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Lasagna-timpano.html from I went to see tUnE-yArDs on Monday night with some friends, and as always we wanted to cook a meal that somehow related to the show we were heading to.

lasagna-timpano.html from

Sometimes this is hard to do, but other times it seems to come naturally. Finding culinary inspiration in Merrill's lyrics seemed like it would be tough, but my sister knew what she wanted to make without hesitation. "How about something layered, because of all the vocal and instrument layering in the music? " From there we worked together to come up with this deep, colorful, and multi-flavored lasagna version of a timpano. If you are using words like deep, colorful, and multi-flavored to describe something inspired by tUnE-yArDs, you already know you got it right!  Recetas de cocina en vídeo. Taller de cocina Sabores. La leche frita de Raquel.