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Calea zacatechichi. It is used in traditional medicine and ritual in its native range.[3] Uses[edit] In Mexico the plant is used as an herbal remedy for dysentery and fever.[3] The Zoque Popoluca people call the plant tam huñi ("bitter gum") and use it to treat diarrhea and asthma, and the Mixe people know it as poop taam ujts ("white bitter herb") and use it for stomachache and fever.[4]

Calea zacatechichi

Female_orgasm_facts.jpg (JPEG Image, 560 × 3750 pixels) Radical new birth control for men: 100% effective for 10 years. When it comes to birth control, it's a lot harder figuring out how to stop a bajillion little sperm than one little egg, but a scientist in India has managed to develop an injection for men that has so far proven to be 100% effective and completely reversible with no side effects.

Radical new birth control for men: 100% effective for 10 years

Sign me up. The injection is called RISUG, which stands for "reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance. " Let's just get the uncomfortable bit out of the way first: you can't just be injected anywhere, the doctor has to stick a needle into your scrotum. Twice. Yeah, bad times, but you'll deal, and here's why: after two tiny injections taking all of 15 minutes, study after study has shown that the injection is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy.