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HomePage. Musikproduktion mit Live 9 und Push. 3D for Everyone. Miller Puckette MUS171 Videos. Mapamok (English) · YCAMInterlab/ProCamToolkit Wiki. This picture shows a screenshot of mapamok running using a model of the YCAM Library.

mapamok (English) · YCAMInterlab/ProCamToolkit Wiki

Introduction mapamok is an experimental application for exploring some new ideas about projection mapping. Calibrating projectors shouldn't take so long.Think less about the projection, and more about the space.Prototyping ideas should be instantaneous. These ideas are approached from a few perspectives: Fast projector calibration, borrowing techniques from camera calibration, cuts calibration time down to one minute.Always working with a 3d model instead of a 2d mask or mesh.Sketching up ideas with auto-reloading GLSL shaders. This tutorial describes how to use mapamok, and how to develop it. Using mapamok Overview mapamok can be downloaded here.

When you unzip the download, you'll see and a data/ folder. The general idea is to first prepare a model of the scene you are projecting on. Creating a Model with SketchUp Download and install Google SketchUp. Click on the Rectangle tool or hit CMD+K. Syphon. Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking technology.

Bringing the benefits of modern networking technology to the world of electronic musical instruments, OSC's advantages include interoperability, accuracy, flexibility, and enhanced organization and documentation. This simple yet powerful protocol provides everything needed for real-time control of sound and other media processing while remaining flexible and easy to implement.

Features: Open-ended, dynamic, URL-style symbolic naming schemeSymbolic and high-resolution numeric argument dataPattern matching language to specify multiple recipients of a single messageHigh resolution time tags"Bundles" of messages whose effects must occur simultaneouslyQuery system to dynamically find out the capabilities of an OSC server and get documentation Highlights OSC Research at CNMAT. Derivative TouchDesigner 077. Lemur – Liine. In-App Editor / Lemur Editor The In-App Editor is a streamlined experience to create your templates directly on the iPad.

Lemur – Liine

Create objects, assign MIDI/OSC messages and edit scripts through an easy-to-use multitouch menu system. Virtually all functions from the Lemur Editor are now available in the In-App Editor. The In App Editor feature is available only on iPad.