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Envoyer les photos Iphone via le Wifi: 10 applications gratuites. Untitled Document. 10 Incredibly Powerful Teaching Tools of the Future. L'apprentissage inversé : avancée ou régression ? Si vous fréquentez les sites américains de pédagogie, vous aurez sans doute été surpris de constater l'engouement des enseignants pour le « flipped learning », que l'on traduit par "apprentissage inversé".

La tendance est lourde et les articles sur le sujet attirent de nombreuses visites et presque autant de commentaires. C'est la Khan Academy, un site qui offre des milliers de leçons gratuitement en vidéo, qui a déclenché le mouvement. Nous-mêmes avons parlé de l'apprentissage inversé depuis plus d'un an, et encore tout récemment. L'expression "flipped learning" est due à deux professeurs de sciences, Jonathan Bergmann et Aaron Sams, qui ont utilisé cette méthode d'enseignement dès 2006. En fait, pour eux, l'apprentissage inversé tient plus du principe, voire même de l'idéologie, comme ils le disent dans un récent article, que d'une méthode à appliquer mécaniquement. Rappelons les grandes lignes de ce principe d'apprentissage : Les enseignants aiment l'apprentissage inversé.

Personal Learning Environment | iTeachU. Information Fluency provides a model for educational activities; the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is the place where those activities happen. Just as learning activities and their products map to the three areas that comprise Information Fluency, those activities and their products can be mapped to different tools and resources. About the “PLE” Personal The PLE is personal because the people, applications, tools, resources, and services are chosen to match our individual, idiosyncratic needs.

Each is adopted and discarded according to our needs and whims. While the social and collaborative aspects of the PLE are often (over) emphasized, some of the most important pieces may not be connected to anything or anyone else at all. Learning Many have given up on the call to rename the PLE to the Personal Living Environment. Environment In practice, the PLE is an environment, not a network. Visualizing the PLE Parts of the PLE (for me) Connect Collect Reflect Reflection may be private or public. Blended Learning. Personal Learning Environments. Congreso Internacional Formacion Madrid 2012. What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers. Ruth Clark Claims “Games Don’t Teach” Ruth Clark posted at ASTD an article titled “Why Games Don’t Teach.”

It’s a deliberately provocative title, meant to draw attention and cause controversy. A more accurate title would be “Some Games Aren’t Effective at Making People Remember Content,” but that’s a lot less likely to grab attention. Before I continue, I want to say that I enjoyed her book, eLearning and the Science of Instruction, and I have found some of the research there valuable. I respect her past contributions to the field. However, I think Clark didn’t do a very careful review of the literature before writing her post, and I don’t think that one study is enough for her to make such a broad claim dismissing games for learning.

According to Ruth Clark, you didn’t learn anything playing Oregon Trail, Carmen Sandiego or Lemonade Stand Let’s look at her summary of the research: The goal of the research was to compare learning efficiency and effectiveness from a narrative game to a slide presentation of the content. The Six Enemies of Greatness (and Happiness) To be an effective designer it helps to understand how people learn. In the course of my work, I get to meet hundreds of l&d professionals every year, not just the managers, but those who work day in day out designing, developing and delivering courses for their organisations or their clients. Almost without exception I find that they're enthusiastic, intelligent and great fun to work with. Unfortunately (and you knew there'd be a 'but'), very few of them are remotely up-to-date with what we know about adult learning.

I'm not claiming this is a global phenomenon, but I've certainly experienced this consistently across Europe. Does this matter? I certainly believe so. Without this knowledge, a great deal of unintentional malpractice continues: There's book a I've been meaning to write which I hoped would address the problem. Design for how people learn is available as a paperback but I read it on the Kindle (which was fine, except some of the diagrams didn't reproduce so well). P.S. It’s not about knowledge transfer. The new workplace. Six years ago few people believed that informal learning made much of a difference. Today’s common wisdom is that most workplace learning is experiential, unplanned, social, and informal. Informal learning tops many training department agendas.

Companies are attracted by the low price tag. However, few of them are doing much systematically. They’ve converted a few programs but they’ve failed to improve their learning ecosystems. We’ve shifted how we think about learning since the Informal Learning book came out. We used to think that communities of practice could only sprout up organically. I’m convinced that working smarter by boosting informal performance is a key to survival in today’s topsy-turvy business climate. Like this: Like Loading... The Future of Work and Learning. I have been asked to speak to a group of 14 to 16 year olds about the importance of finishing high school and attending college. It’s one of my favorite topics. But as I thought about the talk I realized that I better say something about the future of work and why college has become more important than ever.

