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Teacher Questions. According to Robert Marzano's book, Classroom Instruction that Works, 80 percent of what is considered instruction involves asking questions. It makes sense then, that if we want to improve our effectiveness at teaching, of course we would start by improving our questions. I have thought a lot about this topic and I would like to share three specific actions that we can take to improve our questions. To begin with, we need to get students talking rather than the teacher talking. Second, prepare the questions when you plan the lesson. And third, scaffold the questions. Step One The first action for improvement in reality is not an action, but a shift in thinking about our own concept of teaching.

Step Two The next move is to prepare the questions you want to ask as an integral part of the lesson. Certainly students cannot answer questions or discuss something of which they know nothing. Step Three. Cyberman's Bloom's Taxonomy. Engage. School / Education. Differentiation. Integrating Differentiated Instruction & Understanding by Design. Incorporating Differentiating Instruction Into Your Classroom | New Teacher Resources. PERSONALIZED INSTRUCTION. Phi Delta Kappan By James W. Keefe and John M. Jenkins Kenneth Sirotnik and John Goodlad caution us to think in terms of school "renewal" rather than "reform. " Sirotnik (1999) tells us that reform is usually preoccupied with accountability rather than evaluation. Much of high-stakes reform, for example, is aimed at rewarding or punishing schools and educators. Renewal, on the other hand, urges a new accountability more akin to "responsibility.

" Renewal is concerned primarily with what Sarason (1989) calls "creating new settings" that reflect critical inquiry about educational practice. Personalization of instruction and learning is the effort on the part of a school to take into account individual student characteristics and needs, and flexible instructional practices, in organizing the learning environment. Several current systematic approaches to instructional improvement, such as style-based instruction and differentiated instruction, do border on the truly personalized. 1. . 3. . 4. Dr. T. Roger Taylor Biography. Roger Taylor is one of the most sought-after experts in the areas of interdisciplinary, integrated curriculum, differentiated instruction, critical thinking skills, character education, multiple intelligence, gifted education, school-to-career education, and brain-based learning.

Dr. Taylor has helped thousands of school districts apply local and state standards to their curriculum so that, “teachers are teaching students for lifelong learning rather than teaching for the test.” In his 36 years as a classroom teacher, administrator, professor and internationally known educational consultant, Roger has authored/co-authored thousands of integrated, interdisciplinary, thematic curriculum units for grade levels K-12. The units are written based on the ( A nalyzing H uman A ctivities) model he created. In addition, Roger has assisted school districts throughout the United States with incorporating a team approach to address the latest standards-based curriculum alignment. Dr. For Each to Excel:Setting the Stage for Differentiation. As an elementary teacher over the past 11 years, I have seen firsthand the benefits of effective differentiated instruction.

Differentiated instruction is more efficient, my students learn more, and each one is more willing to take risks. But not every student is immediately comfortable with being challenged to work to his or her own potential. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that I need to establish a classroom climate conducive to differentiation early in the school year. Just as a director of a play needs to ensure that the stage is set and the actors and actresses prepared, we too must prepare our classrooms—and students themselves—so that each young person can thrive in a differentiated classroom. Keeping these emotional needs in mind, teachers need to proactively plan how to make students feel comfortable. Setting the stage during the first few weeks of school is especially beneficial for several reasons. Set the Stage—Physically Know Your Actors and Actresses.



Education/Race. Flipped Classroom. Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom. Ok, I'll be honest. I get very nervous when I hear education reformists and politicians tout how "incredible" the flipped-classroom model, or how it will "solve" many of the problems of education. It doesn't solve anything.

It is a great first step in reframing the role of the teacher in the classroom. It fosters the "guide on the side" mentality and role, rather than that of the "sage of the stage. " It also creates the opportunity for differentiated roles to meet the needs of students through a variety of instructional activities. 1) Need to Know How are you creating a need to know the content that is recorded?

2) Engaging Models One of the best way to create the "need to know" is to use a pedagogical model that demands this. 3) Technology What technology do you have to support the flipped classroom? 4) Reflection 5) Time and Place Do you have structures to support this? I know I may have "upset the apple cart" for those who love the flipped classroom. 3 Reasons You Should Not Write Like You Speak - David Ogilvy, the legendary ad man, wrote: “Write the way you talk. Naturally.” This comes from a famed internal memo sent to his employees.

I love the idea and think it’s wonderful advice. The words you just vomited onto the page are there for a purpose. Then, think about the way you speak. 1. When Ogilvy wrote his memo the word “got” wasn’t as commonly used as it is today. Verbs are the action in your writing. John got the car keys.John seized the car keys. I hope you felt a little more enjoyment in the second sentence. Another misuse, “got” is often an extra word. John had got the keys so he could start the car.

The word “got” is completely unnecessary. Grab a thesaurus (although I prefer an physical, print thesaurus) and find elegant verbs. 2. I’m not a grammarian. If you’re going to implement one rule, learn how to write without a passive voice. The ball was thrown by John. In the first sentence, John is the subject but “the ball” is performing the action of being thrown. 3. Great.