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10 Qualities of an Effective Community Manager. As more companies and more industries buy into the benefits of social media and community development, the number of job opportunities available for professionals with community-building skills also continue to grow.

10 Qualities of an Effective Community Manager

Companies are looking for professionals who can blend their skills to effectively deliver updates to a community, but also have the ability to tap into that community to collect feedback for a company to use for improving its product or delivering its message. While the job opportunities grow, so to do the number of professionals who include community skills on their resumes and profiles. On LinkedIn alone, the number of people who have added "Community Management" to their skills list is up 46% year-over-year.

Measuring tool

Shareslides. Effects of Social Media on Marketing. Social Media Marketing and Blogging. The Latest 27 Social Media Facts, Figures and Statistics for 2012 - Infographic. Since I first joined Facebook over four years ago the social media landscape has continued to evolve at a rapid pace.

The Latest 27 Social Media Facts, Figures and Statistics for 2012 - Infographic

It also has become more fun with the addition of Instagram and Pinterest. What I like to see is that the big boys are not having it all their own way. Google thought Facebook was just a fad that would go away. For a while there Twitter looked like it would be a super nova that exploded with growth and then fade into oblivion.