It’s fun but risky to speculate about the future of work and learning. The world is changing so fast. As leaders, we should be thinking about the future, including whom we will be leading and what they will be doing in our organizations. A good place to start is with the tech industry because that industry will affect the nature of everyone’s work in the future. More independent workers (one estimate is 20 million by 2013) – These are the independent consultants, contract workers, free lancers, free agents, and temps who cycle in and out of organizations in a constant flow.

To Jablonski’s list, I would add five more trends: DE "L'APPRENDRE" A "L'APPRENDRE A APPRENDRE" : existe-t-il des lois d'apprentissage ? 22 Mars 2012 Rédigé par PedagoForm et publié depuis Overblog « Comment m’y prendre pour qu’ils s’approprient cette nouvelle notion, ce nouveau geste professionnel, de la manière la plus efficiente possible ?»... Questionnement incessant du formateur, de l'intervenant, dans la préparation de sa formation.

Comment apprendre à apprendre ? En déstructurant-restructurant ses connaissances en agissant en résolvant des problèmes en petits groupes en échangeant au sein d’un groupe en ayant un projet d’apprentissage en prenant du plaisir dans un climat de confiance en maîtrisant ses propres stratégies d’apprentissage Source : DISCAS - Nicolas Martello Partager cet article. Blended Learning: A Disruptive Innovation [INFOGRAPHIC] #edtech #edutech. The Streaming Source. How to use a forum for promotion The rise of the introvert. Between a third and a half of the people you manage are not fulfilling their potential. The way they think, the way they communicate, and the way they work are at odds with modern business culture.

And it is getting worse. Those are the implications of Quiet, a provocative American bestseller by Susan Cain, a former corporate lawyer. Subtitled 'The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking', the book suggests that, by succumbing to the noisy charms of the extrovert, society and business are missing out on the insight and creativity of the more thoughtful part of the population. But what exactly is an introvert? Introversion and extroversion (or extraversion: both spellings are used) were first identified by Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, in 1921. 'It's truly about how we get our energy,' says Lisa Petrilli, a leadership consultant and author of The Introvert's Guide to Success in Business and Leadership.

No one, of course, is wholly introvert or extrovert. Learning 2.0 Actualités sur le groupe. Ten LMS Features Most L&D Experts Don’t Really Care About. E-learning – Le temps du 3.0. 7 Strategies to Make Your Online Teaching Better. This GradHacker post is by Andrea Zellner, PhD candidate in Ed Tech/Ed Pysch at Michigan State University, @andreazellner There is no doubt that online education has arrived in Higher Education. Each year, the numbers of colleges and universities offering online courses increases. There is certainly appeal for these types of courses: students can better fit them into busy schedules and traveling to campus is no longer required.

While I dabbled in teaching hybrid and online courses for a while, I have been teaching online for most of the past two years. Additionally, I began my graduate career in a hybrid PhD program: two weeks of face-to-face instruction with the rest of the instruction and work provided entirely online, and mostly asynchronously. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Provide support for self-regulation. 7. In the end, there is a lot to consider when teaching online.

P.S. What are your tips for teaching online? Le Blended Learning, nouvel horizon de MindOnSite. L'éditeur prépare pour la fin de l'année une version entièrement revue de sa solution d'e-Learning et de partage des connaissances, MOS Chorus, afin de la centrer sur la gestion de la formation mixte. « C'est une possibilité que nous offrons déjà, mais moyennant une adaptation de MOS Chorus, explique Olivier Ferhat, directeur général de MindOnSite. Pour la proposer en standard, nous allons donc changer la philosophie de notre solution, la centrer non plus sur le module Scorm mais sur les activités d'apprentissage : e-Learning, classe virtuelle, présentiel, forum, chat, etc. » L'éditeur souhaite ainsi répondre aux besoins exprimés par ses clients dans un contexte où le Blended Learning, mêlant e-Learning et présentiel, apparaît de plus en plus comme le dispositif optimal de formation. « Il y a une demande très forte de la part des entreprises comme des organismes de formation, précise Elke Chapuisod, responsable pédagogique de MindOnSite.

En attendant le Social Learning Vers l'international. LMS/CMS.