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Flat Classroom News and Updates. Global-youth-debates. Global-youth-debates. Peer Learning Handbook. Fcpteacher.flatclassroomproject. MrsHollyEnglish : Woo hoo - it's official;... Fcp13-1.flatclassroomproject. Blackboard Collaborate. Start Session Optionally, you can pre-configure your computer and test your audio using one of our Configuration Rooms prior to your session.

Blackboard Collaborate

Please visit our "First time Users" section in the Support Portal to view configuration rooms for Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing. Note: When joining a Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing session for the first time you will see a Security Dialog. Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing is asking for you to run this application without a verification of its digital signature. Due to the dynamic abilities of our software we are unable to sign certain application files. MrsHollyEnglish : Fizzy to celebrate finishing... "A wonderful contribution to the field of global collaborative projects" I am currently working on the culmination of my Flat Classroom Teacher Certification course, which is a collaborative Global Project Design.

"A wonderful contribution to the field of global collaborative projects"

I have worked with a colleague from Wisconsin, USA to modify and develop my 'Dare to be Yourself' unit, designed for my Year 8 and 9 learners this term. Originally written to address the problem of intolerance and lack of kindness, the 'Dare to be Yourself' unit, using the novel Stargirl, has been utilised to become a Global Project that can be delivered across the world and allow learners to connect and observe the similarities that exist in our world, with the hope of building individual, social and global conscience.

Blackboard Collaborate. Start Session Optionally, you can pre-configure your computer and test your audio using one of our Configuration Rooms prior to your session.

Blackboard Collaborate

Please visit our "First time Users" section in the Support Portal to view configuration rooms for Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing. Note: When joining a Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing session for the first time you will see a Security Dialog. Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing is asking for you to run this application without a verification of its digital signature. Due to the dynamic abilities of our software we are unable to sign certain application files. Netgened2013.flatclassroomproject. FLAT: Dare to be Yourself. FLAT: Dare to be Yourself. Handshake Assignment by Tracey & Holly. Handshake Assignment Tracey Ugalde Holly Fairbrother We are proposing a handshake that would work for a variety or learner levels but focuses particlarly on a group of 700 K-2 students in 15 different countries from 20 schools.

Handshake Assignment by Tracey & Holly

Why is a handshake important? Physical handshakes are very important for making a first impression in many cultures, they determine if you come on too strong, too weak, or just right. Students in kindergarten and early elementary school work a great deal on social skills and interacting with other kids their age as well as with adults. The design: Since kids at this age are still in the beginning stages for written language development, we propose creating one video per class (a total of 20 videos) that could be uploaded to an Edmodo page or shared on a Wiki or similar hosting site. Each video would include the following: Perhaps if the native language is not English ,there could be subtitles in English so the kids could hear other languages as part of handshake. Netgened2013.flatclassroomproject. Empower Digital Citzenship. In my post "What is human?

Empower Digital Citzenship

What is humanity? " I explored the future possibilities of technology with particular reference to education. My thinking summised that the "the future will never be without teachers" but rather our roles will change; technology will allow teaching and learning to be "more effective"and will allow educators to become "enablers and supporters" rather than "lecturers and controllers". I would argue that it already has - this change should already have happened. In twenty years, we will be, should be, way beyond this. Collaboration: The Legacy. Dipping my toes...

Collaboration: The Legacy

For the first three months of 2013, I took part in my first MOOC, 'Designing a New Learning Environment' offered by Stanford University via an initiative called Venture Lab. I signed up because it ties in with my Octopus's Garden Project and also because I wanted to experience this Flat Classroom-global-type of learning for myself. The course required us to watch weekly lectures and complete readings; for assessment we had to submit five individual assignments, one final team assignment and five peer assessments of other final projects.

We signed up for teams of our choice and developed an area within new learning environments; developing our final project design based on our findings, readings and experience. Leading & Contributing I became team leader late on in the project as the original one, the one who set up the actual topic, went quiet and dropped off the radar. The inability to use the tools I suggested and the absolute reluctance to even try baffled me. MrsHollyEnglish : Some more great feedback from... 2013 Horizon.K12: The Interim Results. Login or Create New Account Member Spotlights.

2013 Horizon.K12: The Interim Results

Horizon Report > 2013 Higher Education Edition. Login or Create New Account Member Spotlights RIT Launches Nation’s First Minor in Free and Open Source Software and Free Culture Partner News HP LIFE e-Learning Raffle: Win an Amazon Gift Card!

Horizon Report > 2013 Higher Education Edition

iTUNES U Ideas that Matter and More High Quality, Free EdTech Content Sparking innovation, learning and creativity. The dirty little secret of online learning: Students are bored and dropping out. Online education has been around for a long time.

