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Akira-kuriyama/roulette.js: Rotate image like a roulette game. Dwatson62/roulette. Blackjack/scripts.js at master · AndyTuttle12/Blackjack. Casino Game HTML5 Games from CodeCanyon. Three.js / examples. Gd 2.0.34. xPaw/PHP-Source-Query: □ PHP library to query servers that implement Source Engine Query protocol. PHP : Créer ses devis au format PDF avec html2pdf. Présentation de la bibliothèque Exemple de document réalisé avec html2pdf Il est possible de générer des documents PDF à partir d’un code html avec certaines bibliothèques PHP, Html2PDF en est un bon exemple.

PHP : Créer ses devis au format PDF avec html2pdf

La librairie a été faite afin de faciliter la création de PDF, toutefois, il faut bien comprendre qu’elle ne sert pas à convertir directement une page HTML. Certaines balises (, , ) ne peuvent pas être utilisées. Voici un lien vers la documentation. Installation de la bibliothèque Une fois que vous aurez téléchargé html2pdf. Et voilà, la bibliothèque est prête à être utilisée. Remarque : pour ma part j’ai supprimé le dossier d’exemples qui n’est pas nécessaire. Make Money Online through Website Monetization – Google AdSense. YouTube Downloader PHP Script Working in 2016 and 2017 - How to Download a Video from Any Website and Use a YouTube MP4 Converter or Convert to MP3 - PHP Classes. Click on the links to go to directly to the respective article section.

YouTube Downloader PHP Script Working in 2016 and 2017 - How to Download a Video from Any Website and Use a YouTube MP4 Converter or Convert to MP3 - PHP Classes

Is It Legal to Download Videos from YouTube? PHP Script to Download YouTube Videos PHP Script to Get Links to Download Vimeo and YouTube Videos Listing Your Channel Videos. Smoothly Migrate your PHP Code using the Old MySQL extension to MySQLi - PHP MySQL to MySQLi package blog. Introduction Connecting Resources versus Objects.

Smoothly Migrate your PHP Code using the Old MySQL extension to MySQLi - PHP MySQL to MySQLi package blog

Smoothly Migrate your PHP Code using the Old MySQL extension to MySQLi - PHP MySQL to MySQLi package blog. Edit fiddle. Iframe - Overcoming "Display forbidden by X-Frame-Options" Apollo [Apollo] Connection. La machine à inventer des mots [Vidéo] Pour la première fois, j’ai décidé de vous proposer une vidéo non pas sur un sujet scientifique bien établi, mais sur un petit projet de recherche personnel que j’ai entrepris : comment créer des mots nouveaux qui sonnent bien ?

La machine à inventer des mots [Vidéo]

Pour ceux qui voudraient en savoir plus sur la méthode utilisée, voici quelques explications supplémentaires. Tout d’abord sur le tableau, il est en réalité un peu plus large que ce que j’ai présenté dans la vidéo, car j’ai également considéré les caractères accentués ainsi que le tiret (de fait mon algorithme produit aussi de temps en temps des mots composés.) Autre élément essentiel, lors de l’analyse du corpus il est important de calculer la probabilité qu’une lettre ne soit suivie par rien (elle est la dernière du mot) et à l’inverse que « rien » soit suivi d’une lettre donnée (qui se trouve alors la première.) Jquery css menu responsive. Flat jQuery Responsive Menu. Hi all, Here's the fix for the issue "Menu closed when swrolling the page".

Flat jQuery Responsive Menu

The problem is that when you scroll the page in a mobile device, this one translates this as window resize event. The updates: /** * Store the window width */ var windowWidth = $(window).width(); resizeFix = function() { Sentiment Analysis in PHP Part 1: Introduction to the Problem and a Solution - PHP Sentiment Analyzer package blog. Contents Introduction to Sentiment Analysis Applications of Sentiment Analysis How Does it Work?

Sentiment Analysis in PHP Part 1: Introduction to the Problem and a Solution - PHP Sentiment Analyzer package blog

Sentiment Analysis in PHP Part 1: Introduction to the Problem and a Solution - PHP Sentiment Analyzer package blog. Mac:bind [San Diego's open Mac & Linux Support] Mac OS X comes with a fully working distribution of BIND.

mac:bind [San Diego's open Mac & Linux Support]

However, anyone going to be running a DNS server should know how to get the latest version, compile and configure BIND from scratch. Note: Make sure you install the Xcode developer tools that came with your Mac or copy of Mac OS X. You will also need to have admin rights on the account you use. First get the source for the latest version of BIND from ISC. At the time of this article BIND 9.5.0-p1 was the latest version. Cd /path/to/BIND9.5.0-p1. Using Dnsmasq for local development on OS X - Passing Curiosity. Most web developers will be familiar with the process of updating your /etc/hosts file to direct traffic for to

Using Dnsmasq for local development on OS X - Passing Curiosity

Most will also be familiar with the problems of this approach: it requires a configuration change every time you add or remove a project; andit requires administration access to make the change. Installing a local DNS server like Dnsmasq and configuring your system to use that server can make these configuration changes a thing of the past.

