (Opérations) How to Prime Your BS Detection Skills Before the Presidential Debates. Top 10 Ways to Make Yourself Look (and Be) Smarter. How terribly obnoxious of you. Thanks for sharing.

Well, it is probably not the smartest move ever to call monolingual people dumb. But here in Europe (or at least in most countries) learning a second language is compulsory in secondary school. Therefore not speaking a second language often goes along with a lack of general education, probably leading roelroelroel to this bovine conclusion.

People in Europe need only travel a few hours to encounter another language, and bi- and tri-linguality is essential to business and communication there. North America is an enormous landmass containing (aside from reservations, ethnic enclaves, first-gen immigrant groups, and other outliers) three widely-used languages, one of which (French) is still only used in a relatively small portion of the continent. Also, way to be a dick. Yes, I realize that's the norm in Europe, where there's an international border every 50 miles.