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Jomsocial Activity Stream, Latest Users, Photo & Video Plugins. Thanks for your support...Christoph. Joomla 3.0. Hope Quotes. Hope Quotes and Quotations An act of God was defined as something which no reasonable man could have expected. It is a long lane that has no turning. Everyone who has ever built anywhere a "new heaven" first found the power thereto in his own hell.

Hope is a pleasant acquaintance, but an unsafe friend. We do not really feel grateful toward those who make our dreams come true; they ruin our dreams. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. For what human ill does not dawn seem to be an alleviation? Hope is itself a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords.

Hope, deceitful as it is, serves at least to lead us to the end of life along an agreeable road. One need not hope in order to undertake; nor succeed in order to persevere. Hope! Hope is the poor man's bread. Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never is, but always to be blest. Every thing that is done in the world is done by hope. If it were not for hopes, the heart would break. FaLang. الكويت. Web Design and Development - Media Engine. Our e-commerce websites can feature one of two systems, either a one page order form or a full scale shopping cart system. Our one page order forms simply take a customers order then email it through to you, then all invoicing and processing is handled later at your end. Our shopping cart systems allow absolute control over catagories, products, tax, shipping, user accounts, product images, order history, stock level control, order status, statistics and much more.

Our shopping cart system by default uses Paypal as it’s primary system allowing shoppers to pay via credit card directly into your Paypal account. The system can be upgraded at any time to feature a payment gateway. The shopping cart system is state-of-the-art utilising latest advancements in web, such as AJAX and Javascript encouraging a faster and friendlier shopping experience for the customer. A Cool Approval. No hacks to Joomla! Or Jomsocial core files!

A Cool Approval is a pro-active solution to photo and video screening and or moderation for use with Jomsocial. A Cool Approval is compatible with Joomla 3.x and Jomsocial 3.x com_acoolcore: This is a core component that is the foundation of A Cool Approval. mod_acoolapproval: A Cool Approval module is an administrator side module which should be placed in the cpanel position for easy approval of photos and videos. plg_coolcommunity: A Cool Community plugin intercepts all photos and videos uploaded to your site and puts them in a queue for an administrator to approve or delete. Latest update allows moderation of wall posts and comments. Video transcript: A Cool Approval Avatars: A user changes their avatar and a pending image is placed in it's spot until the admin approves. The admin can view the avatar as well as the users admin profile and the users profile from the front end. The avatar has been approved. Next we'll do photos.

Why We Speak Freely on Social Networks. We message on Facebook but in-person I'm awkward and you're shy. When our Twitter conversation went from @ messages to direct messages, you seemed more reserved and I felt more open to speak my mind. Let's follow each other on Pinterest and share the pictures that are in our mind. I just want to be in your head. I just want to feel what you're feeling. Social networking sites give us portals into another person's (user's) mind, so far as that person (user) makes public their thoughts, ideas, feelings and desires. Social networks are both a space of freedom and a place of imprisonment. Yet in speaking our minds on social networks, we not only share information we also embody the medium itself.

The Medium is the Message There is a symbiotic relationship between message and medium, and that medium influences how the message is perceived. Don't Look at Me, I Won't Look at You When we do not have to look each other in the eye, we are more honest with each other. Admin Tools Professional. I have purchased this extension and let me tell you something: If you are facing a real hard attack, this tool is poor. One of my websites has been hacked, even thought I have GeoBlock activated and only people of my country can access it.

Also, is very, very complicated to set up. The only help that you can get with the technical support is that they guide you to read again the documentation. On the other hand, the google bots will be blocked. I asked for this issue and you know what? I hope this be useful for others. Owner's reply Hello David, I told you that you need to read the documentation where it says that you have to enable the "Allow site templates" option to not block Google Bot. You also complained that it's difficult to set up. I do apologise for my tone in your ticket of January 6th. Question Fixing width of User1-10 positions in Ja_T3_Blank layout. Logo Design: Kangaroos. CollegeHumor - Funny Videos, Funny Pictures, Funny Links! Upgrading to Joomla 2.5 - Some Warnings. Joomla 2.5 was released earlier this week and I would like to publicly thanks everyone who helped to code and test this release.

