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ICT and Learning

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Video Games as Tools for Rehabilitation, With USC ICT's Belinda Lange. Articles - Educational Technology - ICT in Education. School ICT to be replaced by computer science programme. 11 January 2012Last updated at 17:39 By Judith Burns Education reporter, BBC News Schoolboy app developer Nick D'Aloisio: "More web design and programming lessons needed" The current information and communications technology (ICT) curriculum in England's schools is a "mess" and must be radically revamped, the education secretary has announced.

School ICT to be replaced by computer science programme

From September it will be replaced by a flexible curriculum in computer science and programming, designed with the help of universities and industry. Michael Gove called the current ICT curriculum "demotivating and dull". He will begin a consultation next week on the new computing curriculum. What future for ICT in education?