The dirty little secret of online learning: Students are bored and dropping out

But massive open online courses are finally making it respectable. Maybe even cool. Let’s not forget, though, that they are still experiments. And despite being “massively overhyped” (even in the eyes of their most dyed-in-the-wool supporters), they are not actually having a massive impact on students yet. Free Learning! For learning-junkies - like me - Coursera allows you to search for, enrol and take part in interesting and varied courses, offered by legitimate universities - for free!

Free Learning!

I have written before about taking control of our own learning; whilst I am lucky enough to be in a school that values Professional Learning highly, that funds PL and devotes one afternoon session a week to helping staff learn, not everyone is so lucky. Empower Digital Citzenship. Free Learning! For learning-junkies - like me - Coursera allows you to search for, enrol and take part in interesting and varied courses, offered by legitimate universities - for free!

I have written before about taking control of our own learning; whilst I am lucky enough to be in a school that values Professional Learning highly, that funds PL and devotes one afternoon session a week to helping staff learn, not everyone is so lucky. 'The Art of Asking' Is not the world very odd and strange place? How while you are thinking about something, often quite random, you all of a sudden come across many other things that are all linked to the initial thing you were thinking about... an unusual word, or new acronym or concept, for example. I recently wrote a blog post called, 'A drop in the ocean... Ask. Almost there... The time has come! For the past few months, Grade 7 and Grade 8 have eaten, slept and dreamt about this moment - the final presentation for the Senior Leadership Team happens ON FRIDAY! I have been really impressed with the engagement and dedication of the learners who have been working during their breaks to get together and rehearse and edit their presentation, ready for the deadline.

In preparation and to ensure the presentation can be the best possible showcase for all their hard work, learners presented their final ideas to five volunteers made up of teachers, parents and the head of primary, who kindly gave up their free time to support and help us. This afternoon, our 'soundboard' came along to watch the final presentation and give some critical feedback via a Google Form developed from our co-constructed rubric. AfL: Golden Rules. Assessment for Learning: My Golden Rules Evaluation and assessment are not the same.

My husband worked with a colleague who 'assessed' final exam art-work based on the standard of the class. He was gobsmacked when, during his first 'standardisation' meeting for IGCSE art, she laid out all the pieces across the room. She had decided, subjectively and without consultation of the criteria, that 'Sue' had produced the 'best' work, therefore she got an 'A', whilst 'Peter' was the 'worst', so he got the 'U' grade. AfL: Golden Rules. Classroom Management Portals. One of the challenges of any big project is managing the different streams and places information and creation is happening. Challenge 16 of the Flat Classroom certification also requires us to explore and create a Classroom Management Portal. Habits of Learning. Classroom Management Portals. Managing the Octopus. For the Project Based Learning Teacher Certification course I am undertaking with PBLU, I recently had to submit an assignment outlining and reflecting upon the management of the project.

A drop in the ocean... Citizenship: Individual Awareness - Flat Classrooms. MrsHollyEnglish : Trying to catch up on #flatclass... COMMUNICATION. "England and America are two countries separated by the same language. " COMMUNICATION. COMMUNICATION. Getting our wires crossed. Getting our wires crossed. CONNECTION. We had our kick-off meeting last week on Tuesday 5 February 2013. I was able to connect using Blackboard Collaborate, something I had not used before, but unfortunately had to leave as I was at school. However, with it being Chinese New Year I have had an extended weekend, so was able to catch up and watch the full recorded version.

I have also had a cold so have not felt up to tackling the mountain of marking, but have caught up on my reading for the next meeting, namely Chapters 1-3 of the book, 'Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds'; my Tweets about the most interesting salient points for me personally, can be found under @MrsHollyEnglish under #flatclass. Having reached the end of Chapter 3, I have come across my first 3 of the 15 Flat Classroom Challenges.

Phase 3: Final Design Presentation BEGINS. This week, Grade 7 and Grade 8 have been deciding on how to proceed with their final design presentations. They created a list of guidelines based on the feedback and reflections from Phase 2 presentations, along with a lesson on slide design... Lots of critical thinking happened as learners made important decisions about how teams would be formed, how the presentation would work, what would be included and the order each section would occur in. Learners took part in a poll to decide on team formation for this Phase and then, using the guidelines and learning from the slides above, worked on planning out their section of the final design presentation. Using sticky notes, each team planned out exactly what they wanted to be seen on each slide and in what order, with notes about what would be heard whilst the slide was displayed - speech or music.

Two members from each team then circulated among the rest of the group, spending two minutes discussing the plan with the remaining members. Exploring Learning. CONNECTION. Global Education By Design. Learn More About Global Collaboration Projects in This Book by Vicki Davis and Julie Lindsay Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher is co-founder of the award winning Flat Classroom projects and co-author of Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds. Her second book Collaborative Writing in the Cloud (with Common Core) will be out in the Fall. Virtual Book Club. I must have been in denial. Flat Classroom® Projects - Home. Flat Classrooms - Transforming learning through global collaboration.