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Innovative Designer

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Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

a. know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
b. select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
c. develop, test and re ne prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
d. exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems. A Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking.

IDEO design thinking. The Beginner's Guide to Design Thinking in the Classroom. In the first post of this series, I shared my biggest fear as an educator (being ineffective and my students not caring about learning). We looked at the role choice, inquiry, and ownership play — in not only engaging our students — but also empowering them to intrinsically care about what they can learn and do in school. But giving my students choice and allowing them to being curious learners was hard work. In fact, sometimes I was still really ineffective at guiding the learning that was taking place in my classroom.

I tried many different project-based learning frameworks, embraced the inquiry cycle, and tweaked my own idea of how to structure this type of innovative and creative work. My research (and trial and error as a teacher) led me to design thinking (most noticeably the work of Stanford and IDEO). In this article, I’ll take you on a tour of design thinking. What is Design Thinking (and the LAUNCH Cycle)? 1. Design thinking provides a way to think about creative work. The LAUNCH Cycle: A Design Thinking Framework for K-12 Students. Design Thinking with Kids Facilitator Guide. Why Design Thinking Isn't Just for Techies. "Teacher Voices": This article is part of a series of from-the-classroom perspectives. I was really intimidated when I first heard about design thinking. I also had a lot of questions: What is design thinking?

Isn't it just for techies? How is this relevant to my elementary school-level classroom? The epicenter of design thinking is the d.School at Stanford. According to the d.School, " ... design thinking is a methodology for creative problem solving. In schools, design thinking complements inquiry- and project-based approaches to teaching and learning. Schools often assume that design thinking is a "techie thing" and send their edtech coordinators and directors to design-thinking workshops. I had the privilege of attending a couple of deep dives into design thinking at Stanford's d.School.

The Inquiry Cycle If you're like me, the steps of the scientific method have been thoroughly imprinted on your brain since middle school. Empathize: Choose one topic and ask lots of questions.