It truly is the next major step in the life of this awesome community software project. The upgrade process from Joomla 1.7 is a very simple one-click process but there are a few things you should do immediately after performing the upgrade to ensure a smooth transition. Of course it goes without saying that you should perform a full site backup before starting the upgrade process. The advice below should be followed in this specific order. Clear the Cache The javascript libraries and css have been updated and this can effect both the admin and frontend of your site giving some unpredictable effects. Database Fixes In some circumstances the one-click upgrade is not able to apply the small database changes.

New Plugins and Modules Sometimes some of the new plugins and modules will not be available in your control panel. HTML Text Filtering Frontend Javascript. The National Student - Student Newspaper, Magazine, News, Offers & Competitions. How to Make a Demo Video for Your Startup (Video) There's no better way to show off a new web application than by navigating through it with an expert hand, telling its story and recording a short demo video. Some startups pay a pro to make their videos but more people make their own. Sometimes they are terrible. is a startup that makes it easy to sort through your email attachments and the company has a pretty good little demo video on its front page. Co-founder Benjamin Coe posted a video about videos yesterday and his method for making simple demo videos looks like something many people could benefit from watching.

The biggest difference between this approach and many other peoples' is that it's common to record audio first instead of last. Facebook to Users: Our Ads Are Never Gonna Give You Up. If Facebook had it their way, users would come to the site and stay. Ads would send users to other areas of the social network. No one would ever leave. So it comes as no surprise that Facebook's latest ad strategy focuses on subtle ways to keep users in the network. In the second quarter of 2011, Facebook's advertising department offered an interesting incentive to advertisers: If your ad kept people on Facebook, it would cost you 29% less than an ad that sent users out to another website. For the fourth quarter of 2011, Facebook offered the same deal and pushed the number up to 45% off. Given that Facebook does as much as possible to keep you on the site, will it eventually become your one true social network?

According to a the TBG report, some brands are responding to the lowered ad costs by building a presence within Facebook. At the same time, Facebook ads that send users out to a website are getting more expensive. CDN for Joomla! - speed up your Joomla! site by using a Content Delivery Network | NoNumber! | Joomla! Extensions Directory. Description CDN for Joomla!

Is an extension for Joomla! That allows for easy integration with a Content Delivery Network (CDN). If you are unfamiliar with a CDN, you can read more on the MaxCDN site. Incorporating a CDN with your website gives you several benefits, including the following: Faster Page Loads - Since most of your files will be served from a much closer location to your end-users, the speed in which your page loads will be greatly increased.Reduced Server Load - Since most of your files are no longer served by your own host, your server will be freed up to perform the basic tasks required of it.Handle More Visitors - Because of the improvements just mentioned and other factors, your website will be able to handle the strain of a much larger user base that it could otherwise.Higher SEO Rankings - Caused by the increase in performance to your site, something Google recently claimed effects SEO rankings.

Try out a CDN with your website to experience these benefits and more. Yes No. Templates Demo. [SOLVED] Joomla Login Displayed after User Logout. -edited subject to better Joomla 1.5.15 CB 1.2.1 This is my 2nd CB website. I am having the exact same problem as the first one. After a user has logged in and "not" clicked on anything for a while, they are automatically logged out. This is good. This URL displays the login screen for Joomla core that says "To access the private area of this site, please log in. " Now, if the user attempts to login here it will not work. I have tried (3) different redirector plugins/components to try to redirect to a different page but none seem to work. I spent a few days trying to resolve this on the last website I created and finally gave up. I have searched the forum and cannot find any solution. Please help. Do You Really Need Your Own Mobile App or a Better Website?

The short answer might be no, as a number of website developers are beginning to think in terms of extending the core web apps to better handle mobile devices, such as iPads and other tablets. This flies in the face of current trends, so let's consider the pros and cons. "We deal with all sorts of customers," says Amir Shah, the CEO of St. Louis-based Web developer "I find that when we introduce them to 'mobile' the first thing they think about, and usually the only thing they think about, is an app. " But developing an app dedicated to tablets means forking into two or more different processes, and that can be complex and costly. Apps have their utility, as Shah points out. Shah points out several misconceptions about the purported advantages of using apps, rather than building a better website that can handle both mobile and traditional browsers.

Mobile perceived performance.