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50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making. Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web: You might be realizing that most of the products out there that aren’t made organically or naturally contain a lot of toxic chemicals. Not only that, many of these products can be harmful to our environment in a number of ways. Making things yourself not only saves you money and helps the environment, but it lets you know where your products are coming from and exactly what’s in it. You can make anything from food items to personal care and cleaning products all in very simple ways. Remember: whenever you can, use organic foods and ingredients in recipes. Use sea salt instead of table salt. Use healthy oils like coconut oil. 50 Things You Can Start Making Homemade Ketchup – This ketchup won’t break the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar – so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family.

Share: Comments comments. Top 8 des déchets ménagers utiles à la maison. How To Build A Barrel Heater. 15 best vegetables that grow well in a container or pot. If you adore vegetables and want to have some in your own garden, then go ahead and enjoy planting the wonderful vegetables. However, if you lack limited space than even you are not supposed to worry about it. You can definitely fulfill your wish by growing the desired vegetables in pots or containers.

However, growing vegetables in pots depends upon the type you are growing. Hybridizer breeds in vegetables are the best vegetables to grow in pots, as they need lesser space. 1: Beets – This kind of variety grows well in small spaces – however, if you want best results try to grow “Red Ace” type. 2: Beans – There are two best types of bush varieties including “derby” and “provider” – for growing these you need a pot which has about 12 inches depth. 3: Carrots: Are you interested in growing carrots in containers? ThumbelinaShort n SweetLittle Fingers If you actively water the pot, you are more likely to get a healthier plant. 4: Cole Crops: 5: Cucumber: 6: Eggplant: 7: Lettuce and other greens: How To Build A Barrel Heater — Homestead and Survival. A Practical Zeer Pot (evaporative cooler / non-electrical refrigerator) A zeer pot is an evaporative cooler used in rural Africa and the Middle East to keep vegetables fresh. They consist of two terra cotta pots, one nested inside the other, with the gap between them filled with wet sand.

The sand serves as a thermal mass that helps keep the pot cold once it has cooled down, and acts as a wick to spread the moisture up the walls of the pot. When placed in a shaded, breezy location, the evaporation of water off the outer surface chills the pot. If you have a good breeze, or a fan powered by a solar panel blowing the pot, the pot can get quite cold. Imagine that chill you get when you step out of a pool when the wind is blowing. Unless the air is very dry and the pot is exposed to a constant breeze, they generally do not become as cold as a refrigerator, but they will keep vegetables fresh for a couple of weeks. Think of it as an open-cycle refrigerator.

What makes this zeer pot practical? (Be sure to read all the notes to all of the photos. How to plan a home funeral -- and yes, it's legal. RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA — It used to be that when someone passed, a family member called the funeral home, and a stranger showed up and whisked the body away, never to be cared for by loved ones again. But things are changing, or rather, returning, to more intimate rituals such as home funerals, which were commonplace in pre-funeral-home-director times. "I've never heard anyone say, 'I'm sorry we've done a home funeral,' " says Penny Rhodes, a home funeral guide with A Natural Undertaking.

"I've heard many people say, 'I wish we would have done that.' " The problem is, many people still don't know home funerals are even an option, or how to begin to go about planning one. "We can't choose what's important to us if we don't know what the options are," says Rhodes, who explains that home funerals are perfectly legal and cost a fraction of what a conventional funeral would cost.

Here's what you need to know about home funerals: It's not all or nothing. Make the right calls. 1. 2. 3. Welcome to The Sietch - Projects Build Your Own Solar Thermal Panel. After our first attempt at a home built proof of concept solar thermal panel, we were a bit disappointed with the results. It took about 4 hours before the thing started work, and was a bit costly (at over 50 dollars) to make. I knew it could be done better and cheaper. My first mistake with the first one was purchasing everything new. With ample reusable resources at the local town dump I knew it could be done on the cheap. Another flaw from the first panel was using pond liner as our collection medium. Pond liner is plastic, does not absorb heat as well as other materials (like metal) and is harder to work with as you have to use glue or tape to create an air pocket to hold the water.

We solved this problem by using a ready made collector. The last major flaw in our first panel was using plexiglas for the cover. We solved this problem by using good old fashion window glass. Now onto the project. I found a pane of glass and an old rubber door mat that made the perfect backing and front. Comment bien trier ses déchets ? Aujourd'hui, tout le monde essaye de gérer au mieux les déchets : citoyens, industriels, collectivités? Pour réduire au maximum leur quantité, la première étape est de les trier efficacement ! Voici donc les bons réflexes à adopter pour être sûr que vos déchets soient recyclés correctement. Energie / Eau Qu’est-ce que le tri sélectif ? Le tri sélectif vise trois catégories principales des déchets : les déchets ménagers, dangereux et les encombrants.

Malgré le recyclage déjà effectué, beaucoup de déchets doivent encore être brûlés ou stockés. Les déchets ménagers Plastique : Cela représente 10% des ordures ménagères, ce n’est pas biodégradable et le recyclage est partiel et très difficile. Acier et Aluminium : Pour ces déchets, le recyclage est simple et efficace. Papier : Les déchets papiers représentent la moitié de nos ordures. Verre : C’est le matériau qui se recycle le mieux ! Déchets organiques : Ils sont 100% biodégradables ! Les déchets dangereux Les encombrants. Produire son propre miel pour sauver les abeilles : un geste à la portée de tous. « Si l'abeille disparaît, l'homme en a pour 4 ans. » Devant la disparition brutale et massive des abeilles au cours des derniers mois, cette citation attribuée à Albert Einstein alarme de plus en plus les écologistes.

