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How I Use Mindmapping to Write. I use lots of tools for writing.

How I Use Mindmapping to Write

The other day, I talked about the importance of writing practice. Today, as I’m working on a new speech, I wanted to share another tool I use: mind mapping. Before you ask, because the technology minded of you often do, this particular mindmapping software is called Mind Node and it’s for Mac. There are plenty of tools for Windows and some that operate online. I think Steve Rubel covered some a while back, but I’m too lazy to Bing the exact title. The way I use mindmaps is that I start with my main idea, and then figure out the “branches” I’ll want to talk about.

So, in this case, I just add a few ideas. Mind maps are a great tool for getting your jumbly thoughts into a framework. What happens, often, when we write, is that we look at sentences as this whole big thing. That’s where mind maps excel (or one place where mind maps excel). What about you? runs on the Genesis Framework Become a StudioPress Affiliate. PersonalBrain.

Brain Posts. How to Stop Worrying - StumbleUpon. Undoing the Worrying Habit Once acquired, the habit of worrying seems hard to stop.

How to Stop Worrying - StumbleUpon

We're raised to worry and aren't considered "grown up" until we perfect the art. Teenagers are told: "you'd better start worrying about your future". If your worries aren't at least as frequent as your bowel movements, you're seen as irresponsible, childish, aimless. That's a "responsible adult" game rule. To the extent that worrying is learned/conditioned behaviour, it can be undone. Centuries-old cultural conditioning has given us a nasty neurosis: the belief that happiness must be "earned". Laid on top of the first neurosis is the idea that spending money will make you happy. So: we never stop working, we never stop spending money, we're never really happy – ideal conditions, coincidentally, for a certain type of slave economy.

You won't stop worrying if you think it serves you. The fight-or-flight response (FOF) is useful on rare occasions of real danger. Worrying is never useful. 100 Ways to Nurture Yourself & Demanding Joy - StumbleUpon. Probably the most important component to demanding your joy is learning to take excellent care of yourself – mind, body, and spirit.

100 Ways to Nurture Yourself & Demanding Joy - StumbleUpon

Think of caring for yourself as if you were your own child – giving to yourself at least as much as you give to others. You are worth it! Like joy itself, self-nurturing comes in many little bits. Here are 100 of those bits for your consideration. This is not a checklist – only a list of suggestions. Put a post-it on your mirror that says, “You look beautiful!” OK, that’s more than 100. Here are a couple of books I recommend that helped me to nurture myself when I was feeling less than inspired: Stand Up for Your Life You Can Heal Your Life Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things Tags: intention , lists , self.

MindGenius Mind Mapping Software.