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Facebook Twitter Die Yr-Rune. Die Yr-Rune Runen (geheime Schriftzeichen) wurden als Inschriften, Symbole und Zauberzeichen verwendet.

Die Yr-Rune

Unter den germanischen Runen, welche bis auf den höchsten Schamanen-Gott und mythischen König Odin zurückgeführt werden, nahm der Lebensbaum eine besondere Stellung ein. Die Yr-Rune (Yr = Eibe, heiliger Baum der Germanen; siehe Abb.) symbolisierte das Weibliche, während die Man-Rune (Arme nach oben) den Mann darstellte. Beide Runen vereint ergaben den Lebensbaum als Sinnbild ewigen Daseins. Gleichzeitig deuten die ausgestreckten Arme die Richtung an, aus der Kraft und Weisheit angestrebt wurde. In unserer Zeit ist das Symbol des umgekehrten Kreuzes als Zeichen des Friedens anerkannt. SilentShadow's Schattenreich - Magie - Theorie - Die Geschichte der Magie. The Singularity Summit Videos – A Treasure Trove For Futurist Geeks (video. Beyond 2012 - Evolving Perspectives On the Next Age - Full Length Feature. Future Hi: Future Shock Levels.

Mind/Spirit or, Philosophy as a Tool for Visual Interpretation. March 31st, 2010 Mind/Spirit or, Philosophy as a Tool for Visual Interpretation By Joel Speasmaker Preface There seem to be two modes of thought currently in the “graphic design” and “graphic design as art” worlds.

Mind/Spirit or, Philosophy as a Tool for Visual Interpretation

One prescribes to the process of quick and constant creation, the formation of a set visual language, and repetition. Introduction Mind/Spirit is a brief investigation into Hegel’s The Phenomenology of Spirit. . “’Phenomenology’ comes from the Greek word for ‘to appear’, and the Phenomenology of Mind is thus the study of how consciousness, or mind, appears to itself. I first read about this idea almost two years ago, and soon after came up with the concentric circles graphic, a much simplified visual interpretation of how I see Hegel’s theory operating in each of us. “Art is not about the singular hand of the artist; it is the ideas behind the works that surpass each work itself.” 2 First And that typically leads me to this conclusion: we are connected by our differences. Second Third. Free Spore Ring Earth. » Church of Virus. Meme Central - Memes, Memetics, and Mind Virus Resource.

Lucid Dream Inducing Plants by Krystle Cole. By Krystle Cole Plants have been used for thousands of years to induce states of lucid dreaming by shaman throughout the world.

Lucid Dream Inducing Plants by Krystle Cole

These plants are often classified as oneirogens. Oneirogen, from the Greek “oneiros” meaning dream and “gen” meaning to create, describes that which produces a dream-like state of consciousness. Silene capensis Silene capensis, also known as African Dream Root, is a plant native to the Eastern Cape of South Africa, where it is regarded by the Xhosa people as a sacred plant.

It is suspected that this sacred plant’s oneirogenic activity is due to triterpenoid saponins contained within its roots, although the exact pharmacological action is still unknown. Calea zacatechichi Calea zacatechichi, also known as Dream Herb, is a plant used by the indigenous Chontal of the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Its oneirogenic activity lies within its leaves which are usually boiled with water to make a tea and then drank directly before going to sleep. Entada rheedii References. 8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating. “Music helps me concentrate,” Mike said to me glancing briefly over his shoulder.

8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating

Mike was in his room writing a paper for his U.S. History class. On his desk next to his computer sat crunched Red Bulls, empty Gatorade bottles, some extra pocket change and scattered pieces of paper. In the pocket of his sweat pants rested a blaring iPod with a chord that dangled near the floor, almost touching against his Adidas sandals. On his computer sat even more stray objects than his surrounding environment. Mike made a shift about every thirty seconds between all of the above. Do you know a person like this? The Science Behind Concentration In the above account, Mike’s obviously stuck in a routine that many of us may have found ourselves in, yet in the moment we feel it’s almost an impossible routine to get out of. When we constantly multitask to get things done, we’re not multitasking, we’re rapidly shifting our attention.

Phase 1: Blood Rush Alert Phase 2: Find and Execute. Cantrap - Your site for spells, magical technique, magical theory, and divination. Deutsches Handbuch zur Zucht des Zauberpilzes. Erweiterte und ergänzte Fassung Version 1.1 Update Deutsche Version: 13.07.1997 [Inhaltsverzeichnis] [Inhaltsverzeichnis] Großer Dank an dieser Stelle gebührt denen, die uns in dieser Angelegenheit vorausgegangen sind und es uns leicht gemacht haben, dieses Handbuch zu erstellen.

Deutsches Handbuch zur Zucht des Zauberpilzes

Dieses Dokument enthält geeignete Anleitungen zur Aufzucht psilocybinhaltiger Pilze zu Hause. Der Autor/Übersetzer befürwortet nicht den Gesetzesbruch. Die in diesem Handbuch beschriebenen Prozeduren gehen im besonderen auf langjährige Forschung und Entwicklung einer Firma in Seattle/Washington zurück. Psylocybe Fanaticus verkauft unter anderem auch eine technische Anleitung für $10.00, welche den Züchter mit allen Informationen versorgt, die die erstmalige Zucht gelingen lassen. Dies ist eine vollständige Neufassung. [Inhaltsverzeichnis] ‪Underwater Structure Thought To Be Over 14,000 Years Old & Man-made‬‏


Model of mind. Entheogen.