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Human radiation experiments. Dr.

Human radiation experiments

Joesph G. Hamilton was the primary researcher for the human plutonium experiments done at U.C. San Francisco from 1944 to 1947.[1] Hamilton wrote a memo in 1950 discouraging further human experiments because the AEC would be left open "to considerable criticism," since the experiments as proposed had "a little of the Buchenwald touch. "[2] Since the discovery of ionizing radiation, a number of human radiation experiments have been performed to understand the effects of ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination on the human body, specifically with the element plutonium. Experiments performed in the United States[edit] Numerous human radiation experiments have been performed in the United States, many of which were funded by various U.S. government agencies [3] such as the United States Department of Defense and the United States Atomic Energy Commission.

Experiments performed abroad[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Further reading[edit] External links[edit] the plutonium files. GMO Food. 26.10.2012OGM toxiques et collusion des gouvernements Après l'étude du Pr Séralini démontrant la toxicité des OGM sur des rats, comme il fallait s'y attendre Monsanto a lancé une grande offensive médiatique pour faire décrédibiliser l'étude par des dizaines de scientifiques qui se présentent comme indépendants mais qui sont en fait rémunérés par la firme.

GMO Food

Les agences et instituts publics chargés de la recherche agronomique et de la sécurité des aliments sont largement contrôlés par les multinationales agro-alimentaires, chimiques et pharmaceutiques. L'agence européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA), bien connue pour ses conflits d'intérêt (voir cet article) ou encore l'INRA (l'institut français de la recherche agronomique) se sont empressé d'invalider l'étude (voir cet article et cet article à propos de l'INRA). Cette étude récente n'est pourtant pas la première à avoir démontrer le danger des OGM mais les précédentes ont également été étouffées. Thèmes: OGM. GMO Crops Threaten Life Itself. Through the mass genetic modification of nature via GMO crops, animals, biopesticides, and the mutated insects that are created as a result, mega biotechnology corporations are threatening the overall genetic integrity of the environment as well as all of humankind.

GMO Crops Threaten Life Itself

As the production and consumption of GMO crops continue to soar, it is becoming increasingly apparent that consumers worldwide are unknowingly participating as ‘test subjects’ in a massive experiment on the long-term effects of GMO crops and ingredients. In fact, nearly 93% of US soybeans are genetically modified in order to resist powerful weed-killers that were found to be killing the actual soybeans as well as the weeds. So it turns out that the weedkiller was actually strong enough to kill the soybeans, yet it is considered safe for consumption. After the genetic alteration, these powerful weed-killers now simply drench the genetically modified soybeans. Monsanto's GMO Crops Ravage US. GMO Crops Fight Starvation.

Bill Gates, the heavy Monsanto investor who purchased 500,000 shares of the biotech giant in 2010, has been touting Monsanto’s genetically modified creations as a tool that is necessary to prevent starvation in poor nations.

GMO Crops Fight Starvation

The same poor nations where thousands of farmers routinely commit suicide after being completely bankrupt by Monsanto’s overpriced and ineffective GM seeds. The same company that we recently exposed to be running ‘slave-like’ working conditions, forcing poor workers to operate the corn fields for 14 hours per day while withholding pay. According to Gates, this is the company whose GMO crops are going to save the world from starvation. Of course along with ‘saving the world from starvation’, GMO crops also bring along a large number of unwanted health and environmental effects. What’s more is that Monsanto’s best selling herbicide Roundup has been completely devastating farmlands for years through the creation of resistant superweeds.

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