Pourtant, une solution existe : Produire son propre miel. Le mois dernier, les apiculteurs de Pyrénées-Orientales se trouvaient confrontés à une étrange maladie décimant les essaims d'abeilles de la région. A ce jour, ils comptabilisent la perte de plus de 200 ruches. Un événement sans précédent dans l'hexagone. Cependant, un phénomène similaire avait déjà été observé outre-atlantique au cours de ces dernières années. Une véritable catastrophe sur le plan écologique.

Si Monsanto veut modifier génétiquement les abeilles pour les rendre résistantes aux pesticides, une solution naturelle existe, mais elle demande un véritable engagement de la part de chacun. Nul besoin de vivre à la campagne pour produire son miel ! 50 ways to reuse your garbage. Ralph Waldo Emerson once described a weed as, “a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” Might we not consider garbage in the same way?

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, after all. To the non-recycler, an empty bottle is garbage. To the reuse enthusiast, that empty bottle could be a chandelier, a vase, a drinking glass, a candelabra … you get the picture. In a world being consumed by waste, it’s time to think of our trash in a different light (and save some money while we're at it). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Related stories on how to reuse your garbage:

19 Ways to Make Money from Your Homestead | Ready4itAll. Buying a huge piece of property, going off-grid and producing enough food to feed a small army; sounds pretty amazing huh? Moving out to a rural homestead and being completely self-sufficient is a dream for a lot of preppers. Unfortunately it’s no longer possible to load up the wagon, head out to wilderness and carve out your own little piece of paradise.

(I mean you can try, but don’t call me when the cops show up!) It costs a lot of money to go completely off grid these days. Rural homesteads can still be completely self-sufficient, even in today’s modern times. This isn’t a comprehensive list by any means and for some of these ideas there would be some pretty significant setup costs to get started. The following list was comprised of ideas that real homesteaders are using to generate extra income from home. Growing vegetables and fruits for sale – This is probably my favorite idea.

Until next time, stay safe out there everyone! Rick by. Militant. Documentation bio. DIY Old Fashioned Tire Swing. The Prana Solar Cooker. This new stylish design for a Prana Solar Cooker is a creation of the eco designer João Tomaz. It comprises of an insulated box surrounded by reflective panels and a glass top to allow the sunlight in this way is able to reach temperatures inside of 140º C / 284º F perfect for cooking on the summer using only the Sun as energy source saving money and the environment. Solar cooking is a form of outdoor cooking and is often used in situations where minimal fuel consumption is important. As the cookers are low-tech devices and generally relatively cheap – because they use no fuel and cost nothing to operate – many non-profit organizations are promoting their use worldwide in order to help reduce air pollution, the deforestation caused by gathering firewood for cooking, and fuel costs for lower income people.

This king device works just like a greenhouse trapping the Sun rays inside and keeping the heat inside using of double layer insulation. Diy Natural - Photos du journal. Photos du journal - The Prairie Homestead. Photos du journal - Give a Shit about Nature. Photos du journal - Trust Me, I'm an "Eco-Designer" Côté développement durable. Consommation raisonnée. How the rest of the world brushes their teeth. There’s a 99 percent chance you are not super rich. But there is a good chance that you are part of the orally hygienic elite 1 percent. While it’s common in the U.S. and other developed countries to use nylon and electronic toothbrushes, most of the world’s population, especially indigenous cultures and developing countries, still use old-world techniques to keep their teeth clean — if they use anything at all.

But are modern oral hygiene products and techniques infinitely better than the sticks, animal bristles and bones, twigs, feathers and porcupine quills that non-first-world societies used centuries ago — or continue to use today — to clean their teeth? Is what one eats more important in determining oral hygiene than the materials used to clean the teeth and gums? In other words, if tribes, clans and indigenous societies stick with their traditional diets and don’t eat processed sugar and junk food, is teeth-brushing even necessary?

But Sally Fallon, president of the Weston A. Photos du journal - Herbs, Health and Happiness. Diy Natural - Photos du journal. Natural Dyes - All Natural Ways To Dye Fabric. Plantes à tout faire. Il y a 28 ans, Tchernobyl ... Le 26 avril 1986, le réacteur n°4 de la centrale de Tchernobyl explose, propageant dans l'atmosphère l'équivalent radioactif de 400 fois la bombe d'Hiroshima, ou de 0,5 fois une bombe nucléaire actuelle. Encore aujourd'hui, le bilan des victimes reste sujet à controverse. Jusqu'alors, un comité scientifique de l'ONU, l'UNSCEAR, a reconnu moins d'une cinquantaine de décès attribués directement à cette catastrophe, principalement des membres des équipes de sauvetage exposés à des doses très élevées.

Les scientifiques de l'UCS (Union of Concerned Scientists) ont estimé le nombre de cancers mortels induits par les radiations à environ 25 000. Les conséquences environnementales sont elles aussi dramatiques. Enfin, alors que la zone de 30 kilomètres autour la centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl, totalement contaminée, est toujours interdite, le réacteur numéro 4 renferme toujours 130 tonnes de matières hautement radioactives. Tchernobyl, du nucléaire dans l'assiette. TreeHugger | Your source for green design & living news, commentary and advice.

Organic News. Agir pour l'Environnement | Association nationale de mobilisation citoyenne.

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