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The Earth and Beyond: Resources

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The Seasons: Resources

Day and Night: Resources. The Sun: Resources. The Moon: Resources. The Solar System: Resources. Curriculum Visions - Earth and Beyond. Microsoft WorldWide Telescope Web Client. Astronomy For Kids - Station Spacewalk Game. <center><div class="site_errors"><div class="floatType_site_error_top"></div><div class="floatType_site_error"><table summary="layout table"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#ffffff"><h2><img src="/templateimages/redesign/modules/overlay/site_error.gif" title="Site Error" alt="Site Error"/>There's a problem with your browser or settings.

</h2></font><font color="#ffffff"><p>Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. To get the best experience possible, please download a compatible browser. If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that javascript is enabled. </p></font><p><a target="_blank" href="/home/How_to_enable_Javascript.html">&rsaquo; Learn How</a></p></td></tr></table></div><div class="floatType_site_error_bottom"></div></div></center> Follow this link to skip to the main content NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Charles F.

Lori B. Multimedia Images Videos Podcasts Interactive Features 3D Resources RSS Feeds Blogs Gameplay. Science Revision - Earth and Space Sats Questions. BBC Space – Explore the planets, black holes, stars and more. Fun Space Facts for Kids - Cool, Moon, Planets, Sun, Crazy, Interesting Astronomy Information. Space for Kids. NASA Kids Club. Space for Kids - Free Games, Fun Facts, Cool Videos, Science Online. The Earth and Beyond. Welcome to The Earth and Beyond Hello, my name is Tim O'Brien. I'm an astronomer working at The University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank Observatory. As an astronomer my job is to try and understand how the universe works and my main interest is why some stars explode - more about this later! I also get to visit lots of schools and share amazing facts with children and teachers about the Sun, Earth and Moon, the stars and planets, and the Universe as we know it!

Now, in the Children’s University, I can share the excitement with you. Exploding stars You may know the names of some patterns of stars (called constellations) such as Orion or the Great Bear. This picture shows Orion the Hunter and Taurus the Bull with the position of an exploded star known as the Crab Nebula. We're all made of stars Understanding why stars explode is very important because most of the chemical elements (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and so on) were made inside stars and are spread out into space when they explode.

The Earth and Beyond: Books

The Earth and Beyond: Apps.