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QR Code Resume Makes Your Embossed Paper Look Lame. Prepare to feel really inadequate about your chosen resume font.

QR Code Resume Makes Your Embossed Paper Look Lame

This dude has fashioned a custom QR code resume that is sure to break up the monotony of any HR person's day. Made by Victor Petit — who was looking for an internship but recently scored one — this resume is reminiscent of band Cassius's video and accompanying app [iTunes link] for "I Love You So. " ABC Nightline - IDEO Shopping Cart. RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. Millennials Won't Change Work; Work Will Change Millennials - Andrew McAfee. By Andrew McAfee | 8:57 AM July 26, 2010 There’s a lot of writing these days around the entry of Generation Y, or the Millennials, into the workforce.

Millennials Won't Change Work; Work Will Change Millennials - Andrew McAfee

We hear how different they are than us older knowledge workers, how much they’re going to shake up offices and organizations, and how much companies need to change to accommodate these messengers from the future. As a 60 Minutes story put it, “A new breed of American worker is about to attack everything you hold sacred…”