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Verbs Wheel. Ludo - irregular verbs worksheet. By dobrawaa January 23, 2017 1890 Downloads 205 prints 17 Favorited 1890 Downloads 205 prints 17 Favorited ><Embed> <iframe id="previewIframe" width="548px" height="450px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen src=" This game can be used to practise irregular verbs. The rules are similar to a regular game of Ludo - the only difference is that when you counter lands on a new square, you must give past forms of a given verb.

What level is this worksheet most suitable for? Say something to the author of this worksheet Recommendations Comments. Cómo memorizar los verbos irregulares en inglés 2. En “Cómo memorizar los Verbos Irregulares en Inglés (parte 1)“, conocisteis mi técnica mnemotécnica y aprendisteis una serie de verbos que rimaban.

Cómo memorizar los verbos irregulares en inglés 2

Como esos verbos ya os los habéis aprendido :-/…, os presento la segunda parte. Recuerda que al final de la serie de Cómo memorizar los verbos irregulares en inglés, te podrás descargar el PDF de los cuatro posts. Los verbos que os presento en este cuadro, tienen en común que el infinitivo se pronuncia con una “i” larga (/ri:d/–RiiD), mientras que el pasado y el participio se pronuncian con una “E” corta (/red/). O sea, ¡otro chollazo! : te aprendes el pasado…ya te has aprendido el participio, así, como quien no quiere la cosa… El infinitivo se pronuncia con una ‘i’ larga.

Verbos con una ‘o’ en el pasado; el participio acaba en ‘-n’ Otros verbos comunes en los que el participio acaba en ‘n’ Para ver la tercera parte de cómo memorizar los verbos irregulares en inglés, pincha aquí: PARTE 3. Irregular Verbs: Boardgame. Irregular verbs straightforward - Games to learn English. I have already tried teaching irregular verbs in many ways.

Irregular verbs straightforward - Games to learn English

I have tried irregular verbs associative method, irregular verbs listening drill, irregular verbs in context and many others. However, the results were not very good. Only about half of the students know the verbs. That is why in my next four posts I would like to present 100 irregular verbs straightforward. I will provide the pronunciation of all the verbs and several simple activities for students to practice the verbs. First, watch the video and repeat the words. The second half of the verbs is presented in the following video: User juanc - Language Learning Base. Great Chart for Learning Irregular Verbs - learn English,grammar,verbs,irregular,english. Irregularpastsimple. Irregular verbs straightforward #2. As students reacted very positively to the first post on irregular verbs I am going to continue with teaching the irregular verbs in this way.

Irregular verbs straightforward #2

Once again I am going to teach 24 irregular verbs with their past tense and past participle. The verbs are divided into two groups of 12 and there are separate worksheets and videos for teaching them. ADVERT: If you are a teacher you do not have to use all of the activities and worksheets below. However, if you are a student I recommend that you complete all the worksheets and activities. Irregular verbs #2 – video First, watch the video and repeat the words. The other 12 verbs are presented in the following video: Irregular Verbs. Directions: In the exercise that follows, you will read sentences that contain blanks.

Irregular Verbs

These blanks require the appropriate forms of irregular verbs. To keep track of your answers, print the accompanying handout. If you are unsure which choice to make, consult the rules. Disclaimer: All prizes in this exercise are cyber, which means they have no physical reality and cannot be collected for use in the material world. Helping you through this exercise are the hands of Mr. Start here. BATTLESHIP: IRREGULAR VERBS. Much to learn, you still have. – Joda.


Despite the evidence that the number of irregular verbs is declining in the English language, there is no danger they will disappear, and the struggle will continue. There are many attempts to find a shortcut in learning irregular verbs, yet with all the options and “magic tricks” available, learning these verbs requires much memorization, drilling and practice. Today I will show how I use the Battleship game to drill and practise irregular verbs in a fun way. Before the game: Each player will need two 10×10 grids – one with irregular verbs in each square, and one blank grid. Click the Grids to download them. The players then mark where they want to place their ships by circling rows, horizontally or vertically. Each player’s fleet consists of the following ships: 1 aircraft carrier – 5 squares 1 battleship – 4 squares 1 cruiser – 3 squares. Irregular Verbs. Correct!

Irregular Verbs

Mr. Hand wants to shake your hand! Grew was the correct answer. Get an explanation. Congratulations! Go to Exercise 2. Return Home. Home • Terms • Exercises • MOOC • Handouts • Presentations • Videos • Rules • About • Shop • Feedback.