AllMySMS_DocTechnique_Api_MMS.pdf. Tutoriel jQuery : Créer ses propres cartes pour jVectorMap et JQVMap. jVectorMap et JQVMap sont des plugins jQuery permettant d’afficher des cartes vectorielles (format SVG) sur tous les navigateurs web.

Tutoriel jQuery : Créer ses propres cartes pour jVectorMap et JQVMap

Les paramètres, callbacks et events permettent de proposer des cartes très facilement configurables et d’une grande interactivité pour les visiteurs.Petit bémol, les cartes proposées dans les 2 packs sont assez peu nombreuses, il devient donc très rapidement nécessaire d’en créer soi-même. jQuery Vector Maps - Resizable Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) Maps for Modern Browsers. While initializing a map you can provide parameters to change its look and feel. map world_en Map you want to load.

jQuery Vector Maps - Resizable Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) Maps for Modern Browsers

Must include the javascript file with the name of the map you want. A Twitter Bot in 20 Minutes With Node.js - Apcoder. Update (10/15/2013): I’ve updated the post to reflect a some recent, minor changes to the twit library. (Quick) Intro My aim here is to simply provide a jumping off point for anyone interested in learning about Twitter bots, Node.js, or both. Visualization: Pie Chart - Google Charts. Overview A pie chart that is rendered within the browser using SVG or VML. Displays tooltips when hovering over slices. Visualization: Pie Chart - Google Charts. Ttezel/twit. Building With the Twitter API: Using Real-Time Streams.

This is the final installment of our Building With the Twitter API series. While the Twitter REST API is suitable for many applications, if you want immediate updates and access to a broader array of notifications, the Twitter Streaming API is essential. For example, only the streaming API will tell you when another user favorites one of your tweets. Using the Streaming API requires a persistent, keep-alive connection between your web server and Twitter. Character Entity Reference Chart. Centre de Formalités des Entreprises. Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet::WriteExcel - Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file. This document refers to version 2.40 of Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, released November 6, 2013. To write a string, a formatted string, a number and a formula to the first worksheet in an Excel workbook called perl.xls: use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new('perl.xls'); $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(); $format = $workbook->add_format(); $format->set_bold(); $format->set_color('red'); $format->set_align('center'); $col = $row = 0; $worksheet->write($row, $col, 'Hi Excel!

' Google Calendar API with PHP - Service Account. How to Add to Google Calendar Link in Marketo Landing Page and EmailsEdward Unthank. I‘ve spent an entire day trying to figure out how to enhance Marketo’s calendar invitation method. In my opinion, the ideal would be to send an actual .ics attachment (not just a link). The short of it is that achieving this is not really practical within Marketo, based on some encrypting of the attachment and trying to finagle the email template to send appropriately.

PDO : comprendre et corriger les erreurs les plus fréquentes. PDO Tutorial for MySQL Developers - Why use PDO? Mysql_* functions are getting old. For a long time now mysql_* has been at odds with other common SQL database programming interfaces. It doesn't support modern SQL database concepts such as prepared statements, stored procs, transactions etc... and it's method for escaping parameters with mysql_real_escape_string and concatenating into SQL strings is error prone and old fashioned. The other issue with mysql_* is that it has had a lack of attention lately from developers, it is not being maintained... which could mean things like security vulnerabilities are not getting fixed, or it may stop working altogether with newer versions of MySQL.

Waypoints in directions - Google Maps JavaScript API v3. The Google Directions API - Google Maps API Web Services. Looking to use this service in a JavaScript application? Check out the DirectionsService class of the Google Maps API v3. Introduction The Google Directions API is a service that calculates directions between locations using an HTTP request. You can search for directions for several modes of transportation, include transit, driving, walking or cycling. Directions may specify origins, destinations and waypoints either as text strings (e.g.

This service is generally designed for calculating directions for static (known in advance) addresses for placement of application content on a map; this service is not designed to respond in real time to user input, for example. Calculating directions is a time and resource intensive task. [TUTORIAL] Créer votre police - forum. Avant de commencer quoi que se soit, je tiens à dire que le tutorial suivant est extrait du magasine Computer Art n°73. Ce tutorial est principalement destiné aux débutants et a pour but de vous initier à la création typographique. Gardons en tête que ce n’est qu’une initiation, la réalisation d’une police reste un travail long et fastidieux. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------♦Créez votre propre police manuscrite ♦ A l’aide des logiciels ScanFont et TypeTool, apprenez à créer une police avec votre propre écriture manuscrite.