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5 Yoga Poses for Better Arms : Comfort In Style Magazine by Yogacara. As well as balancing the body, mind and spirit, the toning and strengthening aspects of yoga asanas are evident. Many poses will help you to build strong and lean arms with defined muscle tone. The arm stretches and arm balances shown below will give you a great arm workout and bring desirable results. Cowface pose or Gomukhasana A challenging seated pose which opens up the shoulders and chest and stretches the arms. Starting in Dandasana (Staff Pose), cross right leg over left leg keeping both knees in line, stacked over each other.Extend your right hand back over your shoulder and simultaneously grasp the right hand with your left.

The fingers of both hands must be clasped together.Hold and breathe. Relax and repeat the entire sequence with the other leg and hand. Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana Increases the flexibility of the shoulders and the strength of the arms. Plank Pose and Side Plank Pose. Yoga Postures. Yoga Poses | Basic to Advanced Yoga Poses | Asanas.